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Our souls are further apart than ever. Although our noses are almost touching and I can feel your breath on my cheek.
I feel like we're flowding away, slowly.
And I think you feel that too and that's why you pull me deeper in your hugs everyday.

I'm scared to be alone.
I'll admit it.
I'm scared of losing you.
And when you talk about disappering just like I talk about it, I get even more scared that we could disapper from each other.

We push eachother away because we're scared of losing us. And it's so fucking ironic but makes sence at the same time.
We both know it's stupid, and we both know it's scary.
Mostly I am scared that we push us away too much, so that one of us will fall, and then, there is no moving back.

Someone once wrote "we love us too much" which is true in both ways. I love you too much to let you go, but I love myself enough that I don't want to get hurt.
I think it's the same with you.
I hope it may be the same way with you.
But I don't know.
I don't even know if you love me too.

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