go away, please

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Silly thing I thought of while on a vc
Happy New Year, happy b-day to God/Hobo

Also contains olandy, but at this point in the story, you should know I love these gay idiots


Randy laid in bed. It still felt a bit odd to sleep in a warm bed with a pile of blankets on top of him. And a man cuddled up next to him. Oliver had his arms wrapped around Randy's chest and a leg over him, almost pinning him in place. This is how he slept every night, and Randy enjoyed the routine. He had an arm around his boyfriend's back, and his head rested against his. He never really slept at night, so he enjoyed just laying in bed and feeling loved.

And then, there was a knock at the door.

The Nokia man shuffled a bit, glancing over at the alarm clock. 2am. January 17th. Randy was not willing to get up for someone who was probably drunk. But, the knocking didn't stop. It just got louder. Randy loudly groaned and slowly got out of bed so as not to disturb his sleeping lover. He put on a hoodie that he's borrowing (stole with no intention of returning) from Oliver and headed to the door.

As he opened the door, he was greeted with... God himself. To the average person, this would've been a life changing interaction. But to a citizen of dialtown, this was the norm.

"...G-God? What are you doing here, i-it's 2 in the morning."

"Where's Oliver? I gotta tell him,'bout this dude I just saw in the liquor store."

Randy, if he had a face, would be staring at God with the most dumbfounded look. Did he have no concept of time? Jobs? Sleep? He sighed, deciding he wanted a decent afterlife.

"L-Look, it's early. Maybe you c-can come back later?"

Hobo's dog face has a blank expression, not understanding why Randy didn't want him in the apartments.

"But c'mon, Oliver always lets me inside, 'n this is a real good story."

Before Randy has the chance to argue, there's a groan coming from down the hallway.

"Rans? Who the fuck's at the door..."

Both of the men turn to Oliver, who's standing in the hall scratching a bug bite on his arm. He sees Hobo and sighs. He goes to his room and comes back out with a throw blanket he used for their cat. He handed it to God.

"Here. Use this, sleep on the couch. We'll talk tomorrow."

Oliver then goes back to the room, standing in the doorway as he waits for Randy. Randy sheepishly waves to God as he gets himself comfortable on the couch. He goes back to their bedroom and gets back under the covers, opening his arms so Oliver can get comfortable again. The usually fezzed man lays his head on Randy's chest and tightly wraps his arms around him. But there's still one last question in the air.

"S-So, is he just gonna stay here now?"

"Yep. He does this sometimes, I don't know. I just let him crash, and he'll be gone by morning once he's hungover and needs more booze."

Oliver yawns and falls back asleep, which just leaves Randy with more questions. How often does God himself crash on their couch? He tries not to question it as he closes his eyes and gets some much needed sleep.


Dude it's 4am rn, and my ass is NOT tired

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