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It wasn't a secret that his siblings were some of the most important people in Ao'nung's life. They always had been. Despite his parent's differences in cultures, the family had always been beyond sacred to both. He had to be told that Rotxo wasn't his real brother, and he had argued with his mama when she did so. Ao'nung had loved his sister since the moment she opened her eyes. He learned how to braid his own hair by practicing on hers. Every golden memory from his childhood was made priceless by their presence. And now, many years later, he got to do it all over again. He got to watch another small baby grow, and this time, he was old enough to truly appreciate the journey. He had stayed awake after handing his sister back to the nurses. He knew his friend would never ask him to, but he also knew how bad Rotxo needed it. The two of them sat cross-legged on the floor next to Iolana's small crib. Tsireya had curled herself into a ball by her parent's legs, and she was now sleeping soundly. Iolana was so, so small. Despite how he teased Lo'ak for making that observation, it truly was mind blowing. He tried to imagine what she would look like when she got older. She had Ao'nung's eye color, but he knew most babies had bluer eyes when born. Her hair was very dark. He knew from pictures that Reya's had been slightly lighter. Ao'nung sort of hoped she ended up looking like him. He grinned at the thought.

The kids were asked to leave their mother's room. The nurses said why, but Ao'nung wasn't really paying attention. He picked his sister up off of their parents and carried her back into the hallway, laying her down on the couch. She didn't wake up. "She's a very deep sleeper," one of the nurses commented, laughing. "Yeah, she is. Could we get any more blankets?" The nurse nodded, beckoning for him to follow her. He returned shortly, with three blankets and a few pillows in his arms. He instantly knew something was wrong. Rotxo sat with his knees pulled up to his chest, his back leaning against the couch. He had wrapped his arms around himself, resting his head on his knees. Ao'nung mentally scolded himself for leaving his friend alone in a place like this, especially knowing its significance. He set the pillows down gently on the floor and wrapped a blanket around Rotxo, covering his head. "I found earplugs for you," Ao'nung whispered, gently handing them to him under the blanket. He felt Rotxo's hand dart out and grab them. "I'm sorry I left," Ao'nung continued, throwing a blanket gracelessly over his sister and sitting down beside his friend. "It's fine," Rotxo mumbled quietly. "No, it's not. I'm sorry." Rotxo pulled the blanket down slightly, enough for his eyes to peek out over the edge. "Is she okay? Why did they make us leave?" Ao'nung hesitated for a moment. "I don't know, actually. Want me to go ask?" Rotxo shook his head. "She's probably feeding," Tsireya mumbled from overhead. She sleepily flopped her hand on top of Rotxo's head, rubbing his hair gently. Rotxo nodded gently. "I'm sorry, guys. It's just... you know, hospitals, and the mom thing. A mom that I know, in a hospital. I mean, where else would she be, she works here, but I just-" His voice broke. Ao'nung felt his chest ache. Rotxo's mom passing had been what had brought them together. Her stays in the hospitals had been where she and Ronal met, where they had realized they both had sons of the same age. "Want me to go ask if we could sit in the car for a sec?" he asked quietly, wrapping a blanket around his own shoulders. "No, no, it's fine," Rotxo shook his head. "I think I'm just tired. Thank you for the, uh, earplugs, though. They should make it easier to sleep. You know, 'cause of the beeping." Ao'nung nodded.

They must have fallen asleep sometime soon after, because when Ao'nung opened his eyes, Ronal was sitting on the floor with them, holding Iolana. "Oh, there he is," she whispered as he rubbed his face, eyes adjusting to the fluorescents. He looked behind him. Tsireya was awake, propped up on her elbow. Rotxo was also up, a relaxed smile on his face. "Mama, should you be out here?" Ao'nung asked quietly, looking around them at the empty hallway. "Yes, I should. Your father is getting us breakfast from downstairs, and my room is just down there, remember?" Ao'nung nodded, finally gathering his bearings. "We got the okay to be discharged later today," Ronal murmured, looking down at her baby. Tsireya pushed her blanket back and stepped over her brothers, crouching behind her mother. Ronal's long hair had been hanging down her back in slightly messy waves. Tsireya gently ran her fingers through it and began braiding it. Ronal smiled softly. "That's good," Rotxo breathed, relief written across his face. "I know this is a lot for you, child," she whispered, looking at him with warm eyes. "We are all very proud of you." Rotxo grinned. "Proud of me? I am proud of you, mama," he answered, voice full of his usual humor.

Tonowari returned with six ceramic plates with lids on top. Ao'nung opened his dish excitedly, thrilled to see that his dad had remembered to ask for sweet potato hash browns instead of the regular ones. His father held Iolana while his family ate. Ao'nung found it hilarious how she managed to look even smaller in their dad's arms. She was still sleeping, hands occasionally grasping at Tonowari's fingers. Iolana would gasp softly in her sleep on occasion. Ao'nung didn't think his sister had actually seen him yet. She had spent most of her life asleep. "Look at her," he whispered, poking Rotxo in the shoulder. "Sleeping like she just worked the longest shift of her life." Tonowari snorted, causing her to open her eyes. She stared up at him for a moment. Tonowari angled her so that she could look at the rest of her family. Ao'nung waved. Iolana blinked. He was sure she was looking at him now. Could babies tell who's related to them? He knew they knew who their parents were. "Hi," Rotxo whispered, grinning at her. "How crazy would it be if she responded?" he asked Ao'nung, smiling widely. "I gave him some of my CBD oil drops before you woke up," Ronal murmured, winking. Ao'nung nodded. "Makes sense."

Tsireya rode home in their parent's car while Rotxo and Ao'nung drove his truck. Iolana was, of course, in her carseat in Tonowari's car. Ao'nung wished he didn't have to get his own vehicle home. He didn't want to leave her. When they got home, he checked his phone for the first time all day. Tsireya had sent a picture of the three of them sleeping into their group chat. Ronal must have taken it. Tsireya was sprawled across the couch while Rotxo and Ao'nung huddled under their blankets, their heads touching slightly. He grinned and saved the picture to his camera roll.

Teyam Sully:

(ao'nung) how was anatomy today?
(ao'nung) did you take notes for me and reya

(neteyam) Anatomy was lonely without you guys
(neteyam) Of course I did
(neteyam) We're at lunch right now. Spider is at our table for some reason. Are you going to come in for econ? Or just stay home?

(ao'nung) oh def stay home
(ao'nung) Iolana is so awesome

(neteyam) Let me or Kiri know when your mom would be okay with my mother gifting her an obscene amount of flowers
(neteyam) She's making me go all the way across town to find this special orchid.

(ao'nung) that's so sweet tho my mom will eat that shit up
(ao'nung) want company?
(ao'nung) on the orchid hunt

(neteyam) I thought you wanted to stay with your sister

(ao'nung) well when the choice is between econ or literally anything i will never choose econ!!!!

(neteyam) Lol
(neteyam) Stay home with your sister
(neteyam) Wait, sisters
(neteyam) You have two now!


(ao'nung) woohoo!!!!!!!!!! ur so right!!!!!!!!

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(ao'nung) woohoo!!!!!!!!!! ur so right!!!!!!!!

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