pretty rocks (olandy)

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spiral bound by rebecca sugar.... save me spiral bound by rebecca sugar.... /ref 


Oliver Swift and his beloved Randy Jade walked through the city of Dialtown, Wisconsin together. Every other day, Oliver will drag his jaded partner out of his little ticket hut so he can get some fresh air, and they can have some time together. So far, the little journeys are doing great for the both of them. Ever since the town got rebuilt and Mayor Mingus realized that being a corrupt leader wasn't a very swag idea, the city seems so much nicer. The air's gotten cleaner. The streets have less litter. Homelessness has gone down drastically due to more money being put into the city rather than filling the lines of the mayor's pockets. 

Oliver rubbed his thumb against the man's hand he's holding. He knew it comforted him. And he loved being affectionate. They stopped at a little corner shop for some snacks. But, the gas station had banned Randy from ever stepping foot on the premises due to him shoplifting almost expired lunch meat on multiple occasions. So, he stayed outside while Oliver went in to grab something to munch on. As he awkwardly stood with his hands in his pockets, he noticed something on the ground. A small yellow stone in the flowerbed outside of the convince store.

He bent down and picked it up, examining it. It didn't feel like one of the other rocks in that same flower bed. It was too unique. Too colorful. Too perfect to be left lying in front of a gas station convenience store. He put the small stone into his pocket. He would keep that for later. When the time felt right. But then, the short wall phone exited the store with his usual happy attitude. 

"I got us slushies! They had the strawberry one you like!"

Oliver hands Randy the drink happily, along with those weird chocolate bits he likes. This man was so thoughtful. He couldn't even remember if he ate breakfast that morning, but he sure would remember that thing you mentioned once a few months ago. That's just the Oliver Swift experience. As they walked and talked like normal, Oliver decided to stop and give Norm a visit at town hall. He enjoyed seeing the man who was basically his father at this point. So, they entered town hall and greeted Tango on their way back to his small office.

Randy once again stood awkwardly to the side as Oliver and Norm chatted. Of course, the nokia man said hello. He wasn't gonna be rude to a person he also looked up to. But Oliver noticed something was off. He seemed more nervous than usual. Like he was reverting back to his 'fuckface' ways. When they left the office, he decided to gently confront him about it.

"Hey, dude, you doin' ok? You seem really quiet. It's worrying me."

"I-I just..."

He puts his hands back into his pocket, unsure of how to explain himself. He is a lot more nervous than usual. He doesn't know why. But then, he feels the small stone. He blurts out


Oliver looks at him for a moment. He's trying so hard not to burst out laughing right now.


"I got a-a rock for you! I-It looks like you!"

Randy digs through his pockets and hands Oliver the afformentioned rock. If Oliver could smile, he would be grinning from ear to ear.

"Aww, Rans, this is adorable! I love it. Thank you."

He steps up on his toes and tenderly presses his buttons against Randy's. He grabs his lover's hand once again as the two walk out of town hall and continue on their journey around the city. Even if his progress is slow, Randy is slowly getting better. Slow progress is still progress, after all. He just needs someone like Oliver to be there for him and remind him of that.


ugh i need to rewrite my piggy au

also extended version of this story is on ao3 now!! my user is @ol1verdrawsyt :)

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