Chapter 6: Troubles in the past

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-"normal speech"
-[Masked Voice/Shirou in Balance Breaker/Albion through telepathy]
-{Sealed being speaking to others}
-"possessed being speaking"
-'past thoughts'


Shirou's POV

I'm still in shock with my jaw wide open. I can't believe the scenery in front of me.....There are 2 Kianas?!!

[WHAT. THE. F**K?!!]

I can't believe my ears!! Albion said the F word!! Is the world finally coming to an end?!

[Haha....very funny.]

Very funny indeed. Now, snapping out of our shenanigans, I watch them from behind a wall as I observe them from a distance. The older looking version of Kiana puts the younger one down as she stands on her feet. The adult Kiana, that's what I'm gonna call her for now, was wearing torn clothes. She had binds on her wrists that were connected with each other with a chain. Her right sleeve was torn and there was a slight bruise mark on her cheek. Was she beaten? She looked like she was a captured prisoner. The adult Kiana then spoke up.

"Are you fine, little miss?"

She said in a formal manner, like a woman of a noble house. Kiana rubbed the back of her head as she thanked her.

"Ah, yes. Thanks for saving me. I nearly fell to my death."

"It's all right. When I saw you suddenly falling from the sky from a distance, even I was scared for a bit."

Both of them talked to each other. If you were to see them from afar, they pretty much look like sisters. The adult Kiana then looked at direction, her eyes turned from soft to sharp, as if sensing hostiles from afar.

" come the people who are here to pick me up. Miss, I suggest you to take your leave."

She said as she stared off at the direction. I followed her gaze as I saw three men wearing cloaks with hoods on, and crow masks on their face, hiding their identity. I can sense the hostility from two of them, but the one in the middle, who seems to be their leader, doesn't give any hostile feeling.

 I can sense the hostility from two of them, but the one in the middle, who seems to be their leader, doesn't give any hostile feeling

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Then the non hostile person spoke. His voice was deep and heavy, like an old man.

"Miss Kallen, why did you escape?"

He asked the adult Kiana, now known as Kallen, as she replied.

"Grandfather Arthur, I had no intention to escape. I just saw this little girl falling out of the sky, and ran over here to save her by instinct, nothing more."

So that guy is her grandfather. No wonder he wasn't hostile. But her justification would sound unbelievable to normal people. Her grandfather's subordinate then spoke.

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