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In the truck, the air was warm. There was no breeze. There was only the thick
silence, broken by the music playing. Something calm and gentle, like what Ao'nung had played before. Neteyam had kept his gaze fixed on the passing landscape for the majority of the ride. He felt that every glance he shot Ao'nung would burn him like a hot poker. Ao'nung would feel his stare and immediately know everything. Neteyam could not let that happen. He couldn't let Ao'nung know how fond Neteyam had grown of the sweet way he spoke to Tuk. He couldn't let him know how mesmerized he was by Ao'nung's curls, the way they caught the light of the sun and how soft they looked when wet. Ao'nung could never know that Neteyam noticed how nervous he was when his father was near, or how he checked with Tsireya after each joke he made, to make sure she was laughing. Neteyam blinked, reminded by a cool gust of seabreeze in his face that he was no longer in Ao'nung's warm car, listening to him hum softly to the music he played. He was standing near his parent's car, waiting to be handed flowers. He was standing a solid foot and a half away from Ao'nung, hands firmly in his pockets, trying to think about anything other than the boy beside him.

"They're probably just going over the rules with my siblings," Neteyam whispered. "Hm? Oh, it's fine, no rush. The sun's setting, but not fast enough for us to miss seeing the sky all pretty." Neteyam laughed softly. "Good. I would hate to miss seeing the sky all pretty." Ao'nung's lips twitched slightly. "Are you making fun of me, Neteyam?" "Maybe," he responded quickly, grinning. Ao'nung smiled at the ground, folding his hands behind his back. "I like your, um, flower," Neteyam said sarcastically. The truth was, he did like Ao'nung's flower. But, he didn't want to tell him that. If Ao'nung cared whether or not Neteyam liked it, he would at least be on Ao'nung's mind while he contemplated Neteyam's sarcastic tone. If he didn't care, absolutely none of this mattered. Neteyam realized that in his thinking, he had missed Ao'nung's response. The boy was looking down at him with an open-mouth grin. "Hm? What did you say?" Something flickered in Ao'nung's eyes for a nanosecond before disappearing. "Nothing. Let's go to your mothers side. I think they're wrapping up."

Sure enough, Neytiri opened her door and climbed out, smiling at her son. "The
flowers are with Lo'ak in the back," she said, pointing. Neteyam nodded, not bothering to remind her that they were the ones that put them back there. "Ao'nung, you can go ahead and take them to your parents, if you want," Neteyam offered, helping Tuk to the ground. "Oh. Yeah, okay." Ao'nung's voice brightened. "Follow me, guys," he called, heading for the decomposing wooden stairs down to the beach. Ao'nung went to assist Neytiri, but jerked his hands back before making contact and apologized profusely. "I think someone googled 'how to behave around islamic women' before we came," Lo'ak joked, gesturing to their mother. "Shut up, I think it's nice that they're trying," Neteyam said, helping grab bouquets. "She really got a lot of these," he commented. "Yeah, you know how she is. I hope she doesn't manage to offer Ronal all of her belongings while we're here." Neteyam grinned. "I was told that you did something similar," he whispered. "I heard that you offered Tsireya your necklace the second she complimented you." Lo'ak made a face. "I'm not teasing," Neteyam said hurriedly. "No, I know. I'm just thinking." Neteyam shrugged. "You ready?" "Hm?" "To go join them." Lo'ak nodded. "Yeah. Well, no. Do you think I'm stupid?" Neteyam froze. "What? No, I don't. Why?" Lo'ak sighed. "It's just- in the store, with the cousin thing- I just forgot, that's all, and they are always together. Like us and Kiri. I guess I just-" Neteyam set the flowers down on the ground. "Lo," he interrupted. "I know for a fact that you are not stupid. I was just kidding, I swear. I'm sorry." Lo'ak shrugged. "It's not your fault. I don't know. I'm probably just nervous." Neteyam nodded. "I'm still sorry." Lo'ak grinned at him. "It's okay, Tey." Neteyam smiled weakly. "Okay. I'm good now," Lo'ak said, handing him the flowers he had dropped.

