Chapter 19: Dusk, Teens, Battleships Part-1

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-"normal speech"
-[Sealed being speaking]
-"Possessed being speaking"
-"past thoughts"

2 years, 5 months, 16 days, and 02:34:24, later after the 3rd Honkai Impact

The blue sky expands vast as the sun shines upon Soukai City. The bustling city has now gone under high alert as an unidentified aircraft hovers above the city.

[Major, unidentified aircraft detected in the vicinity of the skies of Soukai City! Clusters of small honkai beasts and battle mechs detected! Battle plan deployed and validated! Deploying drones to cover Valkyrie boarding actions!]

The Hyperion crew informed the Major on top of the Bridge. With vibrant red hair and fiery ember eyes, Himeko then called out through the comms as she ordered,

"Double time, Kiana!"

Said girl was walking towards the chaos on the helipad of a building. Dressed in her White Comet battlesuit, she walked confidently as she replied to the Comms.

 Dressed in her White Comet battlesuit, she walked confidently as she replied to the Comms

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"Aye, aye, Madam! Don't rush me. It's hard work out there~!", Kiana replied as she took a deep breath while closing her eyes.

Opening them with a confident look on her face, Kiana equipped her glider glasses as the visor manifested over her eyes. She started running forward as she performed an acrobatic maneuver. Jumping into the air, just as a done flew near her, she raised her leg and brought it down with an axe kick.


As she did, the burst system of her battlesuit activated, manifesting a giant mechanical cat paw that appeared out of nothingness as it stomped the nose of the airplane-like drone, causing it's back to rise up and flip as she boarded the flying drone.

"Geez. Maintain discipline, soldier!"

Himeko shouted from the comms as Kiana giggled and replied back.

"You can't blame me, Miss Himeko! That's just how Kiana Kaslana is!"

The drone flew through the skyscrapers as she lowered her body to maintian her balance. However, two scythe wielder zombies and one honkai beast, an Alloy Chariot, spawned on the drones.

"Heh? Just the three of you? Get ready to get your butts kicked!"

Kiana took out her dual guns as she twirled them around. Rushing in, Kiana spun her body as she unleashed kicks and gunshots on the first zombie before she kicked the second one in the torso before shooting it 3 times, defeating both of them.

The Alloy Chariot teleported behind her but Kiana dodged it's attack by rolling down before she turned towards it and open fired her guns. Marred with holes now.

"Hehe~ That was easy!"

That was before she noticed that the drone was heading for in between two skyscrapers that were dangerously close to each other.

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