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Neteyam was sitting in his brother's bed, absentmindedly watching Lo'ak play video games. "Rate the experience on a scale of 1-10," Lo'ak called over his shoulder. "Hmm? Me?" Lo'ak snorted. "No, Neteyam, the other brother in my room." Neteyam rolled his eyes. "Shut up. Anyways, the food was really good." "Yeah. I didn't think I would like the texture of poi but I did." Neteyam hesitated. "How was Reya?" He watched Lo'ak lower his chin to his chest and rub his face with his hands. "I was so nervous the whole time. I hope she didn't notice." His brother shut down his monitor and jumped onto his bed, landing squarely on Neteyam. "Dude," Neteyam complained, shoving him off. "Do you think she noticed?" Lo'ak asked, settling next to his brother. "I doubt it. She was probably just as nervous, if not more." "She was really pretty with the flowers in her hair." Neteyam smiled. "You like her, right? You can admit that to yourself, right?" Lo'ak grinned. "Maybe." Neteyam scoffed. "'Maybe' headass. You most definitely like her. I think she likes you too." Lo'ak's face flushed.

Neteyam went to go check on his other siblings before he went to sleep. Tuk's room was dark, save for the soft glow from the light-up stars on her ceiling. He whispered "Love you, Tuktuk," just in case she was still awake before making his way to Kiri's. Kiri's room was cold and dark, with a fan blowing across her face. She was spread eagle on her bed, one leg dangling off the side. Her mouth was wide open and she was snoring softly. Neteyam grinned and tucked her leg back under the covers. She twitched in her sleep and rolled over. He whispered goodnight over his shoulder and headed to his room. Neteyam checked his phone.

4 Missed Calls from: Ao'nung Kogoya

(Ao'nung) Neteyam
(Ao'nung) I need to tell you something

1 Missed FaceTime Call

(Ao'nung) shit didn't mean to ft
(Ao'nung) I need to tell you something

(Neteyam) Oh
(Neteyam) Is everything okay??????

(Ao'nung) yes
(Ao'nung) can i call you

(Neteyam) yes

His phone instantly started ringing. Neteyam answered it. "Hi," Ao'nung breathed. He sounded like he had been running. "Is everything... okay?" Neteyam asked, concerned. "Yes, everything is- well, no. It's not. I need to talk to you." "You are talking to me." Ao'nung sighed. "Please. Can I come get you?" Neteyam blinked. "What? Now?" "Yes. Cmon, it's, like, only 12. And it's a Saturday. I'll have you back soon, I just need to talk." Neteyam thought for a minute. "Park at the end of my road and i'll walk to you. If my mom hears your truck she'll catch us and I will be burned alive." Ao'nung laughed softly. "Okay. You can go ahead and walk, my house isn't a far drive." "Okay," Neteyam said, hanging up the phone.

He dressed in his plaid pajama pants and one of Lo'ak's gray Nike jackets. He tied his braids back to keep them out of his face. Neteyam decided to leave his phone at home so that his mother couldn't track him. His bedroom was on the ground level. Neteyam quietly pushed open the window, carefully pushing the screen onto the soft shrub outside. He slipped out of the window one leg at a time, leaving behind a ruler to hold the sill up in case it slipped while he was gone. Neteyam headed for the end of his road at a light jog, looking up at the stars. Ao'nung's truck was already there, with the lights off.

Neteyam tapped on the passenger side window. Ao'nung flinched, startled. He unlocked the door and Neteyam sat down, closing the door behind him. The smell of weed hit him like a punch to the face. "Holy shit, bro, it smells so strong in here." Ao'nung winced. "I'm sorry. Have you smoked before?" Neteyam gave him a look of disbelief. "Have I- I'm the oldest son and child. My mother is muslim." Ao'nung scoffed. "My father? US marine. My brother is really actually Lo'ak. You guys get to say goodbye and go home. That mf is with me always." Ao'nung was laughing now, smiling Ronal's smile. "Shit, you're right. Do you want-" he handed him a tin with a dolphin painted on the cover. Neteyam took it, pulling his lighter from his pocket. Ao'nung blinked. "Do you just... carry that around with you?" Neteyam nodded, striking it to a flame. "Shit," Ao'nung breathed, nodding slowly in approval. He started his truck and began to play soft music.

"Why am i here, Ao'nung?" Neteyam asked suddenly, rolling down his window to let out some of the smell. "Oh. That's right. Listen, I don't know how to tell you this." Neteyam's brow furrowed in confusion. "Kiri told my sister and Rotxo that you are..." he gestured with his hands, face flushed. Neteyam snorted. "That I'm what?" Ao'nung's mouth opened and closed like a fish. "That I'm what? Gay?" Ao'nung made a weird strangled sound and nodded slowly. "I don't know if Kiri was supposed to tell anyone. Or if she was even supposed to know. But she probably wasn't supposed to tell my siblings. And they weren't supposed to tell me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry and I won't tell anyone, I swear."

Neteyam's mouth was open in disbelief. "Oh, you're serious," he breathed. "I am. Why are you laughing?" Neteyam looked into his eyes. "Because you drove to my house at 12:45 in the morning to tell me that you thought my sister outed me. And to apologize for even knowing." Neteyam paused. "It's sweet. I appreciate you telling me. I really, really do. But I don't try to hide it. I thought it was pretty obvious from the start." Ao'nung's expression was unreadable. "Well, I didn't notice," he muttered. "I'm sorry. You can go now." Neteyam scoffed. "If I walk into the house smelling like this my mom will be outside my door with a belt in two seconds flat." He thought he saw a small smile cross Ao'nung's face briefly. "Okay, fine," he groaned. "What now?" Neteyam thought for a moment. "Wanna just like, listen to music? We can't really drive anywhere. And, I left my phone at home so my mom couldn't track it." "I mean, I can think of nothing better to do," Ao'nung said, turning his music up louder. "I could," Neteyam muttered under his breath, so quiet it was barely even a whisper. "What did you say?" Neteyam blinked in pretend ignorance. "What?" he asked, head tilted in 'confusion'. "Mhm," Ao'nung eyed him suspiciously.

"Neteyam?" Ao'nung asked. They had both reclined their seats all the way back and were staring out of Ao'nung's sunroof. "Hmm?" Neteyam responded. "When did you know?" Of course, Neteyam knew what he was talking about. But if he was somehow wrong- he just needed Ao'nung's confirmation. "Know what?" "Cmon, don't make me say it," Ao'nung whined. Neteyam sniggered. "My mom said she knew when I was a toddler, because I steal my grandmother's hijabs from her closet and use them as hair. But I knew for myself when I met this kid from the base we lived on. He was older than me and I thought he was just, like, the coolest ever. I idolized him so, so very much. I wanted to be exactly like him in every way and I became obsessed with, like, knowing every fact about him that he would let me know. The older I got, the more I realized that that was probably the first real crush I ever had." Ao'nung was silent. Neteyam turned his head to face him. "I'm hoping that's what you meant," he added nervously. Ao'nung laughed and turned his head to the side to look at Neteyam. They were eye to eye now. "It was. Sorry if that's weird, I've just never gotten to ask someone that before."


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