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Ao'nung grinned, listening to Rotxo and Tsireya's laughter echoing through the walls. He quietly left his room, shutting the door behind him. He crept downstairs, laptop in hand. He sat on top of a stool at the island, pulling the plate of cookies across the counter beside him. His phone vibrated against the counter top. He ignored it, assuming it was just Tsireya's group chat. Ao'nung opened his spreadsheets and settled into his work. After a while, he heard someone padding down the hallway. "Whatcha doing?" Tsireya called, switching the lights on. Ao'nung winced against the sudden brightness, shielding his eyes. "Internship," he mumbled, blinking as his eyes adjusted. "I forgot you did that," Tsireya mumbled, filling her cup with water from the fridge. "And how is Ms. Chacon's..." "3rd grade class," Ao'nung finished, grinning. "They are very sweet. They wanted to touch my hair and kept trying to untie it." Tsireya snorted. "You should wear your blue light glasses if you're going to be staring at a computer in the dark," she said, sliding a pair of glasses across the island to him. "You sound like mama," he muttered. "I'm serious! It's very bad for your eyes. And your skin." "My skin? It's light," Ao'nung frowned. "Exactly. I'm going to bed. You should too, it's getting late," she said, turning to exit the kitchen.

She paused, looking back at him. "Ao'nung, where did the cookies go? Didn't Ro put them in here?" she asked, pointing to the empty glass case where they had been just a few minutes prior. Ao'nung looked nervously at the now empty plate beside him. "Oh, no," Tsireya groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry..." he whispered guiltily. "Ao," she grumbled. "We were going to bring those for the Sully kids tomorrow. Since they didn't get to eat them tonight." Ao'nung winced. "I'm sorry," he repeated, shaking his head. "I was hungry. I guess I wasn't paying attention to what I was -" "Make more." Ao'nung blinked. "What? "Make more. I promised Tuk we would have some for her." Ao'nung groaned. "Reya, it's 11:38 pm," he said, checking his watch. "And? You ate her cookies. If you don't you can be the one to look her in her big brown eyes and explain exactly why she doesn't get a treat." Ao'nung shook his head. "Fine. I will." "Now." "No! I have to finish this!" he said, pointing to his computer. "If you hadn't interrupted me, I would be done by now." Tsireya rolled her eyes. "If your fatass self hadn't eaten an entire sheet of cookies, we wouldn't be having this conversation!" she shouted, storming back down the hallway. "You forgot your water," Ao'nung called after her. "Shut up!" she answered, voice further away.

Ao'nung closed his computer and sighed, going to the cabinet and grabbing a box of cookie mix from the top shelf. "One egg," he mumbled to himself, crossing to the fridge. He pulled the empty carton out. He grabbed a sticky note from the counter and wrote "STOP LEAVING EMPTY CONTAINERS BEHIND JUST THROW IT AWAY" in a thick red sharpie, before jogging up to his room to grab his keys. He tossed Reya's headband onto his bed, tying his damp curls into a knot. Ao'nung grabbed a hoodie and his keys from the hook by the door, sneaking out his bedroom door and down the stairs. He shut the front door quietly behind him and started his car, keeping his lights off. Ao'nung drove quickly to the gas station at the end of the street. He jogged inside. "Ah, Ao'nung!" cried a familiar voice. "Hi, Mrs. Zama," he grinned, opening his arms as the small woman who owned the store hugged him around the middle. "What brings you by so late, sweet boy?" she asked, looking up at him. This store and the Zama family had seen Ao'nung and his sister grow up in glimpses. Mrs. Zama adored Ao'nung and had frequently tried to set her granddaughter up with him. "I need eggs," Ao'nung grinned. She tsked at him. "We have no eggs here," she murmured. "But, if you wait one second, I can go grab you some from my house." Ao'nung gave her his most grateful smile as she exited through the back door. He pulled out his phone and leaned against the counter.

Reya, Rotxo, and 3 others:

(Rotxo) attachment: 1 image
(Rotxo) ao zesty wit it

(Reya) 💅


(Neteyam) idk what she's talking about

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