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Ao'nung came back to econ red-faced and slightly sweaty, like he had been running. "Where did you even go?" Kiri asked as he slumped into his seat. "I told you. I got called to the front office." "By who?" Neteyam asked, leaning in. "There wasn't an intercom. "Doesn't matter," Ao'nung answered, not looking over at him. "Ao'nung?" called Spider from across the class, a confused look on his face. He got to his feet and walked over, phone in hand. "My cousin just told me you threatened him?" Neteyam's eyes widened. Spider was leering over Ao'nung, who was still in his seat. "Well, did your cousin tell you he was harassing my sister? For, what, the fourth time now? Fifth? I lost count." Ao'nung got to his feet, instantly towering over Spider. "Or, did he mention that he almost started a fight with their brother?" Ao'nung gestured with his thumb to Kiri and Neteyam. "Wait, what?" Neteyam stood as well. He was also taller than Spider, just not so intimidatingly. "What does Lo'ak have to do with this?" "Tey," Kiri whispered, shaking her head. "I'm guessing he left out the part where he shoved my sister out of his way with his shoulder." Spider's face paled as he looked down at the ground. "No, he didn't mention that." Ao'nung sat back down, a fake smile on his face. "Good! Well then, given all of the background information you seemed to have been missing, we don't have an issue, right?" Spider shook his head as he reddened with embarrassment and headed back to his seat.

Neteyam caught his arm as he went, stopping him in his tracks. "What does Lo'ak have to do with this?" he asked, eyes narrowed. Spider's gaze darted between Kiri and Ao'nung, looking for help. "Teyam, sit down," Kiri murmured, tapping his chair with her foot. "He didn't know, man," Ao'nung whispered, looking up at him. Neteyam quickly apologized to Spider and sat back down, putting his head in his hands. "Lo'ak got into a lot of trouble back home for fighting," Kiri explained. "Tey used to have to break up a lot of fights. It just brought out the bad side of both of them." Ao'nung nodded, looking at Neteyam with sparkling eyes. "Tey- Neteyam broke up fights? His kind ass was involved in, like, real fights?" Kiri snorted. "Yeah, he was. He was actually better than Lo'ak, if you can believe it." "I can hear both of you," Neteyam grumbled, looking at them through the gaps in between his fingers. "Sorry, man," Kiri mumbled, smiling softly at him. "Mmm," he groaned, grabbing his phone. "Lo'ak really didn't do anything, I don't think," Ao'nung whispered softly to him. "He was the one that texted me to come help. He said," Ao'nung pulled out his phone. "Come to the office. This dipshit hallway monitor bitch won't leave Reya alone and I can't help her." He laughed as he read the last message. "Neteyam would kill me if I did." Kiri snorted. Lo'ak was right, Neteyam would kill him if he got in trouble for fighting this early in the school year. Neteyam smiled. "That's good. Isn't that... growth, Kiri?" Kiri nodded, looking down at her phone.

"Are you coming to swim with Rotxo and them after school?" She looked up at Ao'nung as he asked, noticing how intensely he was staring at her brother. Neteyam's attention had gone back to his phone but as soon as Ao'nung spoke, his head shot back up. "No, I don't think so. I have some homework-" "No, you have to come," Ao'nung cut him off, grinning. "It's important. Plus, you can do homework afterwards. It won't last that long." Neteyam frowned. "None of my siblings have swimsuits-" "You guys can borrow the ones the swim team uses. They are kept here in the offseason. Just wash them and bring them back before try-outs." Kiri laughed but quickly hid it behind her hand. The two boys looked over at her. Ao'nung's face was still fixed in the lopsided grin he had been giving Neteyam. Neteyam's expression was one of pure annoyance at her outburst, before he turned back to Ao'nung. "Okay, fine. But if it lasts longer than I can stay you have to bring Kiri and Lo'ak home. To my house. Our house." Kiri rolled her eyes, looking down at her phone.


(kiri) u don't need to give us a ride anymore neteyam's coming

(rotxo) yippee!!



(kiri) guess what guess what

(reya) what!!

(kiri) neteyam's coming to swim w us after school
(kiri) because
(kiri) ao'nung practically BEGGED him to
(kiri) he was grinning and everything

(reya) r u fr
(reya) this is huge news

(kiri) I KNOW
(kiri) i'm pretty sure he said something like "no you have to come" or something like that.

The bell rang and Neteyam left instantly, probably going to find Lo'ak. Kiri walked with Ao'nung to his car. She forgot where Neteyam had parked this morning. It was probably pretty far away, given how late they arrived. "I'll just wait with you until one of them..." Ao'nung nodded, looking awkwardly down at his shoes. Kiri followed his gaze. He was wearing navy blue converse, so faded they were almost purple. She exhaled sharply through her nose. "What?" he asked, looking over at her. "Nothing. I just never noticed you wear converse." Ao'nung blinked. "Why wouldn't I wear converse? They're pretty common..." She shrugged. "I mean... Nike sweatpants into high top converse..." He grinned. "First of all, I only wore these because I surfed this morning. Because they're fleece lined, you know, and I get cold. I have a very good sense of personal style, believe it or not." Kiri scoffed. "Second of all, converse are comfortable." "What are you guys talking about?" Rotxo walked over then, gaze flickering between the two of them. "My converse, apparently," Ao'nung grinned, looking at his friend. "See, Kiri, Rotxo also wears converse." She looked at his shoes. Sure enough, he was wearing a pair of olive green converse. "See, but that makes sense," Kiri responded, gesturing. "Rotxo in green converse? Yeah, I'd believe you. Ao'nung in navy blue converse? Eh..." "I'd believe you," Neteyam replied, walking over with Lo'ak in tow. "You would?" Ao'nung asked, looking over at him. "Yeah. Granted, Tsireya probably bought them for him, but..." "She didn't," Rotxo quipped, grinning. "I did." Kiri laughed, nodding. "See, that makes sense. Show them your shoes, Neteyam." Neteyam lifted the hem of his jeans, revealing plain black converse with little stars embroidered along the edge. "I did the stars," she murmured, pointing. "Kiri opened my mail before me, and did them before I could even say no," Neteyam explained, grinning. "It's okay. I like them."

Tsireya appeared behind Lo'ak, poking his side and making him jump. "Hi," she breathed, laughing at Lo'ak. "Are we ready?" Ao'nung nodded. "Where are we going? Like, where is the pool?" Neteyam asked, checking the time. "Oh, the pool's here, at the school," Rotxo answered. Kiri blinked. "Really?" Tsireya nodded. "It's pretty nice, too." Ao'nung snorted. "No, it's not," he laughed. "Yes it is. It's nicer than where regionals were held last year." Rotxo nodded aggressively, eyes wide. Kiri grinned at him. "I gotta stop by Coach's room and grab suits for everyone," Ao'nung said, turning to walk back into school. He was carrying a duffle bag. "We can take you guys to the pool," Rotxo suggested. "I'll take your bags back to my car," Neteyam offered, taking Lo'ak's backpack off his shoulders and reaching for Kiri's. 

rotxo's converse <3

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rotxo's converse <3

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