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Rotxo was aware of Kiri staring at Ao'nung as he ran into the waves. He was trying very hard not to get jealous. It's not like he could even blame her. Ao'nung was very physically impressive, even with his clothes on. Rotxo looked around for Lo'ak, spotting him next to Tsireya. She was stepping out of her flowy skirt. Rotxo sniggered at how red Lo'ak had gotten, and how desperately he was looking around to find something else to stare at. Neteyam was walking calmly through the waves, holding Tuk in his arms and whispering something to her. Rotxo took one last look at Kiri and yanked his shirt off, chasing after Ao'nung. He tackled his friend into the water, the pair of them laughing loudly. Lo'ak followed him, jumping around in the waves and grinning. Tsireya dove into a wave as she entered, barely creating a ripple. Kiri was more hesitant, crossing her arms across her chest nervously. She crouched, fidgeting with something in the sand below her. Rotxo carefully approached her, keeping all but his head under the shallow water. "Whatcha looking at?" he asked, grinning. She looked up in alarm before realizing it was him. Rotxo felt his stomach flip flop as her face relaxed into a small smile. "Shells," she whispered, holding a spiraled one out to him. "For Tuk. Go give it to her, please." Rotxo nodded, getting to his feet. He turned back around in embarrassment, realizing he had doused Kiri in sea water by doing so. "I'm sorry," he yelped, hands darting out to try to help. He pushed the soaked hair out of her face, rubbing her closed eyes with his dry thumbs. "I'm sorry," he repeated, voice soft. Kiri giggled. "It's alright," she said, getting to her feet. "It was going to happen anyways." Rotxo noticed her face was flushed all the way up to the tips of her ears. It was probably just sunburn.

Rotxo approached Tuk and Neteyam, hiding the shell behind his back. "Tuk, look what Kiri found!" He dramatically revealed the slightly pink spiral shell. Tuk gasped and snatched it, admiring it carefully. Rotxo grinned at how large her smile was. "What do we say?" Neteyam whispered. "Thank you Rotxo," she murmured, smiling at him. Rotxo nodded, grinning back. Tuk tucked her face into the crook of Neteyam's shoulder, hiding in his hair. She whispered something, and Neteyam gently set her down on her feet in the water. She immediately splashed around, eyes wide with wonder. Ao'nung swam over, saying something to Neteyam. Rotxo saw his friend lean ever so slightly into Neteyam, brushing his shoulder almost imperceptibly with his own. Ao'nung said something, probably a bad joke, and Neteyam rolled his eyes. Ao'nung grinned at the boy, eyes lingering on his face for a second before looking away.

"Look!" Tsireya called, pointing at the sunset. "Ommi! Look!" Lo'ak called to his mother on the shore. Her head snapped up and she tapped her husband on the shoulder, gesturing. Rotxo followed her hand to the setting sun on the horizon, shielding his eyes slightly against the glare. "Wow," Kiri breathed from beside him. Rotxo looked over at her. Her hazel eyes looked illuminated in the direct light. Rotxo realized for the first time that she had freckles dusted across her nose. "I know, right," Rotxo replied, grinning. "I've seen this countless times, but I still find it incredible." Kiri nodded slowly, mouth slightly open. "EVERYBODY SMILE," shouted Ronal from the shore, phone in hand. "Ugh, Mama," Ao'nung protested, turning to face her. "Quiet, son. SMILE!" Rotxo turned and smiled as wide as he could for the camera, nudging Kiri to do the same. She sighed and turned, smiling a close lipped smile. "What, not a fan of pictures?" he asked. she smiled at the ground and shook her head. "I don't like my teeth," she explained. Rotxo blinked. "Teeth? Well, I haven't even noticed them. You have completely normal teeth, if that makes you feel any better." Kiri was silent. "I'm more distracted by your smile than your teeth," Rotxo whispered. Kiri looked up at him. She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Ronal's whistle. Her children immediately headed to her, followed by the Sully kids. Kiri scooped up Tuk as they went, slinging her over her shoulder.

