| Chapter thirty-two

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A/N: didn't know what else to put as the banner for the chapter, so take the drawing of my oc that my friend made me. Anyhow, enjoy this chapter.

"Let's talk about this," William said, following you with an equal pace as you headed table-to-table picking up dirty dishes left by customers.

You didn't feel like talking to him, so you just didn't. He kept following you though, being  aware it was a busy evening. "Y/N, please, let's just talk it out-" it seemed like he didn't even care, — About the customers giving him looks, that is.

They weren't even used to seeing him in the dining room, and now he's pathetically following his employee, begging to "Talk it out"?

How did he even find me in the first place? I didn't have any connection to him before i started working at Freddy's.

You wondered what happened to henry. It seems you haven't seen him in a good while,
At least not since he let you go home when you were on the janitor duty that one time.

That's when you spotted it —  A juice stain. You audibly sighed, entering the kitchen and putting down the dirty dishes, still having William following you like a lost puppy.

You figured you'd occupy yourself with cleaning it, knowing no one else would. Rowan was in Henry's office—No knowledge as to why,
Which is how William had found the space to torture you in his perverted, desperate, stalker-ridden nature.

You approached the door, not paying any mind to William's pleads. That was before he swiftly opened the door and  shoved you inside, locking it and blocking the door.

He turned on the lights, letting you see his face, contorted in a frown that held a hint of desperation behind it.

Just play it cool.

You shouldn't care about him, Y/N.

"Why won't you talk to me?!" He began, his voice rising with every word. Your face only contorted into a scowl, and you crossed your arms. "Why do you hate me?! I love you, Y/N!" You stood your ground as he approached you, reaching his hand out to touch your face. You felt your hands and throat itch - I really, really feel like punching him. But he was stronger than you, there's no way he would over a single, puny punch from you.

"I don't want to talk to you. Let me out, fuckface." You barked at him, which seemed to catch him off guard. Wait, if he killed Aria... Is there a possibility that he.. "Oh," Your face scrunched up in disgust. "Now i get it, William." You tensed up, ready to fight if he were to react badly to your next words. "I know you killed Aria." You moved closer to him. "So, then that means you most definitely killed those fucking kids, right?" You grabbed his collar, putting him at your level. "You are a disgraceful scumbag, and you don't deserve to co-own this establishment." You snapped at him, seeing his eyes widen in shock. "If you think i could ever love someone as disgusting as you, then you're-"


He cut you off, beginning his own sentence. "You are going to love me." He took your rigid and still position as an opportunity to grab your wrists and pin them atop of your head. "Whether you like it or not, darling. I will-" He wheezed loudly as your knee connected with his stomach. He clutched at it, and you made him trip over by using your foot to sweep him off his'. "Ow!" He hollered. "You stupid hoe!"

You ignored his words, stepping over him in order to unlock the door and exit it. I guess i wasn't able to clean that stain.


Your shift seemed to fly by without William constantly pestering you. You saw him exit the small janitor's closet still clutching his stomach with a nosebleed and a bruised forehead about 20 minutes after you had left.

And by that time, Rowan had returned from the office. He said something about rowan just needing another pair of hands regarding something he didn't even understand, but you weren't really paying attention.

You were more focused about the pain in the knee you used to hurt William with, which by now had probably formed a huge bruise.

"Y/N" Rowan slapped you in the back of your head, sending you flying back into reality. "What, what?!" You questioned, rubbing the back of your head. "I've been trying to get a hold of you for like, half an hour. We can go home now, you nutjob."

"Oh, shoot you're right. Let's go." You stood up from the chair you sat in, Rowan trailing behind you. You looked behind you, catching a glimpse of william looking at you before closing the door to his office. A shiver ran down your spine as Rowan exited the building, prompting you to close the glass door.

The sound of his car unlocking made you flinch, but you only sped up and entered the passenger's side of the seat. Rowan seemed confused at your hurry, but he didn't question it. He probably knew it had something to do with William, right?

He sat himself on the driver's side of the car with a soft thump, mumbling a song to himself. He cleared his throat, turning the car key, the car starting to rumble as it was starting up.

"Dude, so i saw you coming out the janitor's closet, right?" He began, tearing out of the parking spot his car was sat in. You hummed in agreement to his statement, hearing him bark a laughter as he tried to continue his sentence. "And i was passing by there, you saw that, yeah? And the fucking creep came out of there limping with a nosebleed and a bruise, and he was clutching his stomach, too!"

"That's brutal bro! What did you do? Haha!" The both of you broke into a fit of laughter, you clutching your own stomach. "I'll take that as a compliment, so, thank you." You started, "But yeah, he was being a freak. While you were in Henry's office he was following me, and i had to clean a juice puddle so i headed over to the janitor's office, and he locked me in."

"Basically started pleading, then when i called him out, i beat him up after he tried to harass me."

Your phone's screen turned on with a vibration, and you picked it up to see what it was. "Ah, fuck."  You rubbed the bridge of your nose, anger pumping into your veins. "What is it?" Rowan asked,  side-eyeing you.

"It's mister child-killer." You facepalmed, then you proceeded to look up at Rowan who's eyebrows were furrowed "Which is who?" Oh. Oh. That's right. He didn't know, did he? "Basically a bunch of children got killed, and i figured out, he did it. He killed Aria, he told me he isn't a fan of children, so he did it. But short said, it's Willy. William the willy sucker." You finally finished. "Oh.. that's.."

"Deep? I know, you don't have to say anything. I haven't actually read the message he sent." You were so focused of the fact  it was him, so you forgot to. "Alright, here it says.." You turned on your phone again, entering the messages app. "...Meet me at Freddy's tomorrow at 11PM. If you don't, you'll... Regret it?" You squinted your eyes, wondering if you read it right. "Um.. okay?"

"You shouldn't go, Y/N. Who knows what will happen?"  Rowan reasoned with you. But honestly, you were sick and tired of everything. You just wanted your relation to William to come to an end, and you hadn't been feeling logical lately. But you felt as if you couldn't tell Rowan you wouldn't go, because you felt he'd  hold you back. "I- i won't." You turned to him,  noticing the car had stopped. "Okay, good. I'm only saying that because i care for you, Y/N." He flashed you a genuine smile. "Oh, by the way, we're home." 

"Wanna watch something when we get inside?" he looked at you as you were passing the car, to walk besides him.

"Yeah, that seems nice,"

"But you better make hot chocolate!" You grinned, playfully bumping into him.

"Of course, now piss off, cowgirl."

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