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(this chapter is still saturday night even tho kiri's was the next day)


Ao'nung wasn't answering his phone. Tsireya was livid. She had half dragged him down the ladder, not minding that he fell down the last few rungs onto the ground. "Go out and find him," she had hissed. "Now." He had argued with her for a little while, trying to get her to see that he most likely did not want to be found by them. Tsireya would hear nothing of it. "You're the idiot that went too far with questions. You know how he is. You have to fix it." Rotxo didn't know what the big deal was. Ao'nung could have just said no and they would have moved along. But, nonetheless, Rotxo sat in his car, making missed call after missed call to Ao'nung. He left him at least 12 voicemails and texted him many, many times, but to no response.

After a long while, Tsireya came and knocked impatiently on his car window. She was wrapped in the blanket from the roof and had tied her hair back in a way that made her strongly resemble her mother. Rotxo rolled it down hesitantly, leaning away in case she tried to slap him. "Kiri said she thought she heard Neteyam sneak out. We are going to go see if Ao'nung went there." Rotxo blinked in confusion. "Why would Ao'nung be with him? Does he even know Neteyam's address?" Tsireya's looked at him incredulously. "Are you serious? Are you actually- just let me in." She tried the door handle. "Unlock the door." Rotxo let her into his van, fumbling in his glove box for an air freshener.

On the drive, they passed Ao'nung's truck, heading the opposite direction. "Oh! Oh!!" Tsireya screamed, pointing. Rotxo immediately hit the breaks and slammed his fist on his horn, tires squealing as he whipped his car around to follow his friend. He shot Reya a glance. She was gripping the handle on the ceiling and her armrest with white knuckles, eyes exceptionally wide. She was breathing hard, and glaring at him. Rotxo grimaced at her, mumbling apologies.

Ao'nung pulled over onto the side of the road, putting on his hazards. Rotxo followed, jumping out of his seat the moment he shut his car off and going to his friend's driver's side window. Ao'nung was leaned out of it, a mildly upset expression on his face. "I'm sorry," Rotxo instantly murmured, resting both hands on the car door. "It wasn't my place to ask, not like that. I'm sorry I told you about Neteyam, that wasn't my place either." Ao'nung smiled softly. "It's okay, bro. I was just caught off guard, I think." Ao'nung clapped his hand on Rotxo's shoulder, grinning up at him.

Tsireya shoved Rotxo out of the way. "Are you okay?" she demanded, looking closely at her brother. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," Ao'nung mumbled, pushing her hands away from his face. "Good. I was worried about you driving." A moment passed. Rotxo heard a smack, followed by Ao'nung's shout of surprise. He looked up in alarm. "Why would you just leave?" Tsireya shouted. "And why wouldn't you answer your phone? Rotxo called you several times. So did I. I thought you were dead in a ditch. Ao, if mom had called and you weren't there-" "Hey, hey, can I speak?" Ao'nung interrupted, tone impatient. "Can I get a word in? Please?" Tsireya sighed in frustration, taking a step back from his car door. "I was just sitting in a random parking lot, thinking. That's all. With all the new people here, I just- I needed some time to think. With just myself." Tsireya stared at him in disbelief. "It would have taken all of four seconds for you to text me that." "Or for you to answer one of my phone calls," Rotxo mumbled, arms folded across his chest. "I know. I'm sorry. I just needed some time to myself."

Tsireya rubbed her eyes with her hands. "Okay. Go home." Ao'nung blinked. "What? Home? No. You can't tell me what to do." Rotxo winced as Tsireya slowly looked up at him. "Go home. Now. I will tell mom why if you don't go now." Rotxo blinked. "Well, he's supposed to be at my house tonight. Wouldn't it make more sense if he just spent the night like we planned?" Tsireya gritted her teeth as Ao'nung muttered in agreement. "Fine. But I want you two asleep as soon as possible. I mean that." "You sound like Mama," Ao'nung mumbled, starting his truck and rolling up his window.

"Do I really sound like mama?" Tsireya whispered as they got into Rotxo's car. "Yes," he said instantly. "You look like her, too." Tsireya made an offended face, looking at him in disbelief. "What? She's kinda-" "Stop!" Tsireya said, closing her eyes and covering her ears. Rotxo grinned.

They did, in fact, go to sleep as soon as they got home. Rotxo wanted to ask Ao'nung more about where he had gone. Rotxo had counted another joint missing from his tin. He doubted Ao would have continued to smoke, especially not alone. Before he got the chance to, Ao'nung was snoring loudly, splayed across Rotxo's bedroom floor. Rotxo kicked him in the side. "Stop snoring, idiot," he whispered, tucking his pillow under his friend's head and laying a blanket over him. Ao'nung grunted and nodded in his sleep. Tsireya stepped over her brother and crawled into Rotxo's bed. He blinked at her. "Do you want me to sleep on the couch, or..." She shot him a confused look. "Well, it's just that-" "Rotxo, we have been doing this our whole lives." He shrugged. "Yeah, but it's been a while, and you're older now, and-" "Shut up. Would you rather sleep on the couch?" Rotxo shook his head, getting into his bed on the opposite side. She still had his comforter rolled around her. He sighed, getting back out of bed and grabbing another blanket from his closet and a pillow from the couch. "Night," Tsireya called, her back to him. He patted her shoulder awkwardly and laid down on the far side of the bed, rolling himself into a ball.

the group🌺🏊🎸🎨🏄🏽‍♂️🥍:


(Ao'nung) bro fell asleep in jeans

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(Ao'nung) bro fell asleep in jeans

(Rotxo) u fell asleep on my FLOOR!!!!!!

(Ao'nung) hater fr

(Kiri) what is he even sleeping on
(Kiri) is that a couch cushion?????

(Rotxo) LMAOOO it might be.

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