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Kiri woke up to the sound of her little sister giggling. "Oh no, she's awake!" Tuk whispered. "Shhhh, Tuk, you gotta-" she opened her eyes. Neteyam flinched backwards, dropping the marker in his hand onto her bed. Kiri blinked in confusion for just a moment. "What are you guys-" she looked up into Neteyam's eyes. Her brother's expression slowly shifted from mischievous to guilty. "Oh no," she groaned, shoving her face into Neteyam's pillow. "Kiri no- not my pillow," Lo'ak shouted, turning his head to look at them. "Not- not your pillow?" her words were muffled. "It's my face!" Kiri sat up, glaring at Neteyam. "It was Tuk's idea," he mumbled, lowering his gaze guiltily. "Oh was it? And you were just powerless against her ruthless manipulation?" The corners of Neteyam's mouth quirked upwards slightly. "Don't smile at that. It's not funny," Kiri whined. "Sorry," Neteyam whispered, turning and hurrying out of his room. Kiri groaned. She knew better than to fall asleep before her brothers. Neteyam returned with a pack of wet wipes. "I'm sorry," he whispered, gently wiping her cheek. "Damn it, Neteyam, why do you have to be so nice?" He smiled softly. "I'm trying to be mad at you. Stop lovingly cleaning my face, man," she continued, playfully shoving his hands away. "Well, I'm already almost finished," he muttered, continuing. She sighed and let him.

Kiri must have dozed off again, because she woke up in her father's arms. She could guess that she was being carried up the stairs from Lo'ak's room to her own. She didn't give any indication that she was awake; she loved it when her dad took care of her like this. It made her feel like a child again. He laid her gently on her bed, covering her with her many blankets. He grunted as he attempted to delicately cover her with her many weighted blankets. This forced a small giggle from Kiri's lips. "Are you laughing at me? Have you been awake this whole time?" he whispered, leaning down over her. She nodded, smiling. "You made my elderly self carry you up those damn stairs?" Kiri grinned wider. "Mhm," she breathed, watching her dad shake his head gently. "Sweet dreams, babygirl," he whispered, kissing her forehead softly. "Sweet dreams," she murmured, rolling over into her pile of stuffed animals.

Kiri woke up to the sound of her mother singing. "Ommi, it's so early," she groaned, burying her face into her pillow. "We have been invited to a celebration," Neytiri called, sitting on the edge of her daughter's bed. "A what?" Kiri grumbled, lifting her head. Neytiri ran her hand through Kiri's sleep-knotted hair, detangling it softly. "A celebration. A... Jake?" she shouted over her shoulder. "What's it-" "Luau," he called from the kitchen. "A luau." Kiri blinked. "What?" Neytiri sighed in exasperation, getting to her feet. "Neteyam, tell her," she called down the hall, exiting Kiri's room. Neteyam bounded into her room, hair partially braided. Kiri snorted. "Shut up. I'm in the middle of-" "Clearly," she interrupted, grinning at him. "Who's luau are we going to? Aren't those, like, strictly Hawaiian?" "Ronal is Hawaiian," her father called. Kiri paused. "So, it's Ronal's?" Neteyam nodded. "In celebration of the new school year, is what Tsireya said. Ao'nung said his parents will use any excuse to have a get-together, though." Kiri sat up, pulling her blankets tight around her. "Uh huh. Did they say this in the groupchat, or..." Neteyam pursed his lips. "No, actually. They were here earlier." "What? It doesn't even look- what time is it?" Neteyam grinned. "It's like, 1:30," he muttered. "Holy shit," Kiri breathed, laughing softly. "It's okay to sleep in. It's a sign your body needs it," Neteyam reassured, fiddling with his unbraided section of hair awkwardly. "Well, I have to finish this. The thing's at, like, 7."

Reya 🌊🪸:

(Kiri) what's happening tonight
(Kiri) tey's telling me like very vague info

(tsireya) omg you'll love it
(tsireya) it's kind of a diluted version of the ones they have in Hawaii tbh but it's still fun
(tsireya) dad has this speaker that he loves for some reason and he plays traditional music, we make leis, dance and hang out type stuff
(tsireya) bonfire!!
(tsireya) and if ao feels bold enough he can do siva afi he's real good at it

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