Soft Hands (Olandy)

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My fuckin olandy brainrot is so bad dawg, I thought of this story while waiting for my cue for a play I'm in ;-;

Anyways, this takes place just a bit after Gingi's exile, which I think happened mid-March
Nobody's POV

This was gonna be awkward. It had been a while since Randy and Oliver fell out of touch. After that, they both met Gingi, and their relationship seemed so non-existant. Then that night when he showed up to Oliver's movie...

That didn't matter anymore. The past was the past, and nobody can change that. But then suddenly, Oliver reached out to ask if Randy wanted to have a night together to catch up. Randy didn't know how to respond. He'd already fucked up their first relationship, why would anyone in their right mind want to see him? He had had his new job for a few months at that point. His wounds were healing, he actually had spending money for the first time in years that wasn't a handful of change, and his old bandage was covered. Maybe it was about time he took the final step of getting his life back in order: start thinking about dating again.

He had Gingi, but they randomly disappeared one day. Randy just assumed they ditched him. No surprise there. Maybe giving Oliver a second shot wouldn't be horrible. He never did anything wrong, and they never technically broke up. They just lost contact and never said anything. Finally, he built up the courage to agree to meet up. One beautiful night, they met up for supper. It wasn't much, just a little family-owned restaurant that had amazing breadsticks.

It was awkward at first, but soon, it was like they picked up where they left off. They were joking and having a great time just like before. After dinner, they took the subway to downtown dialtown. Oliver had learned from Gingi that you didn't exactly have to pay for a ticket; nobody worked down there.

"Hey, I noticed your bandage."

"Oh! Yea uhh..I know it's kinda cheesy but-"

"No, no, no, I wasn't making fun of it. It suits you."

If Randy had a face, he would've been blushing. He didn't realize how much he missed Oliver's company. He'd always blamed himself for them falling out of touch, but maybe it was time to let go of that. Oliver didn't seem the slightest bit angry about it. He seemed just as happy to be together. Randy reached out for Oliver's hand resting on the seat, but stopped. Was it too soon? Maybe it was his fault-

"Your hands are soft."

Randy looked down and saw Oliver's hand on top of his. He was gently rubbing Randy's hand with his thumb. He didn't seem bothered that it was scarred and partially bandaged. He just kept watching the people around him like always. That's what's so cool about Oliver. He loves to people watch. He always loved learning about peoples lives and experiences. Guess thats what makes him so lovable.

They got off of the subway and headed through downtown. Neither of them had the money to do much there, but it was still nice. The sunset that night was gorgeous to say the least. Randy had kinda forgotten that they never let go of eachothers hands while wondering.

"So, does this mean we're a thing again?"

Oliver looked up, and would probably be smiling if he had a face

"Guess that means you're stuck with me again."

"Heh. I don't mind."


"You've changed since we last talked."

"Oh...I-I didn't-"

"Shit- not in a bad way though! I forgot I have to specify with you. But yea, you've changed, dude. You aren't as like, on edge all the time. It's kinda nice."

"Really? I didn't notice. I mean, I feel the same. The only thing that changed is that I got a new job, a place to live, and my hands are healing. I'm still the same."

"I know, but like- Here, take tonight, for example. If I asked you out to something like this a year ago, you would've come up with every excuse in the book to not show up. Now? You didn't hesitate. You're a lot stronger mentally, that's for sure."

"Maybe I just needed to finally get out of my comfort zone. I'm glad I had you to do it with."

"It's my pleasure!"

Oliver held Randy's hand tighter as they kept walking through the city.


I love them sm, I can't wait to get my Oliver Plush and make him and Randy hold hands

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