Random Javid/Javey

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Jack's Jealousy (a small part from the 50s au I'm writing)

Jack and Davey sat in Jack's room, close as usual—closer in other people's eyes.

Jack wouldn't let Davey go after the meeting. He was holding his hand, pulling him close whenever he could, and glaring at anyone that stared at him for too long.

Naturally, this didn't bother Jack at all. However, Davey knew something was up.

He pulled away from the other's lips. Jack immediately leaned back in, confusion settling on his face as Davey pushed him back. "Did I do somethin'?"

"What's up?" Davey searched his lover's eyes for an answer, anything. "You've been, for lack of a better word, clinging to me ever since we walked back from Brooklyn."

"I just...really want to spend time with you?"

"Jack, you gave me three hickies on the way here!" Davey stared at him incredulously. "You even told Blink to get home before the streetlights."

Jack sighed, his hands still planted on Davey's hips. He'd convinced himself he was just feeling very lovable right now, and it wasn't his fault Davey's lips were kissable during all hours of the day. It was nothing. "I just don't want you to leave me."

Davey's brows furrowed in concern. "What? Jack Kelly, I could never leave you", Davey insisted, pecking him on the lips. "Is this because of that Carly kid?"

Jack blew raspberry, guffawing at the thought. "No! What? Why would I- why should I care what he says? He's- he's a loon."

Davey smirked. "Are you jealous?"

"Me? Jealous?"

Jack Kelly doesn't get jealous.

"It would explain your behavior", Davey adds, a sly smirk still on his face. "I mean, sure they felt nice, but three is excessive."

"Or I could just be so utterly in love with you, I got a little carried away", Jack shrugged, leaning back on his pillow. Davey flushed a bright red.

He didn't even think Jack realized what he said. He's in love with me. Already. After only a few months of actually getting to know each other.

It's amazing how fast feelings can grow, just as amazing as how fast they can die. But Davey had faith. He had faith that his feelings for Jack would never die, whether they were at the peak of their lives or crashing down a mountain. There's was something about him, something could that caught his heart.

"I love you, too."

Jack smiled and leaned in, silently asking to kiss his boyfriend's lips. This time, Davey didn't push him away.


Without Him

"Good morning, sweetheart", Jack read aloud, a small chuckle falling from his lips. "I'm sorry I had to leave so early. My students have that trip today, remember? I couldn't be late."

Jack frowned at that. He forgot the school payed for a bunch of kids—high schoolers, of all people—to go camping for seven days. Seven days.

Davey would be gone for seven days.

"I love you, and I hope you enjoy your breakfast." Jack folded the note and put in the pocket of his hoodie, walking over to the stove. "Eggs, bacon, and cold waffles."

Don't judge. He thinks they're better that way.

Jack grabbed a plate and placed his food on there, kind of enjoying the silence. Usually, Davey would be playing music, something soft but stimulating as he would put it, and Jack would roll his eyes.

But there was still something off. Davey's voice. Sometimes, he would sing while cooking, or wrap Jack into a singing battle. Jack smiled at the memory.

Being an art historian is a lot harder when the reason for your routine was gone.

Jack finished breakfast, placing his fork and plate in the sink. He'll be fine.



So, Jack was not fine.

By the second day, he didn't bother making a nice breakfast as usual. He just put a PopTart in the toaster and waited for it to pop as he wore his gray t-shirt and superhero boxers. No interest for anything.

After eating, he went up to his room and found more books, trying yo read up on the history of some lesser know painting, but that guy boring after two minutes. He didn't get it. He did this all the time when Davey was at work, so why can't he do it now? Sighing he flopped onto the bed.


By the fifth day, Jack was a wreck. Who knew he'd miss his husband this much?

Lunch was simply forgotten about until it was time for dinner without someone constantly asking him if he was hungry. His body even went back to college sleep hours instead of his newly established eight hours.

Jack sighed as he ate a bowl of cereal, staring at the chair in front of him. He knew how to cook- pretty okay, actually- but he didn't have the energy to stand in front of the stove. He tried to think of anything.

Davey comes back on Saturday. Jack nodded at that thought, happy with the news. Davey was coming back.

But he still had two days.


The day Davey came back, he was overjoyed. He was going to see his husband, give him kisses, maybe they'll watch a movie together (preferably scary so Jack could hide his face in Davey's neck).

But the house was silent, dead silent. It almost felt like when they first bought the place, but there was furniture everywhere, and that weird echo was gone. Davey looked to the kitchen, sighing when he saw a pile of dishes in the sink.

Davey jogged to his room, leaving his stuff at the door. He found Jack sleeping soundly on their bed, wrapped up in Davey's sweat shirt.

He chuckled, taking his shoes off and placing them in the closet. He climbed into bed and wrapped an arm around his husband, kissing his forehead gently. "Hey, Jackie."

Jack hummed and snuggled into the pillow, never waking up. Davey smiled at him and closed his eyes.

The dishes could wait.


It's taking awhile to get the 50s au story out lol I said I'd write it in, like, January.


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