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"Mom, I told you I don't want any beads," Lo'ak whined, pulling his head away from his mother's hands. Neytiri grabbed his forehead and repositioned him, tsking. "Tsireya said she thought Neteyam's were pretty," Kiri called from their parent's closet. "She did?" he asked, unsure. "Yep. Said Tuk's were cute, too." Lo'ak tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. "Fine. But I want them to be silver. Or black." Neytiri grunted under her breath. "You will like whatever I put in your hair," she muttered, getting up to go pick a few from Kiri's room. Lo'ak sighed, gingerly running his hands through his hair. He knew his mom hated how he kept the sides of his hair shaved, but he didn't care. There was a picture somewhere of his father in college with a mohawk. Lo'ak liked emulating that energy. As if on queue, Jake walked out of his closet in a pair of khaki shorts and a white tank top, pulling on a neutral-patterned short sleeved overshirt. "How do I look?" he asked, grinning. Lo'ak scoffed in response, looking down at his phone. "I think you look handsome, husband," Neytiri said, entering with a fist full of beads. She gently handed them to Lo'ak. "Pick a few, baba," she murmured, gently rubbing Lo'ak's scalp.

He picked a few red and teal wooden beads from the selection, alone with a single silver dolphin. He knew Tsireya liked dolphins. Of course, he would never admit that's why he picked it, but he hoped if she noticed, it would make her smile. He put the wooden beads on the pieces of his hair that always slipped out of the bunch he tied it back in. His mother smiled at the dolphin he picked, and buried it somewhere in the back of his hair. Kiri walked out of their closet and rubbed the shaved sides of Lo'ak's head. "You look like Little Bill," she laughed, ducking away as Lo'ak attempted to slap her in the face. "My teenagers are behaving like children," Neytiri called to Jake. He poked his head out of the closet doorway, hiding his grin with a frown. Kiri laughed and hurried out of their room, disappearing down the hallway.

"Tell me about Syria," Jake called. "Tsireya, dad. There's a 'T' at the beginning. Like, a Ts sound. And then Reya. Like 'Ray of sunshine,' kinda." His dad was looking over Lo'ak's head at his mother, grinning softly. "I told you he'd correct me, habibti," he whispered. "Stop," Lo'ak muttered, hiding his face in his hands. "Is she... nice?" Jake asked awkwardly. Neytiri snorted over Lo'ak's shoulder. "She is so nice. You can ask Kiri. She's probably nicer than Neteyam is. And Tuk adores her." Lo'ak was grinning like an idiot. He was probably blushing, too. He was thankful his siblings weren't here to see. "She's got these blue eyes. They're like, greenish blue, kinda. Her brother's are more icey blue. And her hair's so lovely. And, she's got really cool ear piercings and she is really good at swimming." Neytiri gently patted his cheek. "She really is beautiful, Jake," she confirmed. Lo'ak could hear the smile in her voice. "Get dressed, son," she said, patting his back. "We have to go to the store first. I want to get Ronal flowers."

"Tey?" Lo'ak called loudly from the living room. "What?" Neteyam answered, voice distant. Lo'ak blinked. "Where are you?" "Tuk's room," his brother shouted. Lo'ak climbed the stairs and went to his little sister's room, finding Neteyam with a pink pipe cleaner shoved into one of his braids and pink lip gloss on his mouth. Tuk stood behind him, with a fist clamped around a package of more pipe cleaners. "Whatcha doing?" Lo'ak asked uncertainly. "I am having my hair and makeup done for the big night," Neteyam answered. "Duh," Tuk added, grinning mischievously. "I'm also playing pet simulator," Neteyam continued, gesturing to Tuk's iPad in his lap. Lo'ak scoffed. "Tuk, I need to borrow Neteyam for a minute. Is that okay?" Neteyam instantly got to his feet, a look of thanks on his face. He pulled the pipe cleaner from his hair and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. "I guess so," she mumbled, frowning. "Go find Kiri. She'll play with you," Neteyam promised, rubbing her head with his hand. Her face perked up and she ran into the hallway, smiling. "Kiri's gonna kill you," Lo'ak warned, grinning. "Yeah, whatever. What's up?" Neteyam was smiling a knowing smile. "You know what's up," Lo'ak mumbled. "Yeah, but I wanna hear you ask me for help." Lo'ak rolled his eyes. "Fine. Neteyam, will you help me pick out my clothes for tonight?" He widened his eyes and pushed out his lower lip. "Pweaseeee?" Neteyam shoved Lo'ak's head away, grinning. "Gross. Fine," he said, following Lo'ak to his room.

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