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Ao'nung's face felt hot, and it had nothing to do with his proximity to the fire. The families had finished their meals and had put the paper dishes and cooking tools into his parent's car. Neteyam and Lo'ak chased each other around the sand for some unknown reason. Kiri, Rotxo, and Tsireya were seated in a circle, talking. Ao'nung sat alone by the fire, looking into the flames. He could hear his friends and family talking and laughing around them. Something was holding him back from them tonight. He wasn't sure what it was.

"I'm going to take a walk," he whispered to his mother, touching her shoulder gently. "I don't feel good." "Okay," she whispered back, sending him a concerned but kind smile. Ao'nung walked far enough away so that he could no longer smell the fire smoke or hear their voices. He sat down on the edge of the water, looking at the moon's reflection. "I don't want to scare you," someone whispered behind him. Ao'nung nearly jumped out of his skin in shock. He leapt to his feet without looking, nearly colliding into the body that stood behind him. Neteyam's scared face stared back at him, much closer now than they ever had been before. "Holy fucking hell, Neteyam, what- how were you so quiet?" he asked in between gasps, trying to calm his heartbeat. "I'm sorry," Neteyam whispered, taking a step backwards. "I should have made some noise. I'm sorry." Ao'nung shook his head. "Neteyam, I'm not upset," he reassured him gently. "Oh. Okay. Well, I'm still sorry." Ao'nung sighed, shaking his head. "What?" Neteyam asked. "You just always apologize. You didn't even do anything, bro." Neteyam was silent. Ao'nung winced.

"Tell me a Neteyam fact," he said suddenly, looking over at him. "A what?" Neteyam asked, tilting his head to the side. "Well, you've been here getting to know my family and our culture. Tell me a Neteyam fact." Neteyam chuckled softly. "My favorite color is purple," he said quietly. "Really? Mine is-" "Blue," Neteyam finished. "Right?" Ao'nung nodded. "Makes sense," Neteyam added. "Yeah, I guess i'd kinda does," Ao'nung laughed. "Tell me another one. Favorite color is, like, surface level." Neteyam thought for a moment. "Arabic was my first language," he began. "Mangoes are my favorite fruit, but I eat a lot of grapes because Tuk always has them." Ao'nung smiled. "I'm excited to have a baby sibling soon," he commented. Neteyam laughed softly. "Well, you're old enough for him or her not to be annoying. Like, you'll think it's cute for a lot longer."

Ao'nung thought for a second. "Why did you follow me out here?" He shrugged. "Because you looked lonely." Ao'nung blinked. "And because Lo'ak told me to leave him alone so he could talk to Tsireya." "Ah. Makes sense," Ao'nung joked. A brief pause. "I like how you did your... hair," Ao'nung said lamely, gesturing with his hand. "Really? Thank you," Neteyam murmured, taking a braid in between his fingers and playing with the beads at the end. "Kiri collects beads and shells and rocks and makes us jewelry. Right now, she's in a hair bead slump. We have, like, countless ones of these in a whole bunch of colors." Another silence fell. "You have to tell me an Ao'nung fact. It's only fair," Neteyam said, nudging him gently with his shoulder. Ao'nung laughed softly. "Okay. Lemme think." Ao'nung pursed his lips. "I can't think of one," he whispered, laughing at himself. "Ask me a question, and I'll answer it." Neteyam snorted. "Okay. What is your favorite... no. Do you have any hobbies besides surfing?" Ao'nung nodded. "I like to work out," he said lamely. "Oh really?" Neteyam asked dryly, pulling a face. "Hush. I also like painting, kinda. Reya and I used to do it a lot together when we were small." "Kiri likes to paint," Neteyam commented. "Does she?" "Mhm." Neteyam's phone ringing interrupted the silence that fell. "Oh, it's Kiri," he said, opening her messages and showing Ao'nung his screen.

Kiri Sully:

(Kiri) where r u guys
(Kiri) ??????


(Neteyam) coming back rn

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(Neteyam) coming back rn

They made their way back towards the distant flickering light from the fire. The sound of Neteyam's beads clinking as he moved was the only sound for quite a while. Neteyam was walking ahead in front of him. Ao'nung could still see the carved out line of Neteyam's cheekbone and the turn of his jaw in the dim lighting. "You look like your mother," Ao'nung declared suddenly. Neteyam stopped in his tracks. He turned to face him, smiling. "Dude, what? Where did that even come from?" Ao'nung scoffed. "I don't know, I guess you just look like her in this light maybe." Neteyam shrugged. "You're right, tho. I look like my mom, and Lo'ak looks like my dad with a tan." "Yeah, I guess," Ao'nung laughed, trying to picture Jake's face in his mind. "I'm my father's twin," Ao'nung added. Neteyam shook his head. "Maybe in like, stature and color palette, but you have Ronal's smile." Ao'nung blinked. He hadn't heard that before. "Do I?" "Mhm, yeah. When you're laughing, though, not like a posed smile."

They arrived at the fire, still discussing which parent their respective siblings looked more like. "Where have you two been? It's been, like, over an hour!" Tsireya shouted, grinning up at them. She was seated very close next to Lo'ak, their knees touching slightly. Ao'nung could see how nervous Lo'ak was just by looking at him. The boy's eyes were wide and his face was fixed in a lopsided grin. "Just talking," Neteyam answered, looking at Kiri despite answering Tsireya. "You know, big brother things," Ao'nung finished, grinning at Neteyam.

The Sully family left soon after. Tsireya rode home with her parents, leaving Rotxo and Ao'nung alone. As soon as his parents pulled out of the parking lot, Ao'nung turned to Rotxo. His friend looked at him with concerned eyes. "You good, bro?" he asked uncertainly. Ao'nung shook his head. "No. Do you have any on you?" Rotxo blinked. "Any what?" he asked, smirking. "I swear to God, Rotxo, I will-" "Okay, man, chill. Is everything okay?" "I already said no." Rotxo folded his arms. "Well, I'm not doing anything until you tell me what's wrong. Just to be safe." Ao'nung rubbed his face with his hands. "I don't know, man. I just feel so- I don't even have a word for it. It's like... closure but in the weirdest, most uncomfortable way. And I feel guilty for something, but I don't know what for. And I feel like everyone knows something but me and it's putting me so on edge." He paused to catch his breath. Rotxo's eyebrows were raised in worry. "Okay, man, let's go to my house. Nobody's home tonight." "I don't think my mom will let me." "Just ask."

Mama 🐚 and Dad:

(Ao'nung) May Rotxo and I spend the night at his house tonight? Just for some variety.

(Tonowari) Ok

(Ao'nung) ?

(Tonowari) 👍

(Ronal) Normally I would say no, but since you helped with the cooking today, I will allow it. But no driving around. Once you're there, I want you to stay there.

(Ronal) Tsireya wants to come. I will leave her at Zama's.

"They said yes but Reya's coming too. We gotta pick her up from the corner store." Rotxo scoffed. "Did they just leave her ass there?" Ao'nung grinned. "Yeah, they did. I'll tell her to pick out snacks."

ao'nung from neteyam's pov when the sun was setting

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ao'nung from neteyam's pov when the sun was setting

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