Playing Hard to Get-Ikeshot

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Ike laughed as he stood in the kitchen, waiting for Albert to finish pouring their drinks. He didn't really get it, but the redhead just really needed root beer. Instead of letting him roam around Medda's house by himself, Ike opted to go. "Sometimes, my parents are so annoying."

"I know what you mean", Ike agreed, taking the cup Albert offered him. "My mom's always on me about my grades since I don't play sports. I mean, I get it, but it's not like I'm not doing anything."

"Exactly", Albert sighed, taking a long sip of his drink. Ike decided to follow suit, since it was weird watching his friend drink by himself. The redhead raised his cup as if he was making a toast, a small smile on his face. "So, thank God for Jack Kelly and Medda Larkin."

Ike chuckled and raised his cup, toasting to the host and woman that allowed him to have a party in the first place. It wasn't difficult to convince Medda, as long as Jack and his friends agreed to never buy alcohol or ruin her furniture, which were easy promises to have (although, Ike wondered what the room would've looked like with a bunch of drunk teenagers roaming around).

Despite the lack of vodka, the party was fun, and Ike was having a good time. He and Mike, his twin brother, stuck to each other at the beginning, but then Mike ditched him for his crush, JoJo. A part of him wanted to push the two together so they would stop complaining about how much they liked the other, but time was something Ike learned to accept, even if it was boring.

"I think I see Race", Albert mumbled, and Ike nodded, deciding not to turn around and search for the blond himself. "I'm gonna stop him from making our ears bleed. You okay here?"

Ike rolled his eyes with a smile, making Albert laugh. He didn't want to put a dent in his great time, especially not because he looked like he was alone. That wasn't fair to Albert, or himself. "I'm fine. ¡Ve a garito con novio! Get out of here."

He watched Albert walk away with a smile on his face, waving wildly to keep Race from turning the music up higher. Ike thought about how perfect they were for each other, much like most of his friends. He wondered if he could have that someday.

Not to say he hasn't tried—it's just hard to find someone he would be happy with. He can't just date anyone, that's not fair. Not even the plants of people that asked him out would do, no matter how nice or attractive they were. A part of him wished there was a machine that could make a boyfriend for him, and he'd just have the perfect person for forever.

Alas, most of these ventures were a figment of his imagination, and it was meant to stay that.

Ike looked into his cup to find it empty; he hadn't even realized he'd finished it. He looked around for the bottle of root beer Albert poured, but it wasn't anywhere to be found, until he saw another guy in the kitchen with him. "Hey, guy. Could you pass the root beer?"

The stranger turned around and Ike found himself more than surprised by the lack of strangeness he possessed, and his feelings were replaced by annoyance. "Oh. It's you."

"Ike", says the boy, and the smile in his tone was easy to see. Ike just raised a brow. "How's it going? It's been a while."

"It's been three days since I last saw you, Hotshot", Ike reminded, taking the 2-liter bottle of root beer and pouring it into his cup. "Glad to know you haven't gotten any less annoying."

"I haven't even said anything", Hotshot laughed, watching as Ike screwed the cap back onto the bottle. "I just got here myself."

"Your face is enough", Ike mumbled to himself, hoping Hotshot would hear it. He did, but chose not to react, for that would just give more power to Ike in their situation. "I wasn't aware Jack invited Brooklyn to the party."

"Ike, baby, why so formal?" All Ike could do was glare, since verbally protesting would only make Hotshot laugh more. He was annoying enough as is, but hearing his boisterous laughter would've sent Ike over the edge. "It's a party. Loosen up a bit."

"I am loose", Ike protested, and he blushed at the double meaning. Hotshot laughed and sipped his cup, Ike following suite in a more quiet manner. "Por eso tu odio."

"I don't know what that means", Hotshot shrugged, a small smirk on his face. "I bet it means "Hotshot, I love you."

"What?" Ike couldn't imagine what went through Hotshot's head, but it was hard to believe he didn't have common sense. He was a second in command to whatever these kids had going on between Burroughs, and he didn't even know how to search for a cognate. "That's not what I said. If I said that, it would've been "Te amo, Hotshot."

Ike stopped thinking at that point, not that he was before. Telling from the large grin on the Irish boy's face, Ike said something stupid. It was so stupid, it made Hotshot grin like he just won a paid off car. "I didn't-"

"You love me, Isaac?" Ike furrowed his brows and glanced away, avoiding Hotshot's eyes. "You know, I knew it. I mean, I'm irresistible."

Which is funny because all Ike wants to do is resist him. "Is that right? Then where's your boyfriend."

"Hopefully, sitting right in front of me." Ike couldn't get mad at that, especially at how smooth it was. Even though he wanted to punch Hotshot square in his face, the promise he made to his mom and Medda interfered with that, as well as his pride. "Will you say it again?"

"Hell no", Ike shot down, making Hotshot pout. "Will you stop that? You look like a little kid."

"Please, Ike?" He rolled his eyes once again, sipping his drink. "Say it again, come on."

"Lo siento, no hablo ingles."

"Dude, I- I just heard you speak English."

"Oh, hey! So you do have a brain. Could've fooled me."

"That's not very nice, Isaac."

"It wasn't meant to be very nice, Harley."

Hotshot chuckled, and even Ike smiled a little. If they weren't together, they were entertaining. Their conversations were the only thing keeping Ike from walking away, even though he absolutely could. Unfortunately, as they found themselves seeing each other more often, Ike realized there were times he didn't want to. "Would you go out with me?"

Ike blinked in shock at how forward the question was, even though he's heard from Hotshot multiple times before. This wasn't the first time he'd asked that question, and Ike doubted it would be the last. Hotshot was a bold man, he had to give him that, and his persistence was admirable. After almost two years of asking, he'd never let Ike go, no matter how many times he denied. Maybe I should give him a chance.

He laughed at the question, watching Hotshot's eyes dim with disappointment.

"We'll see", Ike shrugged, a soft smile on his face. Hotshot's face immediately brightened, and Ike grabbed his cup before walking away. "I'll think about it."

"Good enough!" Ike laughed as he made his way to the main room, secretly excited to be playing this game with Hotshot, even if it didn't end in anything.

He enjoyed making him wait, and he enjoyed playing hard to get, even if there were feelings beginning to develop that shouldn't be there at all.

Honestly, that was his favorite part.



I somehow made this. I don't even know how.

I do know there hasn't been many updates lately, and I'm sorry for that. I've been lacking in the writing department, but a lot is happening. I'm feeling more anxiety for my school work, I've been thinking a lot about things, I'm drawing again—my mind's a bit preoccupied. But, I will write more. I can't promise it will be as efficient as it would be in the summer, but I will write.

Anyway, what did you think of this? Not bad for a somewhat small hiatus, huh? I think. I don't read my own material.

I hope you enjoyed this, and thanks for reading!

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