04| They love you

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I skillfully brought my Gordon Murray to a halt within the university grounds and stepped out of the vehicle

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I skillfully brought my Gordon Murray to a halt within the university grounds and stepped out of the vehicle.

My arrival didn't escape notice. A crowd of students cast admiring glances at the car.

Cars have fascinated me since my teenage years. There were moments when I'd dive deep into car mechanics instead of my textbooks, much to my parents' displeasure. But looking back, it was all worth it. As I grew up, I toyed with the idea of pursuing engineering, thinking it was my calling. But my interests kept evolving.

I spotted Samar near the university grounds, engaged in conversation with a young woman. The expression on his face suggested he was deploying his charm to captivate her. The girl appeared quite smitten in return.

I rolled my eyes. He never missed a chance to pursue someone who caught his eye, but what made him different was his respectful approach. He never imposed himself on anyone.

Despite his playboy reputation, he was still a man who respected the value of consent, and that was a trait that I greatly admired about him.

I sauntered up to the pair and tapped Samar on the back to let him know I was there. The young woman turned towards me, greeting me in an overly sweet voice that set off alarm bells in my head. I raised an eyebrow. Wasn't she just a few minutes ago completely engrossed in Samar's charm?

She quickly made her exit, tossing a flying kiss in Samar's direction before sashaying away. Samar, in turn, made a cheesy attempt to catch the kiss, a wide grin spreading across his face.

I wheeled towards him, "Wanna go to class or not done with flirting yet?"

He gave me a grin, his eyes twinkling, "Always time for a little bit of both, bro. But let's get to class before the professor starts droning on about financing or something equally boring."

I chuckled at his blank expression. As the heir to his father's business, his destiny was pretty set. The idea of pursuing a specific degree held no allure for him; after all, he'd be personally groomed by his father, and that's what really counted in the end.

"Well, I forgot to mention, we'll have to pick an additional subject as GEC to broaden our horizons." Samar added casually as we made our way to the classroom.

In response, I simply hummed. The mainstream course was already filled with numerous studies, projects, presentations, fieldwork, and assignments, so adding another subject wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of the burden it already carried.

I faced Samar, a quizzical look on my face. "Have you thought about anything?"

"Not really. Just tell me your preferences, and I'll oblige," his reply was lackluster.

He reached into his bag and handed me the sheet of GEC options. My eyes were darting over the various subjects offered. There were so many options and then, my gaze landed on a course that seemed to call out to me.

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