"What took you guys so long?" Rotxo called, running over to greet them. "I dropped my phone in between the crack in the seat," Neteyam said, shrugging. "Oh. Alright. Well, what do you have?" He asked, pointing to the flowers. "Gifts for Ronal," Lo'ak answered, making a beeline for her. Neteyam followed closely. Ronal was wearing a crown of tropical flowers in her hair, with matching bands around her ankles and wrists. Neteyam then realized the significance of the similar bands Ao'nung had worn while surfing. He peered over at Ao'nung now, observing that he was still wearing his bands. Ao'nung was standing next to his father and Jake. He was a good inch and a half shorter than his father. Jake was a solid 4 inches shorter than Ao'nung. Tonowari had swirling tattoos, in the same style as his son's. They crept up the back of his neck from his shirt color and onto the edges of his cheek and jaw. Neteyam's attention was pulled back by Lo'ak stepping on his foot. Ronal was examining the flowers in Lo'ak's arms, smiling widely at each bouquet. "These are for you as well, Dr. Kogoya," Neteyam said with a sweet smile, displaying the ones he was carrying. "Oh, your sweet sweet mother," she whispered, pressing her hand to her lips. "Put those down over there. I have to go thank you right now."

Neteyam and Lo'ak abandoned their flowers and jogged over to their friends. "Hey guys!" Tsireya called, waving. "Hi," Lo'ak breathed, grinning. Tsireya had hibiscus blossoms braided into her hair, the same color as her brother's. Ao'nung ran over then with Tuk on his back. She was giggling, holding onto his long hair like it was reigns. "Awee, Nungie, you're so sweet," Rotxo called jokingly. Neteyam thought he saw Tsireya elbow him lightly. Ao'nung knelt, letting Tuk down onto the sand. He looked up at his friend, grinning. Neteyam tried not to notice how defined his jaw was when he angled his head up like that, or how tall he still was even crouched.

" if it tastes a little odd, that's why," Tsireya was saying. Neteyam turned to her. "The chicken," Lo'ak whispered. "They had to substitute it for pork." Neteyam nodded. "That's fine. We appreciate you guys accommodating us either way." Tsireya smiled softly. "Do you guys want to swim? Seeing the sunset in the ocean is, like, the most incredible thing ever," she said, gesturing to the sea. "Absolutely," Kiri grinned. Neteyam went to Tuk and helped her out of her clothes, making sure to fold them neatly on top of their towel. He didn't want sand to get in her clothes. He turned back to his friends to see Ao'nung's bare back to him, muscles moving beneath his skin as he tossed his tank top carelessly onto the sand. Neteyam went behind him and gingerly scooped it up, setting it next to Tuk's clothes. Ao'nung spun and looked at him with gentle eyes. "Stop mothering us," Kiri whined. Neteyam sighed. "Fine. Your clothes can be all sandy and sticky, then. Have fun with that."

In the end, she gave Neteyam her overalls anyway. He made a point not to fold them, but still made sure they weren't touching the sand. He scooped up Tuk and carried her to the water, holding her as he walked out up to his waist. "See, it's not that cold," he whispered. "Wanna get down?" Tuk shook her head. "Okay," he laughed. "But you have to eventually." Rotxo approached them, hiding his hand behind his back. "Tuk, look what Kiri found!" he held out his hand, a spiraling shell in his fist. Tuk gasped and snatched it, admiring it carefully. "What do we say?" Neteyam whispered. "Thank you Rotxo," she murmured, smiling at him. "I want to get down now," she whispered into Neteyam's hair. He gently set her down on her feet, still holding onto her hand. She giggled as the water hit her legs, immediately splashing around.

"Does she know how to swim?" Tsireya asked, with concern on her face. "Of course she does," Neteyam answered. "She just didn't like the cold." "We will make sure not to go past where she can touch," Ao'nung called before submerging himself into the waves. In the blink of an eye, he popped up beside Neteyam. "Shit!" Neteyam shouted, flinching backwards. Lo'ak snorted. "You scared me. You were just over there," he explained, pointing. "Yeah, well," he shrugged. "Don't tell Tuk this," he whispered, intentionally loud so Tuk could in fact hear him. "I am part merman. That's why I swim so fast." Neteyam rolled his eyes as Tuk's jaw dropped in awe. 'Maybe a siren,' he thought, looking up at Ao'nung's ice eyes.

 'Maybe a siren,' he thought, looking up at Ao'nung's ice eyes

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