Storms (Olandy)

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What do you do when ur scared shitless of storms and you need a way to distract yourself from one? Write a cringe comfort angst story and project onto your comfort ship to feel better, of course.

Also, flesh heads
Nobody's POV

Another loud clap of thunder woke up Randy Jade. He sat up, shaking with his hands over his ears. He didn't do loud noises very well. He heard the rain pounding against the windows, which almost threatened to break through the cheap glass panel. It seemed like any time he got calmed down again, another wave hit worse than the one before.

"Hey, you ok?"

Randy turned to see his freckled boyfriend laying next to him. He had somehow completely forgotten he had stayed the night at Oliver's place. The man moved a bit closer, but Randy pulled away, his sign he didn't want to be touched. Oliver understood completely. This happens almost every time it storms after all. Oliver sat back and let Randy calm down on his own. He hated when people had to help him, especially when it came to his moments like these, but it was obvious he would need it.

Oliver awkwardly moved around his partner, got out of bed, and opened his closet. He rummaged around for a second before finding a weighted blanket. He brought it back to Randy, who wrapped it around himself and closed his eyes. Another clap of thunder made Randy wrap it tighter. Oliver opened his phone and checked the radar. The storm was estimated to last another 10 or so minutes. Oliver turned the screen to show his boyfriend, who nodded and loosened his grip on the blanket.

Oliver got back into bed and sat by his partner. Careful not to touch him, Oliver sat trying to lighten the mood by telling some story about a weird customer. Randy wasn't listening to the story per se, but it was just comforting to hear Oliver talking. Whenever the rain got harder, Oliver reminded him it would be over soon and to keep taking deep breaths. When the storm stopped, it was still early in the morning, and both men had work that day. Randy laid down with the blanket still around him and listened to the gentle rain still hitting the ceiling.

Randy turned to the short blonde who laid down next to him. Why he cared so deeply, Randy would never understand.

"Thanks for t-this."

Oliver turned to face him, and he seemed...confused.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I help? It's what I'm here for."

Randy moved closer to his partner. When Oliver didn't pull away, he pulled him into a hug with his whole body; legs around his and arms around his torso under Oliver's arms. Oliver melted into the hug, moving as close as he could. The last thing Randy remembered was the smell of Oliver's fluffy blonde hair and how it felt on his face.


Randy is just like me frfr

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