Chapter 20: Dusk, Teens, Battleships Part-2

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-"normal speech"
-[Sealed being speaking]
-"Possessed being speaking"
-"past thoughts"

Bronya was seen trying to contact with the base through comms after the breach incident.

Shirou first aided Kiana and Mei with his healing tailsmen. He put a tailsman on the wound as Kiana showed them to Shirou. With that, he put his index and middle fingers up as he chanted.

"Abira Unken Sowaka, Abira Unken Sowaka".

(A/n: *Esoteric Buddhist mantra)

The burn wounds that Kiana had sustained earlier slowly disappeared but the pain lingered. Shirou opened his eyes and said to Bronya,

"I have treated Kiana's wounds. Mei is just exhausted and unconscious. Nothing serious. At least that's what I think."

Himeko answered through the comms as she sighed.

"...I understand the situation. Bronya, it's time for you to handle the combat. And keep an eye on Kiana. She and trouble have a close connection."

"Da, Major Himeko. Shirou Nii-sama will carry Mei Nee-sama. Physio readings are stable. The Bronya and Kiana will handle all hostiles.", Bronya replied.

"What's that supposed to mean, Himeko?", Kiana retorted Himeko's last sentence with slight frustration and a pouty look to which Shirou poked her cheeks.

"Stop pouting all the time, Tuna. Your face would start looking more like a ball.", Shirou said while poking her cheeks to which Kiana slapper his hand away.

"Stop doing that, Birdmaru!", Kiana replied. "Ugh, Why do you get to carry Mei-Senpai?"

"That's because tactically it's the best choice. Considering the weight difference between Shirou Nii-sama, Mei Nee-sama and Kiana, Shirou Nii-sama is the one who can carry her without stressing himself due to his stronger body structure. Besides, Kiana's battlesuit is Mecha type, so Kiana's help is needed.", Bronya explained.

"Hey, Himeko. What did Mei-Senpai mean by "Restriction protocols"? And the countdown, what was it about?", Kiana asked Himeko as she remembered the system's warning during the battle.

"...Now that is a long story. I'll give you a proper rundown after all if this is over. Major Himeko, over and out.", With that, Himeko hung up.

"Well, let's continue our mission.", Shirou said as he cradled Mei in his arms ans lifted her up, carrying her in princess style. Her head leaned on his chest as he thought, 'Don't worry, Mei. I'll protect you.'

With that, the squad entered the sealed cabin doors that were opened thanks to Bronya's hacking skills. Bronya took out a map on her holographic screen as she planned.

 Bronya took out a map on her holographic screen as she planned

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