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In anatomy, Ao'nung had started allowing himself 4 seconds of eye contact with Neteyam before he forced himself to look away. Neteyam found it funny that Ao'nung thought he was being subtle. Neteyam would be speaking, and Ao'nung would let himself stare for 4 tiny seconds before looking at his phone, or the clock on the wall, or his sister. Neteyam thought it was just a coincidence at first, until he saw Ao'nung's lips moving subconsciously, counting to 4. This was progress, as sad as that truly was. At least he was speaking to Neteyam. Now, the two of them sat in the library, on the floor, tucked away behind a corner of shelving. Neteyam saw these moments as little slivers of gold, the silver lining to this whole thing. When Ao'nung would whisper so quietly because they were in a library, not because he was scared. When they would sit criss-cross on the floor, facing each other, computers on their laps, with their knees barely touching. When Ao'nung would gaze at Neteyam far longer than 4 seconds. Ao'nung was nervous for swim tryouts. He was rambling about them with wide, sparkling eyes. "Ao'nung," Neteyam interrupted gently. "Hmm?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. Neteyam thought that Ao'nung looked a lot like an owl when he made that curious expression, with his big eyes full of question. He smiled to himself. "Ao'nung, these words mean nothing to me," Neteyam laughed, turning his computer screen around to show him that he was trying to look up "What is a heat? Swimming". Ao'nung grinned. "Right, sorry. A heat is, like, the rounds of a competition." "Oh," Neteyam nodded. "Makes sense."

A silence fell as Ao'nung opened his computer. "I was looking last night," Ao'nung whispered. "At what?" Neteyam asked, glancing up from his screen to see Ao'nung already looking at him. "Uh," Ao'nung breathed, before blinking and looking down at his computer. Neteyam felt a smile spread across his face. "What was that?" he asked, tapping the edge of Ao'nung's screen with his fingertips. "Swimming with a broken nose," Ao'nung mumbled. "I looked it up. As captain, I am going to have to mandate that you only attempt back, side, or breast stroke. Because you can breathe through your mouth." Neteyam blinked. "Oh." Ao'nung glanced up. "Oh?" he repeated, giving Neteyam that same inquisitive look. "I didn't even think about that," Neteyam admitted, feeling his slightly swollen nose. "It's not bruised as bad," Ao'nung commented. "And the swelling has gone down a lot." Neteyam nodded. "I also looked at something else," Ao'nung murmured, typing something rapidly. "What's that?" Neteyam asked, scooting slightly closer to him. Their knees bumped genty. "Lacrosse teams in the area," Ao'nung declared proudly, turning his computer around. Neteyam felt his heart sink at the wide smile on Ao'nung's face. "Thank you," Neteyam began, grabbing Ao'nung's hand to show his gratitude. Ao'nung's smile grew slightly, enough for his eyes to nearly disappear. "But," Neteyam whispered. Ao'nung's face faltered a little. "I already looked, even though I already knew. I was able to do lax through my old school, but I couldn't afford a travel team. And that was there. Here, they're so expensive, plus equipment, plus tourney fees, plus-" "I can- my family could help," Ao'nung interrupted. "I don't mind. God knows we have enough." Neteyam paused, collecting his thoughts. "I can't ask you to pay for something unnecessary," he said, shaking his head. "Yes, you can," Ao'nung scoffed. "Plus, it's something you enjoy." Neteyam shook his head. "No." Ao'nung blinked. "You don't enjoy it?" he asked, brow furrowing. "No, no, I do, I love it. I just can't ask you for that." Ao'nung leaned forward slightly. "Why not?" he asked. His eyes were genuine. "I just can't," Neteyam insisted, dropping Ao'nung's hand and returning it to his lap.

When he glanced back up a few moments later, the sparkle in Ao'nung's eyes was gone. He had gone silent, and was reading something on his computer. Neteyam knew he was, because his eyes darted back and forth across his screen and had been for a while now. "Stop looking at me," Ao'nung muttered. Neteyam blinked. "I'm not," he lied, eyes darting back down. "Well, now you're not," he mumbled. "Yeah, okay," Neteyam scoffed. "If you're going to offer to pay, like, $2,000 for my lax season, I'm allowed to look at you." Ao'nung glanced up at him, frustration written across his face. "That makes absolutely zero sense," he whispered. "I know it makes no sense," Neteyam retorted, folding his arms across his chest. "Then why did you say it?" Ao'nung snapped, mimicking Neteyam's pose. Neteyam grimaced. "Because you just, out of the blue, offered to pay for me. You barely even know me. Why would you-" "I barely know you?" Ao'nung asked, eyes softening. Neteyam hesitated. "I think I know you more than barely," Ao'nung said, gaze darkening again. "That's not what I meant," Neteyam whispered. "I trust you to pay me back, if that's what you're talking about," Ao'nung muttered. "That is what I'm talking about, actually, thank you," Neteyam muttered back. "Why are you angry?" Ao'nung asked. "What? You're the one who's pouting," Neteyam exclaimed as quietly as he could manage. "Well, I did something nice, and you won't let me!" Ao'nung whisper-shouted. "I found a team that's close by and I even wrote down the name of it, and the coach's email." Neteyam opened his mouth to respond, but his words died in his throat. "I- you did?" "Yes, I did," Ao'nung huffed. "You wouldn't even let me say it." Neteyam put his computer to the side, scooting across the walkway so that they were side by side. "I was trying to get there, but you didn't-" Ao'nung was interrupted by Neteyam gently taking his computer off of his lap and setting it on the floor. He gently wrapped his arm around Ao'nung's shoulders, pulling him in as best as he could. He pretended like he didn't see Ao'nung's eyes dart around, seeing if anyone was watching. "Thank you," Neteyam whispered. He gently rested his cheek on Ao'nung's forehead. "I'm sorry. Thank you," he repeated. Ao'nung turned his head to look at Neteyam, with his chin resting on his shoulder. "Will you let me at least help? I really don't mind." Neteyam knew he would never be morally able to let Ao'nung give him money, but he nodded anyway. "I'll think about it," he whispered. Ao'nung grinned. "Thank you," he whispered, wrapping both arms around Neteyam's torso briefly before pulling back and gently removing Neteyam's arms from around him. His hands lingered around Neteyam's for just a moment before he picked his computer back up. "I'll text you the info?" he asked, gazing over at Neteyam. "Okay," he nodded, trying not to get too excited at the idea of being on a team again.

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