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"NARUTO KUN!!" Kaguya's voice in horror echoed as she ran towards me before everything went black.

That was all I remember.

Then I found myself, floating in the middle of nowhere. I woke up in pure black sorounding while I can't feel my own body weight.

I tried to call out for someone but none answered.

I closed my eyes then open it again hoping that I was just dreaming and I would wake up in my shrine by now but no. I saw pure black. I can't move my body.

I tried to close my eyes again. And a smile crept my lips the moment I heard something. A sound of something horror, then a female's voice."No I can't take it, sorry." She said— with no emotion at all.

I felt my whole body being lift up then  dropped but the falling sensation stopped when a big yet soft hands caughted me.

"Kiba kun what are y-"

"Im really really sorry Hinata! But my mom will kill me once she see me bringing another dog home. I can't bear to see that cute puppy suffering in the streets so please take care of him! I promise I will give you my allowance so you can buy him foods!" A husky voice said with a really really worried voice. It's like he's begging. Oh well he is really begging.

"Jeez, Kiba." The girl muttered.

"Really? Hina??? Thanks!!! I promise i'll make it up to you!" And with that I felt a huge energy just pushed me as I felt myself moving. I also felt the people around me move.

"Jeez i haven't even agreed to it yet." The girl said.

I then felt a soft cloth was wrapped around my whole body, giving me comfortable heat. Then the hands hugged me like it's pampering me. It's so comfortable that I could sleep anytime.

I still felt like im bieng lifted when I decided to slowly open my eyelids and there, I panicked a little bit.

Everything... Everything seemed to change much in a short period of time. The way people dresses had changed. The sorrounding changed. The atmosphere changed.

Like heck! Why does everything look so modern??? where are the girls in yukata? Why is everything cemented? And where the heck is my shrine?!!

What the fu— Ack!!! What is that?! A big snake?! Worm?!! Why is that so big and Ack!!! It's eating people— no! the people get themselves inside it!

It's making a weird sound! Yeah, the sound I heard earlier!!!


We just came from it!!! How come im still alive?!! What's that big creature???

I reached my hands to my face as i was about to massage the bridge of my nose but i stopped halfway as i saw a paw. A paw.


I tried to shout but all im hearing is a wail of a puppy! I tried to move and free from the girl's hold but she hugged me tighter.

"Quiet. You're making a scene. naughty puppy." I heard her say as I felt her pace fasten.

What the hell is happening? I was just fighting with Susanoo— the God of Shadow, everything turned bloody, I blacked out and... and...

I died?

If a god die they were supposed to reincarnate as who they are right? Then what happened to me? I died couple of times back then and I reincarnated as who I am but what happened now?

And what happened to Kaguya? The last time I saw her, she is running towards me and she also have a stain of blood on her yukata. Is she okay? I hope she is.

"We're here." The girl announced as she open a maple door. She first took off her shoes, I heard a click and everything became bright. I look around and gaze at the sorrounding. Everything look good, infairness. The furnitures are wooden and it's crafted very well. The walls is painted well either. Everything is so nice.

I just noticed I was slowly placed down a soft place and when I finally had a chance to look at her face I almost dropped my jaw.


She look like a goddess. Her hair is like the midnight and her eyes is like the moon! Looking at her, it's like im also looking at the skies where the bright moon beautifully illuminates.


Yeah Moon!

She reminds me of Kaguya the Goddess of the moon. Kaguya, that girl I love.

"Stay there." The girl ordered as she point me with her index finger. After saying that, she left as she went to a door.

I first lie down as I wait for her to come back.

I wonder what really happened?

Now, I think im in the different timeline, and probably different place.

Why the heck did I end up here? Did Susanoo attached a somewhat seal or curse on me?

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