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Tuk sat behind Jake so that Neytiri could see her in the rear view mirror. Kiri sat across the aisle from her. Neteyam and Lo'ak were in the far back, both on their phones. The quiet sound of Tuk's iPad echoed softly over Jake's music. Neytiri connected her phone to the aux, so she could put in directions to the Foodstuffs down the road. "I don't need directions," Jake grumbled. "Yes, you do. And if you do not, just pretend they are for me." He shook his head softly, but said no more. "Is everyone excited?" Neytiri called. Silence. She whistled sharply. 4 pairs of eyes instantly lifted towards her. "Is everyone excited?" she asked again. "Yes!" Neteyam said from the back. Lo'ak sniggered. Neytiri sighed and turned back to the front. "Allah give me strength," she muttered, wrapping her sweater tighter around her shoulders. Jake reached across the armrest and took her hand, gently rubbing her thumb with his. "You already have more than me," he whispered, smiling at her softly.

    Neytiri held Tuk's hand as they crossed the parking lot, and let her ride in the buggy. "Can we go to the lego aisle?" she whispered to her father. Jake's eyes flickered to Neytiri, who shot him a glance that clearly read 'no.' "Not this time, Tuktuk. We have to go to that bonfire, remember?" Tuk's face lifted as she nodded, grinning.

Ronal Kogoya:

(Neytiri) Hello Ronal! What is the address? We will be there soon. Stopping by Foodstuffs first.

(Ronal) I will send my son to you. It is his little spot. I don't even know the actual address.

"Ronal is sending her son to come collect us from here," she called to her family. She saw Neteyam's head shoot up, eyes wide. "Which one?" Lo'ak asked, blinking. Neteyam slowly turned to stare at his brother in disbelief. "They only have one son," Neteyam said, a ghost of a smile on his face. "Oh." Neteyam scoffed. "Well, I forgot- because Rotxo-" "Rotxo's their cousin," Neteyam interrupted. "No he's not," Kiri said, folding her arms across her chest. "Yes he is," Neteyam corrected. "No, he's not. They're Maori. Rotxo said he's not." Neytiri frowned. "He told me his dad was Tonowari's cousin." Kiri blinked. "Here, everyone's your cousin. Hell, Lo'ak's Rotxo's cousin. They're probably just really close family friends." "Like how Uncle Tey is our uncle?" Tuk asked. "Well, Uncle Tsu'tey is basically your uncle. Close enough," Jake answered, looking at Neytiri nervously. "Anyways!" she said, clapping her hands once. "Ao'nung is coming to collect us." She turned and headed into the store, leaving Neteyam to push the buggy.

She selected several bouquets of flowers. She didn't know what Ronal liked, but something told her she would appreciate them regardless of what they looked like. She was about to text Ronal to ask when her son would get there when a voice called "Teyam! Hey!" She whirled around to see a very tall boy with long curly hair waving over his head at her family. He had to be about 6'4 and was built very sturdy, like a brick house. "He's gotta have some Somoan in him," Jake whispered, grinning. "You play football, boy?" he called. "Football? No, sir," Ao'nung answered, averting his eyes respectfully. "You should," Jake murmured, looking up at him. Half of Ao'nung's hair was tied back away from his face. When he turned, Neytiri saw that it was secured with a coral-colored hibiscus flower pin. Lo'ak grinned at him, giving the older boy a high five and shouting something senseless. Neteyam stood nearby, eyeing the two of them out of the corner of his eye, but not engaging. Tuk was staring up at Ao'nung with wide eyes, her jaw dropped almost comically. "Ommi, he's huge," Tuk commented, pointing. Ao'nung turned to her and knelt beside the basket, getting to her level. "Do you recognize me from Ms. Chacon's class?" he asked, smiling softly. "Yes," she answered. "Mr. Owwie." Ao'nung laughed. "Mr. Ao, Tuk," he corrected gently. He got to his feet and gestured to the many bouquets of flowers in Neytiri's buggy. "My mother will love these," he whispered, smiling appreciatively. "I hope so. From one mother to another, pregnant women deserve as many flowers as the world can grow." Neteyam was beside them now. "Mama, should we go soon?" he asked gently. "Yes! Yes, you're right."

Ao'nung and Neteyam carried the flowers out to the car, putting them in the back. Neteyam commented on how he was going to have to hold them in his lap on the drive over. "You can just ride with me," Ao'nung offered. Neteyam hesitated. "Great! Yes, that would be helpful. Thank you, son," Jake answered for him, putting his hand on his son's shoulder. Neteyam pursed his lips, shrugging. "Great! Just follow my truck," Ao'nung called over his shoulder, already heading to his vehicle. Kiri gently pushed her brother forward. "Go!" she whispered, pointing. "I'm going, I'm going," Neteyam muttered, shrugging her off. He climbed into Ao'nung's passenger seat, slamming the door behind him.

The car was even more silent on the way to Ao'nung's spot. "That kid is massive. He's Neteyam's age, right? I mean, Neteyam's not short, don't get me wrong, but that kid made him look like a sewing needle." Kiri snorted. "He needs to try football," Jake muttered to himself. "Kiri, why don't you like that one?" Neytiri asked, looking at her daughter in the rear view mirror. "Who, Ao'nung?" "Yes." Kiri snorted. "Really, mama?" "...Yes? Am I missing something?" "Well, for starters, I don't like any of them." "Yeah right," Lo'ak snapped from the backseat. "Shut up, I don't," she complained, throwing something from the floor of the car at him. "I don't think Ao'nung would like me, mama," she answered. "I think his type is a little more..." "Out-going?" Lo'ak offered. "Happy? Less sullen? Mayhaps, sweet sister, a little bit more pleasant?" His tone was full of contempt and sarcasm. "Lo'ak," Neytiri hissed. Jake disguised his laugh in a loud cough. "Look, guys! We're here!" he shouted, pointing. They were parked in a small gravel parking lot. "Sully family meeting. Minus Neteyam, I guess," Jake called. "If they offer you any alcohol, decline. Lo'ak, I'm talking to you." He spluttered. "What- me?!" "Moving on. Kiri, please include your sister in your activities. And Tuk, don't get too close to the fire." Tuk nodded, unbuckling herself. "Okay. Dismissed." They all got out of the car. Neteyam and Ao'nung were waiting, ready to help carry Ronal's flowers.

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