pure olandy fluff

158 10 1

I have lost all self-control. God can't save me now.

Also flesh heads for better visuals
Nobody's POV

Oliver came home from work exhausted like always. He got in late and threw his jacket on the kitchen table. The scareshack was doing good business-wise, but it was hard work that he wasn't used to yet. Randy sat on the couch dozing off when he heard the door slam. He got up to greet his now flannel-less boyfriend.

"Hey, Hon! How was work?"

"Ehh, it was busy. Not used to so many customers. At least the scareshack is paying off."

Randy leaned down to kiss his tired partner before Oliver went to the bedroom and flopped down on the bed without bothering to change out of his clothes. Randy laid down next to him and wrapped his arms around the blonde man's waist; his head on his shoulder.

"Someone's affectionate tonight."

"You've been working yourself to the bone lately. It's the least I can do."

Oliver turned over to somewhat face his taller boyfriend. He wrapped his arms and legs around Randy and moved in closer.

"Rotary-christ, I'm tired. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to do much lately."

"It's alright! I want you to take it easy. You have tomorrow off, right?"

"Yea, there's gonna be a construction crew there. Mr.Dickens doesn't need me but said to be there around 1 if I wanted to show up to see what they're working on. I just kinda wanna spend the day with you, though."

"It's fine. We can make plans in the morning if it's ok with you."

"Yea, I'd love that..."

Oliver moved closer to Randy's chest as his words started to slur and his blinking got heavy. With Oliver still wrapped around him, Randy grabbed a blanket and pulled it over the two. He kept gently kissing his partner as the two drifted off to sleep together.


The next morning, Randy was the first up like normal. Oliver was still wrapped around him fast asleep. He always got in late and got up early, so this was probably the most sleep he had gotten in a while. Randy sat up, put an arm around and under Oliver, and carried him to the kitchen. He had gotten surprisingly strong from healing his swan wounds and being able to work out more.

He started a pot of coffee for when Oliver woke up and sat down on the couch. He turned on the news and partially tuned it out. He sat there playing with Oliver's hair until he started to wake up.

"Hhhh....huh? W-...what time is it?"

"G'morning. It's about 9."

"Oh shit- I slept for almost 12 hours, why didn't you wake me up?!"

"Hon, you barely get sleep anymore! You need sleep, and I didn't have the heart to wake you up."

"Is that why you carried me out here instead of moving me?"



When the pathetic dumpster man and the goblin movie maker are boyfriends who love and care for each other :)

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