oliver and randy attempt to cook

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Fuck I haven't updated this in a while
Here's a random idea I had. It's not much of a story, but it's something to tide you gremlins over until I can work on a more high-quality story (/lh)

Nobody's POV

"Did it say 5 or 6 cups of water?"

"5, why?"


"What did you do."


"Randy, look at me. How many cups did you put in that pot."

"I-I thought it'd be better to be safe than sorry, so I put in 6."

"If you wanted to be safe, then you'd put in LESS and then ask."

For some reason, the two boyfriends decided it would be a good idea to cook food. Randy had lived off of almost expired gas station food for almost 2 years, and Oliver was a mediocre cook at best. Never the less, they tried cooking something basic: spaghetti and meatballs. Of course, they'd already fucked up, but that doesn't matter! Randy dumped out the water and put it back on the burner with the correct measurements this time. Oliver went back to making garlic bread.

"Hey Rans, can you pass the garlic? It should be on the counter to your right."

"Yea here. How much longer should I be stirring this for?"

"Until the pasta is tender."

"And how can you tell that?"

"Just get a piece out and eat it. See if it's ready to eat."

"I'm not reaching into the pot with my bare hands to eat a boiling hot noodle."

"You don't reach in with your bare hands, dingdong. Here."

Oliver tilted the ladle to let some of the water out, blew (idfk m8) on the noodle, then handed it to his boyfriend. Randy ate it, then moved the pot off the stove onto the counter. Granted, this is Randy we're talking about, so he almost dropped the pot twice. He miraculously got it drained without giving either himself or someone else a 2nd degree burn, so that's something. Oliver put the bread in the oven and got to work on the sauce.

"So...what do I do now? There's not much I can do now."

"I don't know, just stand there looking pretty while I warm up the sauce."


Randy went out of the small kitchen and onto the bar/counter area outside. There was a little opening to where you can see the bar area from the stove; the bar was built into the wall. He sat there making small talk about some random gossip he had heard as Oliver finished up the sauce. He also got caught up in the conversation when the story got good.

"And so Sarah said to Rachel 'Oh no, he's like- definitely cheating on you, but you should get a pregnancy test', but then Rachel shouted back 'but I'm cheating on him with John! If I take a test and it's not his kid, he'll realize I'm cheating on him with his stepbrother!', so then Sarah starts yelling at her because she's cheating on her cousin for some random guy who was arrested for being an accomplice to murder-"

"Wait, that John!? God, I know that guy. So did Rachel ever take a test?"

"No! She said if she really wanted to, she'd do it in private and that her boyfriends don't have to know- ... is something burning?"

Oliver decided now was a good time to be a smartass and leaned over the stove, standing on the very tips of his toes with his elbows in front of Randy (which are currently supporting his entire body weight)

"It's just my love for you, dear~"


"Uhh yea no, your bread is burning."



They had a nice supper of overcooked garlic break and slightly undercooked pasta, the end

Yea I didn't know how to naturally incorporate that, cuz yet again I am ass at coming up with endings

If people like this, I might do more silly oneshots

K byeeeeee

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