Drunken Talks (Cowboys and Cinemas)

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Alr, so a few things before I actually get to writing this. First, one of my moots on tiktok got me interested in this ship, and I've spent like half an hour thinking about all the specific details of how it could work and how they bond and also how their personalities mix but also clash and its been fun and I have like a list in my head rn of everything so this story is either gonna be long or short.

Second, the story is somewhat inspired by the song Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men, because the album the song is off of is my current favorite album and I like the story behind the song and it fits Norm so I'm just gonna go for it

K, that's all byeeeeee

Nobody's POV

The sun had set a few hours ago in Dialtown, Wisconsin, and yet the city's sheriff was nowhere to be found. Normally around this time, he'd be in his office with paperwork to do, or at home on his porch swing. And yet...he wasn't. Though there was one person in town who knew where he'd be. It was where they'd bonded over a drink, after all.

Ebenezer Dickens walked into the local casino and entered the Lock and Whis-key bar attached. As he predicted, Norm Allen was sitting at the bar, a few empty glasses next to him and his head in his hand. He looked wasted, and Norm was an interesting drunk. He wasn't violent like his father had been. He didn't make bad decisions like some of his friends did. He just went silent. Mr.Dickens sat down next to him at the bar, trying to be as friendly as he could.

"Norman? Are you doing ok? It's late."

He sighed and turned his head to face the British man with a phone box for a head. Even with the paper bag over his face, Norm seemed exhausted.

"Dickens...what are y' doin' here?"

"Well, you've been gone for a while. I assumed you would be here considering the time."

Norm looks at the clock over the bar and takes another long breath. It was clear he didn't plan on staying that long. He laid a $20 bill on the counter to pay for his drinks and stood up, almost falling over in the process. Mr.Dickens takes Norm's arm and wraps it around his shoulder to keep him from falling again.

"Here, how about I walk you home. It's late, and you don't seem to be able to balance yourself on your own currently."

Before he had a chance to protest, Mr.Dickens already started walking the tipsy cowboy out of the bar. Norm had a tendency to never let people help him, even if he needed it. He didn't like feeling like a charity case that had to rely on others.

After silently walking the streets of Downtown Dialtown for a few minutes, Norm speaks up for the first time since the bar

"How'd y' know where to find me?"

Mr.Dickens chuckles and pulls his friend closer to him. They're about the same height, so it isn't too awkward or noticeable.

"Well, it's the one place nobody looked. And you've been spending more time drinking recently, so it's where I looked first."

Norm sighs and leans more into Mr.Dickens. Why this man cares so much for him he'll never understand.

"Look, I...I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For this. Making you come out late to get me. I'm a grown man, Ebenezer. I can take care o' myself. Not rely on people takin' pity on me to get me home when I've had too many drinks."

"You don't actually believe that, do you? You know that isn't true. I care about you, Norman. If I didn't, would I have gone out at 10 at night to take you home safely?"

"But why do y' care? I mean, let's face it. We're both not gettin' any younger. Why waste your time on someone like me?"

"Because you're my closest friend. We understand each other. We both know what it's like to lose your family. We were both alive during the same time period. We bond over things nobody else can but us. And I'm not letting you suffer alone anymore."

The two continue walking through the city alone, making sure to walk slow to give Norm time to sober up before heading to his shack in the outskirts of town.


There was gonna be some sad angst at the end but I decided to change it cuz I don't wanna be sad rn

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