| Chapter one

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✮『~+ A gift lined with hope +~』✮

August 2nd, 2021.

At the stroke of ten, I found myself strolling into the corner store, my only intention to grab a snack and nothing more. The cool air of the fridge greeted me as I opened the door and snatched a F/D.

As I turned around, I was met with an unexpected obstacle - someone's chest. I stumbled backwards, bracing myself for the impact of the hard ground. But instead, I found myself caught in the arms of a charming stranger.

"Are you alright?" His rich British accent filled the air, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest. He helped me up, his hand wrapped around my waist, and I couldn't help but feel flustered by the sudden interaction.

"It's fine," I grumbled, not wanting to make a scene. "It was an accident, I hope."

"Ah, yes. I apologize," the man - William Afton - replied, his voice low and smooth. He held out his hand, and I hesitated for a moment before shaking it.

"Y/n. Y/n l/n," I introduced myself, and I couldn't help but notice the hint of embarrassment on his ears.

As we stood there in silence, the tension between us palpable, I couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the night had in store for me.

As the awkward silence lingered, I couldn't help but study the man in front of me. His sharp jawline and brown hair with a yellow hue caught my attention, but it was his eyes that truly captivated me. They were a stunning light blue with a silver tint that shimmered like stars.

Before he could speak, I cut him off, realizing it was getting late. "Sorry, I've gotta get going pretty quick. See you around, yes?" I flashed him a smile and grabbed a bag of chips on my way out.

"Ah, um, yes of course! See you around, Y/N," he replied, still seeming a bit flustered. And with that, I left the store, my mind still reeling from the unexpected encounter.



February 14th, 2023.

As I sat there browsing for job applications, my mom brought up the dreaded topic of finding a job again. "Say, Y/N, you should probably get looking for a job. After all, you're turning 21 pretty soon," she said.

I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of the pressure on my shoulders. "Yes, mom. I'm looking, alright? Please don't rush me," I replied, trying to keep my frustration in check.

Just then, the bell to the door rang, interrupting our conversation. My dad jumped up excitedly, exclaiming, "Oh, that's probably my package!" He waddled towards the door, eager to receive his delivery.

As my dad opened the door, he was surprised to see a large box addressed to me. "To.. Y/N? Y/N, did you order anything?" my dad asked, clearly confused. I was always upfront with my parents about my purchases, so this was unexpected.

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