dinner date (olandy)

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hhhhhhhh i am so tired rn

also as im writing this its thanksgiving so be thankful im writing this /j


Oliver Swift sat at the table, rapping his fingers on the cheap tablecloth that was made to look expensive. Randy was supposed to be here over twenty minutes ago. Most people would've left at that point. But not Oliver. He trusted that bandaged schmuck. Surely he'll be here soon. Right? The typewriter-headed server came around again. She noticed Oliver's date still hadn't arrived, and it was like she was worried for him.

"Sir? Is everything alright? You've just been sitting here for a while; you've only ordered two waters and some rolls..."

Oliver looks up at her. She seems to be a sweet girl, probably still in high school. He would smile at her if he had a mouth.

"Huh? Nah, everything's just groovy over here! I'm waitin' on someone."

The server nods.

"That's exciting! Just flag me down when they arrive so I can get you two some food."

She wonders off again, leaving Oliver alone with his thoughts yet again. He looks around the restaurant and sighs. It was open and airy inside the restaurant. So happy. The tables were full of happy people, families, couples on dates. He was so hopeful for this. So hopefully to date Randy again. Maybe this was a mistake. Was dinner too formal? Randy wasn't the type of person to stand someone up... or was he? It was all too much for Oliver to think about. Maybe he should give that nice server a tip and head back home. He was just making a fool of himself at that point. 

Just as he was about to leave, the door opened, revealing Randy trying desperately to get a broken button on his shirt fixed. He looked like a mess, more so than usual. He spotted Oliver from across the restaurant and waved, rushing over to the table as quickly as he could without actually running.  

"H-Hey! I-I'm so sorry I'm late, th-this lady was insisting that h-her ticket was too expensive..."

Oliver laughs, sliding one of the water glasses to Randy. He's already completely forgotten about the fact that Randy was so late Oliver was contemplating leaving and crying himself to sleep in the comfort of his own home. 

"Aren't tickets to the funfair like two bucks?"

Randy happily accepts the water and drinks before answering the question. He was thirsty.

"Y-Yeah. I don't understand either."

Randy liked how he could unintentionally make Oliver laugh. It was a skill he didn't know he had until the two had gotten back together. Randy reaches into his pants pocket, fumbling with it until pulling something small out of it.

"H-Here! I thought I'd get you s-something. K-Karen helped me with the design and th-the glue."

Randy hands Oliver a small batch of paper mache flowers, held together with a small red ribbon. The flowers were all Oliver's favorite colors: red, yellow, and purple.

"I-I know it's small, b-but Karen said you'd like it."

If Oliver had a face, he'd have the biggest, dorkiest grin on it right about now. He takes the small craft and puts it into the pocket of his shirt, making sure it's facing the right way so everyone can see it.

"I love it. Thank you, Rans."

Randy chuckles. The same server from earlier comes by their table to take their orders. Randy orders some soup and a ton of packets of crackers, Oliver orders a tuna sandwich and a salad. Once they're (somewhat) alone again, Oliver leans forward and lays his hand over Randy's on the table.

"So, tell me about your day. I wanna hear all of the details."

Randy blushes (don't ask how) at the gesture and thinks about his day at work.

"My day...uhh...w-well, my boss wasn't in today. H-He said he had some b-business to get to. I-I remember him mentioning it was his husband's b-birthday, though. I don't know why he'd lie about something like that. Anyways."

Randy starts to talk about the many people he saw that day at work. Even if they weren't eventful. He never knew what to classify as 'useful' and 'useless' information. But Oliver didn't care. He liked listening to him talk. he liked listening to his tone of voice change depending on the customer he was describing. He liked how Randy slowly but surely got used to the feeling of his frail and scarred hand being held. And knowing Randy Jade, having his hand held wasn't a common occurrence. 

Even after the pair got their food, Randy just kept talking. He loved the feeling of someone listening to him and enjoying his company. He talked about his work life, Pokemon, his rock collection, fun adventures he had had with Karen, the occasional rant about how much he hated living in that damn dumpster over a year ago. And Oliver listened. He joined in when he could, or at least, when he thought he could. The two accidentally interrupted each other constantly. They can't judge when it's their turn to talk, but it was never an issue. They both understood it wasn't done out of malice.

Once they had finished their meal and Oliver politely offered (threatened) to pay for their dinner, they were outside.

"Welp. Guess this means we're splitsville again then, eh?"

"Y-Yeah. I guess so. This was nice. Th-thank you."

Oliver hugs Randy tightly before reluctantly pulling away. The two of them had always hated saying goodbye. They complimented each other so well that being apart felt like a part of them was missing. But, that's life. Before leaving, Oliver points up at the sky.

"There's Ursa Minor. I'm sure you can get a better view of it from higher up. Which reminds me!"

He grabs Randy by the collar and pulls him down to his level. Oliver presses his buttons against Randy's, and then whispers something into his receiver. 

"Meet me at my apartment in a few days. Bring warm clothes and your blanket. Alright?"

Randy nods and watches as Oliver waves and walks into the crowded city. Maybe he should take him up on that offer to meet again soon.


I kinda set this up to have a sequal, so let me know if I should write it

also i made an ao3 account and there's a (very) short story i posted over there!! the user is ol1verdrawsyt :3

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