Sick Day (Olandy)

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Wait, you don't get extremely sad and then write cringe Wattpad stories based on your comfort ships?

Damn yall are basic as fuck /j

Also flesh heads cuz I'm lazy and queer

Nobody's POV

Randy threw his jacket wherever it could fit in his dumpster and sat down with his head in his hands. He was used to the horrid headaches, but they'd never been this bad. He couldn't think of anything other than the grinding pain dead center of his forehead. Every little sound would make the ache worse than it already was, so living next to a busy restaurant in the most populated part of Dialtown wasn't doing him wonders. Suddenly, his old Nokia phone started ringing. He reluctantly answered, hoping that it wasn't the sex hotline he worked at.


"Hey, Randy! You ok? I tried calling a few times and you never answered."

It was Oliver, his...boyfriend? Their relationship wasn't exactly romantic, but they'd gone way past 'platonic' many times before.

"Y-yea I just...I'm not doing great."

"What's wrong? Need help with somethin'?"

"No, it's- remember how I mentioned I get really bad headaches sometimes? It-it's getting worse."

"Oh, phone-god- do you need anything? Anything at all and I'll come running, you know that."

"Heh. I appreciate it, but I think I'm fine. So uhh, how was your day?"

"Me? Oh, just the theater. There was this one annoying dude who came in though. He just waltzed in like he owned the fucking place, so I'm like 'oh great, this is gonna be fun' and then he puffs himself up with his non-existent muscles and is all like 'oh yea I..."

As Randy tried to listen to the energetic man on the other line, there was a ringing in his head that slowly got louder. He felt like he was about to pass out from being so light-headed. He slowly blinked and tried to focus again on his phone call.

" I finally got his wife off the phone, but- oh jeez you should've seen the look on his face! He was so pissed that his dumb movie wasn't playing even after I explained- not once, but THREE TIMES that I don't choose what movies we play..."





"....Randy? RANDY!"

"H-huh!? W-..oh shit I'm so sorry, wh-what were you saying?"

"Dude, you just completely blanked on me. That's it, get over here. Right now."

"I promise I'm fine, I probably just need sleep-"

"That wasn't a suggestion. Either you get over here, or I come to you. I don't want you being alone in that dumpster while you're like this. I knew your headaches were bad, but this is different."

"Are you sure? I can take care of myself."

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be so persistent, hon."

"Alright, just give me a second."

(Time skip uwu)

Randy took off his tattered coat and beanie and held them close to his chest. He sat down uncomfortably next to Oliver on the couch. Oliver reached up and held the back of his hand to the tall man's forehead.

"Christ dude, you're hot."


"Wrong kind of hot. You just look kinda-   ick if that makes sense. Do you want a blanket?"

"Please. I'm so cold right now."

"Oh great, you have a fever. Here, follow me to my room."

Randy awkwardly followed the blonde man with an eyepatch to his room. The place was covered with movie posters on all walls, even more than in the living room. There were strips of LED lights around the room and a medium-sized bed covered in blankets.

"You can stay here tonight with me. Make yourself comfortable while I get ready for bed. You might have some sweatpants here somewhere around here from the last time you were here."

Oliver grabbed a few things from his dresser and went to the bathroom to leave Randy to himself. Randy found the pair of pants his partner was talking about and put them on. He laid down in the bed and wrapped himself up in a few heavy blankets. He couldn't remember anything from the night after that.


Alr I'm done writing for tonight but uhhh...after this Randy gets better then they kiss and go on with their lives the end

I'll do the request I got later, I just really wanted to write this

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