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The timer on the oven went off. Rotxo pulled on the oven mitts and pulled the tray out, sliding it onto the counter. Tsireya went behind him and turned off the oven, shutting the door. The gust of hot air doused Rotxo in a wave of cookie-scented warmth. "It really sucks that they didn't get to have any," Tsireya commented, hands on her hips. Rotxo nodded, lifting one cookie up with a spatula to see if it was fully cooked. "Yeah. We should bring some for them tomorrow," he said, sliding them off the wax paper onto the cooling rack. Ao'nung walked into the kitchen, snagging a cookie off the rack. "Ow!" he said as he bit into it, making a face. "I literally just pulled them off. How could they be anything but hot?" Rotxo asked, laughing. "I don't know, man, it wasn't hot when I picked it up," he mumbled, setting the cookie down on a napkin and sticking out his burnt tongue. Tsireya sighed and went to the freezer and tossed him an ice cube, which he caught and put in his mouth. "How were the waves?" Rotxo asked, leaning on the counter. "Meh. Lots of ankle slappers," he shrugged. "Shame," Tsireya said. Ao'nung nodded, chewing on his ice. "How were you guys' classes?" he asked, glancing up at his friend. "Good." "Yeah, good," Rotxo and Tsireya murmured absentmindedly. He watched her face brighten. "I have 3rd block with Lo'ak," she whispered, grinning. "Oh, do you?" Rotxo teased, grinning at her. "Mhm. Chemistry." Ao'nung's head tilted in confusion. "You have two science classes this semester?" he questioned. "We have anatomy together first." "Yeah. I figured both would help with my career pathway." Rotxo knew Tsireya wanted to follow in her mothers footsteps and become a doctor of some sort. "Hm. Good luck with that," he laughed, shaking his head. "I also have a class with Lo'ak," he said. "And... art with Kiri," he finished awkwardly. "How do you have junior classes, Ro?" Tsireya asked, blinking. "My schedule got messed up sophomore year when I tried dual enrollment," he mumbled. "I also have precalc, even though I've already taken calculus. It's a whole thing. Anyways, I have art with her, and she left her pen." He grinned at Ao'nung. "I grabbed it for her and gave it to her when she got here! And, she said 'Thank you, Ro,'." Ao'nung snorted. "Stop that! I think it's sweet," Tsireya cooed, scrunching her nose up.

    "Are you going to eat a real dinner, or just sugar?" A man's voice boomed. Tonowari Kogoya entered, almost having to duck to walk through the doorway. Tsireya grinned. "Hi, Papa. Want one?" She offered him a cookie in the palm of her hand. He took it, smiling. "Where's your mother?" he asked, looking around. "She had a call at the hospital. She left when we got here," Rotxo explained. "Oh, hello, boy," Tonowari said, nodding in acknowledgement. "How was your day?" Ao'nung asked nervously, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "Boring. Lots of paperwork, you know how it is," his father answered. Ao'nung's relationship with his father was clearly very tense as of now. Rotxo couldn't figure out why. "Rotxo, are you staying the night?" Tonowari asked, opening the fridge and producing a plastic container of rice. "Yes," Tsireya answered for him. Rotxo shot her a smile of thanks. "Just one more night," he promised. Tonowari laughed. "You always say that. You may stay as long as you like, as long as you keep being a positive influence on my son." Rotxo nodded, shooting Ao'nung a glance. Ao'nung blinked at him with smiling eyes. "Yes, sir," he promised, grinning.

    After dinner, Ao'nung and Rotxo made their way up to their rooms. Rotxo had his own bedroom here, with a bathroom connected to Ao'nung's. His room was sparsely decorated, mostly just pictures taped to the walls. A small lamp was on the nightstand. A blue and white striped comforter on the bed. Ao'nung leaned against his doorway, arms folded. "A positive influence," he sniggered, shaking his head. "I know, man," Rotxo grinned. "Can you give Reya a ride to school tomorrow?" Ao'nung asked, looking at his friend. "Yeah, of course," Rotxo said, nodding. "Don't smoke with her in the car. I mean that," he warned, eyes narrowing. "Dude, really? I wouldn't do that with anyone in the car," Rotxo replied, brow furrowing. "I'm just making sure." He turned to go. "Hey, man, wait," Rotxo called after him. "Hm?" He grunted, jerking his head back into the doorway. "What's up with you and Tonowari? Did I miss something?" Ao'nung sighed. Rotxo instantly knew he had asked something too personal. "It's nothing. Just - college stuff," he answered, blinking hard. "Oh." "Yeah." Rotxo heard Ao'nung's bedroom door shut behind him with a click. Tonowari probably wanted Ao'nung to follow in his footsteps into politics. Ao'nung wanted to be a professional surfer, he always had. Rotxo pitied his friend for this.

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