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real quick little cutesy fluff for u guys of  a few hours before lo'ak's nosy ass busts in

Ao'nung remembered everything. Neteyam had told him he wouldn't . "You'll wake up and you won't know why you're not at your friend's house," he had said, laughing softly as he fell asleep. "And you'll shove me out of my own bed, thinking I broke in."  Ao'nung had told him that he could break into his house to lay like this any time he wanted. Neteyam had rolled his eyes and scoffed. Well, Ao'nung was awake now. Neteyam wasn't. The sun was barely up, providing barely enough light to see, if you were trying. Ao'nung was trying very, very hard. His arm was falling asleep under the back of Neteyam's neck. He didn't care. The pins and needles in his fingertips reminded him that this was real. That he was really here, in this moment, with Neteyam asleep on his arm. With Neteyam's face just a few inches away from his. With the length of Neteyam's entire body pressed against his.

It was warm, it was morning, and Ao'nung remembered every word he spoke to Neteyam last night. He remembered telling him how handsome he thought was, from the first time their eyes met in the parking lot before class. He remembered waking up in Neteyam's bed, genuinely confused as to where he was. He remembered the relief he felt seeing Neteyam's face poke in the door, instantly knowing he was somewhere safe. Neteyam's bed was perfect. It was too small for both of them, so they had no choice but to be completely close. It was perfect. Seeing Neteyam's chest rise and fall, so steady and rhythmic, was perfect. Seeing his lips slightly separate as he gasped in his sleep was perfect. Everything about this was perfect. Ao'nung was drowning in the smell of Neteyam's sheets, a smell that brought Ao'nung back to his most personal and prized memories. Ao'nung knew he should try to sneak out now, when no one was awake. But, he simply did not want to. He didn't want to wake Neteyam. He didn't want to feel the coldness of the air hitting the parts of him Neteyam had been asleep on. He didn't want to go home, to go into his room and prepare himself for a week of pretending like he was able to think of anything other than the sleeping boy in front of him.

Neteyam had asked him if he would want him there when he sobered up. Ao'nung had never been asked a stupider question. What Neteyam didn't know was that waking up beside him was a real, actual dream brought to life. That he wouldn't want anyone else to be this intimate with him. He meant that, too. The idea of anyone else seeing him this vulnerable and exposed made him want to crawl out of his skin, but with Neteyam, it wasn't frightening. It wasn't anything, really. It just made sense. Ao'nung didn't feel any insecurity, or fear, or guilt, because with Neteyam, none of that was there. With Ninat, Ao'nung remembered being terrified of her touching him and being disgusted by how he was both as a person and physically. He knew Neteyam could never look at him with disgust. Not that Ninat really could, either, but the fear of that was gone now.

His stumbling train of thought was lost by Neteyam turning his head to the side, putting his nose so close to Ao'nung's that they were nearly touching. He couldn't help himself. He grinned and bumped Neteyam's nose, very, very gently, to avoid hurting it again. Neteyam's dark eyelashes fluttered as he opened his eyes slowly. For a second, they just stared at each other. Then, a smile spread across Neteyam's face. He brought his hand to Ao'nung's face, rubbing his thumb along his cheekbone. "Sleep good?" he asked softly, looking deep into Ao'nung's eyes. Ao'nung's stomach instantly exploded with nervous butterflies, swirling up into his chest and back down again. He nodded. "Mm. Good." Neteyam's eyes had shut while he was speaking. His hand went limp on Ao'nung's cheek as he fell back asleep, chest falling back into that same syncopated rhythm. Ao'nung slipped his arm from behind Neteyam's neck to behind his shoulders, pulling them even closer together. Neteyam grunted in his sleep and laughed softly, lazily combing his fingers through the back of Ao'nung's hair.

 Neteyam grunted in his sleep and laughed softly, lazily combing his fingers through the back of Ao'nung's hair

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