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The sky was turning pink as the sun began to set. The group began to head back to the beach, gathering their belongings. As promised, Tsireya handed Kiri her beach towel to use in Neteyam's car. Ao'nung's car seats were already so saturated with salt that he no longer cared if her clothes were dry or not. Kiri and Tsireya had been searching for seashells while their brothers fought with each other. The pockets of Reya's shorts were weighed down with their findings. Tsireya laid them out on the bed of Ao'nung's truck, letting Kiri pick her favorites.

"Take a couple for Tuk," Tsireya insisted, handing her the most intact tuatua shell out of the bunch. Kiri accepted it, and held it out to Neteyam. "Isn't it pretty?" she asked, smiling. "Yeah, it is. Please hurry. Mom wants us home by sundown. It's Friday, remember?" Kiri blinked. "Shit. I actually didn't. Cmon, Lo'ak!" she yelled, quickly scooping up her shells. "Oh- do you guys have to leave now?" Tsireya asked, disappointed. "Yeah, I'm so sorry," Kiri whispered, giving her an apologetic look. "It's fine, guys, don't worry about it," Rotxo called, jogging over to say goodbye. He gave Lo'ak and Neteyam quick hugs before turning to Kiri. He held his hand out for a high-five, grinning. She rolled her eyes and slapped his palm. Rotxo's smile widened as she did so, before climbing back into the flatbed of Ao'nung's truck. Tsireya jumped in behind him, reclining against the edge.

"Say goodbye," she hissed through the open window at her brother. "Bye, guys," Ao'nung shouted, waving his hand lazily. "Bye, Ao'nung," Kiri called before she shut the passenger seat door. Tsireya watched Lo'ak roll down the backseat window, grinning at her as Neteyam pulled out of the lot. She waved, smiling back at him. Rotxo slapped the side of the truck, signaling to Ao'nung that he could drive. Tsireya's house was a 7 minute drive from Ao'nung's surf spot. Rotxo was leaning his head back, letting the wind blow through his curls. "The Sully kids really are nice, aren't they?" he breathed, sighing deeply. "Yeah, they are," Tsireya answered, smiling to herself. "Rotxo, I have an idea," she said, sitting up suddenly. "Hmm? What's your idea, Reya?" he asked, not picking his head up. "Well, Mama was going to have a luau for us. For back to school." Rotxo lifted his head up. "Continue," he said, eyeing her apprehensively. "Well, what if we invite them? The whole family. Tuk, and their parents." Rotxo blinked. "You'll have to ask-" "I know I'll have to ask. Do you think it would be fun?" Rotxo nodded, thinking. "I think so. I mean, granted, we haven't met Mr. Sully." Rotxo pulled a scared face. "You're so right," Tsireya breathed. "I'll ask tonight. You're staying tonight, right?" Rotxo blinked. "Shit. My car is still at the school." He groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. "I guess I have to," he sighed. "Good. I'd rather you be here instead of in that house alone." Rotxo shrugged. "You know I don't mind," he muttered. "I know. But I do." Ao'nung pulled into their driveway, putting his truck in park. "We both do."

Ao'nung slammed the hatch down, pulling his board out and hanging it on the wall of the garage. Tsireya slid to her feet, grabbing her bag from the passenger seat. She ran inside before the boys, heading for the kitchen. Her father was standing over the stove, mixing a pot of something with a long wooden spoon. Her mother was sitting at the island, reading something on her ipad. She smiled at her daughter as Tsireya jogged in, setting her stuff down on the floor. "What is it, child?" Ronal asked knowingly. "I have an idea," she breathed. "Clearly," her father chimed, messing up Tsireya's hair with a massive hand. "You remember our new friends, right? The new kids?" Ronal nodded, eyeing her. "I really enjoy them. Kiri is so, so fun. And Tuk is just adorable, Mama, she really is. And-" "And that boy with the braids is just soooo handsome," Rotxo called from the garage. Ao'nung laughed. Tsireya sighed, pinching her nose in frustration. "I think we should invite their whole family to our luau tomorrow. Even their parents. They're so lovely. The mother's name is Neytiri. She's so beautiful, and she looks exactly like Neteyam and Tuk. It's actually uncanny."

Ronal was silent for a moment. "What's their last name?" she asked, turning on her iPad. "Sully," Tsireya answered quickly. "Sully." Ronal opened facebook. After a few moments, she turned the screen to her daughter. Is this their mother?" Tsireya grinned, pulling the device towards her. She eagerly scrolled through Neytiri's page, searching for pictures of Lo'ak.

Neytiri Tshaka-Sully
My sweet boys when they were small 🧡 #brotherlove 🧡🧡

Neytiri Tshaka-SullyMy sweet boys when they were small 🧡 #brotherlove 🧡🧡

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"Oh my gosh Mama look," she said, sliding the tablet across the island. "Oh, look at those curls," Ronal breathed. "Tonowari, come," she called. In an instant, Tsireya's dad was by their side, peering over the iPad. "Brothers! How sweet," Tonowari grinned, nodding in approval. "What are you guys looking at?" Ao'nung said, walking into the kitchen with his wetsuit balled under his arm. "Right now, I'm looking at the trail of water you are leaving behind you," Ronal warned, squinting at her son. Ao'nung's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed a paper towel, mopping up the floor behind him. "Come look, we found Neytiri's facebook page." Ao'nung snorted. "No, I'm not going to stalk our new friend's mother." Tsireya sighed. "Come on, it's just baby Lo'ak and Neteyam." Rotxo entered behind Ao'nung, shoving past him. "I wanna see!" he called, looking excitedly at Ronal's iPad. "Are there any of Kiri?" he asked, grinning. "Lemme look," Tsireya whispered.

Neytiri Tshaka-Sully
My Kiri girl with our cat Trudy 🐈

Neytiri Tshaka-SullyMy Kiri girl with our cat Trudy 🐈

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"Ao, look," Rotxo beckoned, waving him over. "No, man, that's weird," Ao'nung scoffed, going to put his wetsuit in his bathroom. "I miss when my own baby girl was that small," Ronal murmured, pinching Tsireya's cheek gently. She waved her mother's hand away, smiling softly. "So, can they come? Can I invite them?" Ronal looked over Tsireya's shoulder, gazing at her husband. Reya turned as Tonowari nodded slightly. Her parents often seemed to be able to communicate simply through prolonged glances. Tsireya had no idea how they did it. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to invite them," Ronal said, smiling down at her iPad. "Make sure they bring the youngest, though." "She's in the class I intern for," Ao'nung called, walking back into the kitchen in his pajamas. "Oh, really?" Tsireya asked, grinning. "That's so sweet, Ao'nung, I bet she's lovely." Ao'nung snorted. "She's got Lo'ak's attitude. And vocabulary." Rotxo let out a shout of laughter as Tsireya winced slightly.

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