Stay a Little Longer? (Olandy)

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I've been spending too much time on lately, so I might as well take what I've learned about scene building/plot development and put it into action

Comfort angst my beloved

Nobody's POV

"Give me your hand."

Randy Jade always hated people caring for him. He's an adult; he should be able to take care of himself. Why should he learn to rely on other people to help? He's gonna end up alone one day. Why try to depend on people who will leave him eventually. Everyone leaves him eventually. It's like he's a magnet that pushes everyone away. Never once has he met someone with the opposite pole.

"Dude? Earth to Randy. Did you hear me?"

Randy snaps back and turns his attention to the short man in front of him with a tan colored head. He sighs and holds out his bleeding hand. Oliver decided to visit him at work and caught him at a horrible time, just when a swan was about to attack. Because of that, Oliver had insisted Randy come over and clean up the wounds at the fezzed man's apartment. It was embarrassing to have to be babied like this. He felt like more of a loser than normal. Now, he had to rely on his old friend to dress his wounds. Is there a word to describe how scummy that is?

Oliver is a man of his word, however. He knew how much this bothered Randy, even if he never talked about it. He's a pretty simple person; once you get to know Randy, you can read him like a book. He finished bandaging up Randy's hands, giving his wrists an encouraging squeeze before standing up. Randy was sitting on the rim of the bathtub in Oliver's small bathroom. Even if it was uncomfortable, it was better than nothing. Oliver sat down beside him, trying to ease into conversation.

"Yknow, you don't have to be so defensive around me. I won't hurt you. You're allowed to open up to me."

From the silence that follows, he gets the feeling that maybe Randy just wants to be left alone right now. He stands up and puts away the bandages he used. Randy keeps his focus on his hand, watching the blood slowly soak into the white gauze that was wrapped so tightly yet so gently around his shaking hands. Just before Oliver can leave, he finally talks.

"C-can...can you stay a little longer?"

Oliver turns back to face Randy. If he had a face, he'd be smiling right about now. He sits back down on the rim of his bathtub, putting an arm around Randy's shoulders. The Nokia man leans into Oliver more, his head resting against his.

"Earlier, a-at the didn't have to do that."

"Of course I had to! Dude, if I hadn't startled you, ya wouldn't have been hurt. 'Sides, it's what I do. What kind of person would I be if I left you instead of helping get your hand out of that swan's shredder?"

"A smarter one, that's for sure."

Oliver playfully shoves Randy, who shoves him back before immediately apologizing out of fear that he pushed too hard. The short man laughed and stood up, holding a hand out to Randy.

"How 'bout we take this to a place that isn't my bathroom that desperately needs to be cleaned?"

If Randy had a face, he'd be smiling right about now. He took the hand and let Oliver lead him to the living room. He made himself small, barely taking up half of a couch cushion. Oliver on the other hand, made himself big; his legs were open with one resting on the coffee table. His back was bent into a 'c' shape, which there was no way that wouldn't cause him problems later on in life. He put his hand on the back of the couch, his sign for Randy to come closer.

"I'm not diseased, yknow. At least, I don't think I am. It won't kill ya to sit a bit closer."

Randy moves a bit closer as instructed before laying down with his head on Oliver's shoulder. He seemed uncomfortable at first, like he wasn't used to physical affection in the slightest. Oliver started gently rubbing the taller man's shoulder, trying to get him relaxed. When he speaks, he makes sure to keep his tone soft.

"You can talk to me about anything, dude. I won't judge. I want you to feel comfortable 'round here. You're welcome over anytime you need."

Randy seemed to lighten up a bit at that comment, snuggling closer to his 'friend'. Oliver leaned a bit to his left to give Randy more room to lay down, still rubbing his shoulder. His apartment might be small and smell weird from time to time, but he was always open to Randy coming over. It was nice to know he had a place to stay that wasn't that godforsaken dumpster.

Epilog :)

Randy woke up the next morning, confused as to what happened last night. He realizes he's in a bed and someone's next to him. He looks down at the man curled up asleep next to him, then turns his attention to his bandaged hands. He studied the pattern the blood stains made, thinking about the hands that had wrapped the bandages so tightly around his feeble hands. Maybe letting someone care for you wasn't the worst thing.


Yo it's midnight I finished this on my birthday

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