Chapter 5: History lessons

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-"normal speech"
-'thoughts' in 3rd POV or telepathy
-[Shirou in Balance Breaker speaking]
-{Albion speaking}
-"Sealed Being speaking"
-"past thoughts"

2 days later

It was after 2 days that the results of the Valkyrie exams were announced. Shirou and Co. were currently looking through their results that were published on the notice board. The other students were seeing their results too.

"Wow, my practical results were better than I thought!"

"I did great!"

"My battle exam marks are a little low. I have to work hard."

Was what some of the students were saying as they watched their results. Suddenly, one of them exclaimed.

"Look! The new exchange students Shirou, Bronya and Mei are on 2nd, 3rd and 4th ranking!"

The girl exclaimed as everybody looked at their names being shown among the top rankings. Shirou himself was surprised that he got 2nd position due to the fact that this was the first ever exam of his life. He sighed as he said.

"Second Place huh? I totally did not expect that."

"Congrats Shirou!"

"Shirou Nii-sama, congratulations."

Shirou just rubbed the back of his head sheepishly after Mei and Bronya congratulated him.

"Ehehe thanks."

"I'm pretty sure the one in first place is definitely me!"

Said an enthusiastic Kiana before her expectations were yeeted straight out of the window when she saw the name on the first place was...

"Fu Hua?!"

Said girl was reading a book in cafeteria when she supressed a sneeze.

"Was someone talking about me?"

Back to Squad V, Kiana's eyes were wider than the grand canyon as she asked in a panicked manner.

"Then, where is my name?!"

"I think your name is here, Kiana-chan..."

Said Mei as she pointed at a notice board which was separated from the other one as she looked at the result with a sweatdrop. Shirou and Bronya looked at the result with a blank face.

Kiana then went towards them in happy and childish manner.

"My results were that good that they were given a place of their own?"

She said in a singsong before her expectations were once again yeeted straight out of the window as the result read:

Failed: Kiana Kaslana

A tick mark appeared on her forehead as she ripped the paper off the notice board and tore it into shreds in anger.



Shirou and Mei exclaimed at the same time as they witnessed Kiana taking out her feral fury on the poor paper notice.

"Of course it's possible. You failed the written exams. How could You be given a pass?"

The squad turned their heads towards the direction of the voice to see a tired looking man, wearing glasses. He wore a shirt that was open down to his chest with a red tie, black pants and brown shoes. He was a teacher of the Academy. He took out an answer sheet that had Kiana's name on it.

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