Chapter 9

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Will I be okay? Will we have a peaceful conversation? What will I feel once I see him... And what does he want from me?

I'm just a mere girl for him who-- in his Point of view-- very desperate to be accepted as his child.

In the end he couldn't accept me. He didn't believed me. He didn't believed us.

He is now living a happy life with his wife, in the states, spending their family's wealth, and living a life of a happy powerful couple.

Now why did he go back here in Japan?

"Hinata... long time no see." Those words came from his mouth as he sat on the vissitor's chair, he is glaring at me with his usual cold eyes. If it were my younger self, I would've shown anxiety before him, but no. It's me, now. I've changed.

I will never show any weakness to this man anymore.

"You may sit down, Miss Hyuuga, now I'll live you two behind." The principal --whom I didn't noticed sitting om his desk all along-- said at he stood up ans took his leave.

Now there is only me... and this man.

"Sit down." He said-- or more like, commanded, but I remained standing, glaring at him with the most stoic expression I could ever show.

"You have good grades, huh." He commented as he took a folder and opened it. "You're in the top 3 of your school, and sometimes you climb to top 1... Arts club... Chess regional player... You're quite good." he looked at me.

"May I know the reason why you called me, uncle?" I shoved the fact that he had just read my profile.

"Oh well.. look how cold hearted you've become, my niece." He crossed his legs as he smirked with wickedness. "Is this because of the fact that you planned on brainwashing me into believing that you are indeed my daughter?"

"Is the reason why you're here is to mock me, uncle?" I raised a brow.

"Ahh... You're rather hard, niece... I'm here because I'm the new sponsor of this school. I was just dropping by to say hello to the dean when he mentioned that my niece is here. What a coincidence, right?"

"Indeed." That's all I could reply.

"Now niece, because you're here, I think I'd be able to visit often."

"I thought you don't want to see your niece' face, uncle? I tried to deceive you, didn't I?" I sarcastically asked.

"It's good that somehow, you know your place." He coldly replied, now leveling the dark gaze I'm giving him. The wicked smile left his face as he intensely looked at me.

"You've got good grades but that still didn't changed the fact that you were once a desperate child who sought for attention that wasn't meant to be yours in the first place."

"And I'm glad that you went away to states so that I woken up by the fact that I shouldn't sought for someone who don't even deserve to be chased anyways. " I calmly said. "If you're contented by you're mockery, Mr. Hyuuga, I may take my lea--"

"You insolent child!" he finally snapped. "I came here and talked to you nicely despite what you have done in the passed!"

"I didn't asked for your generosity, anyways." I remained calm.

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