Tonowari and Jake were crouched by the grilling pit, both of them talking loudly. Ronal and Neytiri sat cross-legged on the sand by the fire, waiting for their children. Tonowari grabbed Rotxo and Ao'nung by the shoulders. "Help me serve this," he whispered, gesturing to the long table of food that they had prepared. "Kālua pig- chicken is at the far end. Rotxo, help with the poi." "Hey, Kiri," he called, waving her over. "Try this," he said, gesturing to the bowl in front of him. "What is it?" she asked, looking closely at it. "Poi. It's made from taro root. You know, like the milk tea. Taro doesn't taste like vanilla on its own though. That's all flavoring. Want some?" Kiri nodded, holding out her plate. Rotxo scooped a little bit onto it, just enough for her to try it. She dipped her finger into it. "It tastes more sour than the tea," she observed, holding her plate out for more and smiling. Rotxo laughed and looked down the table at Ao'nung. Neteyam was trying the chicken, it looked like. Ao'nung was watching him eat, eyes trained on the boy's face. "That's weird," Rotxo muttered. "Is it?" Kiri asked, eyeing him out of the corner of her eye. "What?" he asked, blinking. "What?" she answered, grinning mischievously. Rotxo raised his eyebrows at her. "Want more?" Kiri grinned. "Yeah." "Don't fill up on... that," Neytiri called, looking at her daughter's plate. "Go get some protein as well." Neytiri peered at the poi. "What is that?" "It's poi. It's taro root and I think coconut milk? Ronal makes it. Want some?" Neytiri hesitated but nodded.

Rotxo overheard Tonowari and Jake talking about what Rotxo determined to be one of two things: their grills or their wives. He grinned at them behind their backs as the Sully and Kogoya families filtered down the food table, accepting food from the boys. When everyone had come through, Rotxo and Ao'nung fixed their plates. Rotxo's was mostly poi. Ao'nung's was mostly chicken. "Protein loading," he mumbled. Rotxo blinked. "...Why?" "I don't know, actually. Jake Sully told me to." Rotxo snorted. "Eat your mother's poi or her head will explode," he joked. Ao'nung laughed softly. The two of them sat beside Tsireya at the fire. She leaned against her mother's shoulder, legs extended across her father's lap. He was using her shins as a table. Ao'nung sat close to his mother. Rotxo settled beside him. He used to feel out of place with such a close-knit family. But, by now, they considered him one of their own. He looked over at the Sully's. Neytiri and Jake were sitting close, whispering to each other. Neytiri was smiling. Kiri had Tuk in her lap, and was resting her plate on top of her head. Neteyam and Lo'ak sat with their backs to the fire, laughing with their sisters. "Hey, Neteyam," Ao'nung called. The boy turned to face him. "How's the chicken?" Lo'ak sniggered at his question. "It's really good," Neteyam responded, eyes glowing in the firelight. "Oh, that's great," Tonowari said, sighing in relief. "I was worried. You know, because of the difference in meat density." Jake nodded deeply in understanding. "It turned out great," he said, giving Tonowari a thumbs up. "See, Ronal? I told you I could do it," Tonowari whispered, voice very very quiet. Ronal smiled at him. "You did tell me that," she laughed quietly. Rotxo looked back at Kiri. She was speaking intently to Neteyam. Lo'ak's head was bent low over his plate. She said something and looked over her brother's shoulder at Ao'nung. She smiled at him briefly before her eyes returned to Neteyam. Rotxo felt his face grow hot. He snuck a glance at Ao'nung. He was focussed on his food. He didn't even notice. Rotxo sighed and shook his head, focussing on anything other than the jealousy gnawing at his stomach.

tbh rotxo's actor (duane evans jr) is like exactly how i picture him writing this the entire cast is so fine like how did y'all find these ppl wow

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tbh rotxo's actor (duane evans jr) is like exactly how i picture him writing this the entire cast is so fine like how did y'all find these ppl wow.

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