One-shot: Her captivating eyes.

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This part took place in the timeskip between Chapter 17 and Chapter 18. So don't get confused. Happy Birthday to the best waifu, Raiden Mei!!

The sun rose up and shined upon the land of the rising sun. Yet another morning in Soukai City. The sunlight shined upon the lump that was hidden under the bedsheets. The blanket was removed to reveal a young boy with short unkempt brown hair which has a blonde streak going to the side. He opened his eyes to reveal to two brilliant crimson coloured orbs.

 He opened his eyes to reveal to two brilliant crimson coloured orbs

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Shirou Ikari woke up from his sleep. The boy's face mirrored exhaustion as he was training harder than usual in his mindscape. Albion said that he was messing with his projection magecraft and trying to make something new out of it. He groggily got off his bed, only to fall from it, landing on the ground face first with a thud.

There are certainly ups and downs of having a dreamscape training session. While it does improve one's skills, it also exhausts one mentally.

Shirou was no exception. With the help of his knees, he bended them while raising his butt in the air and then straightened them, causing him to move forward. He kept repeating the process which made him look like a caterpillar crawling around.

'Can't everybody just agree that the day should start at 12? Everybody....except postmen....Postmen, need to do, their damn job...'

[What's the matter, partner? Did some caterpillar possess you or something?], Albion's voice rang out in his head.

'That's rich coming from you who literally lives inside my body. If there was some caterpillar possessing me, it would've been you, considering the fact that you live inside me.'

Shirou replied to Albion who just clicked his tongue as he sat down and perched himself on top of an iceberg while brooding to himself. Shirou reached out for his desk as he used it as a support and pulled himself up.

Even though his body had recovered from the fatigue, his mind was still tired. He grabbed his phone as he opened the lock screen. In his background wallpaper, was a selfie of him and Mei taken during their time at Chiba Academy before the 3rd eruption occurred.

As he saw Mei's face in the photo, a strange feeling came over him. As if he was forgetting something important.

'Why do I feel like I'n forgetting something? What day is it today?'

He looked at the calendar as he saw the date was 13th April on a Thursday.

'13th of April....13th...13.....?!'

It finally hit him what he was forgetting! How could he forget?! He panicked as he started rolling over the floor in a panicked manner.

It finally hit him what he was forgetting! How could he forget?! He panicked as he started rolling over the floor in a panicked manner

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