Chapter 0:Escape from Nagazora :Outbreak

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-"normal speech"
-'thoughts' in 3rd POV
-[sealed being talking]
-"sealed being talking to others"
-past thoughts


Hong Kong, Central, 3 months later.

On the top of a hotel was what could only be described as a resort. Judging from the looks, one would say it's a place that can only be reserved by a millionare. On top of the resort were fountains, trees that were taken good care of. Near the railing, stood a woman with beautiful red hair. She was wearing a backless red dress that reached up to just above her cleavage. She held a glass of wine in her hand as she gazed at the lights of the city.

"What beautiful scenery."

Was what she said. Then, a blonde haired man made an appearance. He wore a white formal suit as he then approached the woman. His hair slicked back.

"No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it looks dull when Miss Himeko is present."

The man complimented the woman, now known as Himeko.

"How sweet of you."

"No, you're too stunning...."

Said the man as he came closer to the redhead. They were interrupted when suddenly, a bright light flashed upon them. Near the railing, in the air was a huge battleship, levitating in
the air.

 Near the railing, in the air was a huge battleship, levitating in the air

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(Schicksal battleship-The Hyperion)

The light shined on the couple as the man covered his eyes to protect them from the intense light.

"What is happening?!"

The man said to no one in particular while Himeko only clicked her tongue at the arrival of the battleship.


Knowing that her date was ruined, Himeko pulled the man by the tie and kissed him on the lips. The man was surprised until Himeko separated and said.

"I apologize. Our date has come to an end now."

Himeko said before punching him in the gut, knocking him out. The man fell on the floor as a part of the battleship opened itself as many women wearing uniforms, came out of it, marching like soldiers.

They then stomped their foots like soldiers as another woman came while carrying a uniform like jacket as she put it over Himeko's shoulders. Himeko then grew a tick mark as she said to the glasses wearing woman.

"💢Didn't I mention before that I want no disturbance when I'm on a date?!"

Himeko said in an annoyed voice. The woman adjusted her glasses as she replied.

"A date? Miss Himeko, are you referring to the date that wastes your precious time with that wealthy kid?"

"Do you want to die?"

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