Chapter 7

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"Happy birthday Hina!" My parents greet me as I got down the staircase. I was still sleepy at the time but the sight of them made me smile and gives me enthusiasm.

"Happy birthday big sister!!!" Hanabi greeted as she ran towards me, she gave me a tight hug which I returned to her immediately.

"Thank you Hana! Thank you Mom and Dad!"

Currently, it's my ninth birthday. And I was so happy that I woke up and get to see my family like this. We weren't always together, Father is a busy man, managing our family business, Mom is a manager in the company she's working to, me and Hana goes to school. So im glad that they made time to celebrate my birthday.

I was already happy. With all the foods, my parents being complete, and the good health. But they made me happier the moment they showed me their gift! A puppy!

I always dreamed of having a puppy! And he is so cute!

"What should we name him?" Mom smiled.

"Hmm... Kiyo! He is Kiyo!!!" I exclaimed.

And that . . . was the last happiest day of my life.

"Hinata! Hanabi!" Mom ran towards us the moment we reached the hospital. She crashed us both into a hug as she sob.

"M-mom . . ."

"Y-your father . . . he is dying." I got shocked.

My father got into an accident. Well, actually, it wasn't an accident, his car break was intendedly damaged, according to the police. He ended up crashing against an establishment and he is now in critical condition.

The worst thing is, we can't go to see him because of our grandparents— his parents. They had always been against the relationship of my mom and dad, but dad insisted on marrying mom, dad turned his back against his parents and their wealth for mom and us. But now, now that his parents had an opportunity, they are taking dad away from us.

After that day in the hospital, we just heard that dad is in coma, and he was brought to the states, away from us.

My mom begged his parents to not take him away, but they just hurt her instead saying that she is a big gold digger.

We had no choice but to continue our life.

But it got worse as one day, we arrived from school and found our house burning.

We couldn't save any documents. I only saved Kiyo and some of my half-burned pictures and diary where I wrote my feelings.

We had nowhere to go but gladly Uncle Hizashi— Dad's twin whose wife died and is now a single father— took us in. We learned that it was their parents who burned the house. Mom was in raged at thay time, but she was powerless and had nothing to do about it.

Uncle Hizashi offered his help, he took good care of us, for months there. He also updates us about dad's condition, and has been convincing their parents to accept us. I thought its going to be okay, but life fvcked me hard as we learned that my mom has been suffering from heart cancer all along . . .

before uncle Hizashi could make a move and send her to the best doctor, she already passed away.

She left us.

And her last words were: "I love you both, my princesses."

I was so devastated. I wanted to die too!

But seeing Hana cry like this had slapped courage at me. I have to live. Atleast for my sister.

And all of those happened, in a year. A year of suffering.

It was new year's eve when I heard uncle Hizashi talk to someone on a phone.

"Like I said, I won't abandon Hinata and Hanabi! . . . but mom! they are just kids! they have nothing to do with your— wait what? No! you can't do that! Hiashi will be mad once he wake up! No!  . . . I will continue to take care of the kids even if you won't give me my company share."

I felt a little bit guilty, Now Uncle Hizashi is having a hard time because of us. That night, I tried to sneak out and run away from home, thinking that if I run away, Uncle Hizashi won't have big trouble because he'll only deal with Hanabi— who suffered from depression— but I was wrong. Because I made him so worried.

I stayed in the street for a night. Yeah, I spent my new year there, with Kiyo.

I hugged him as I sleep. Kiyo is getting big now. He is furry and he always like me hugging him. He is the only thing I have now . . .

but . . .

"KIYO!!!" my voice echoed the pavements as I saw the unconscious body of my dog. I immediately ran towards him not minding the horns of the cars and vehicles before me.

"Kiyo . . . Kiyo . . . Kiyo."

I kept on calling him but he's not waking up. He is not responding . . .

Kiyo . . . is dead.

Tears fell from my cheeks as I hugged the unconscious body of my pet. The last gift I had from my complete happy past.

Then it's darkness . . . I suddenly felt like I was falling. Falling in an unending hole.

Then there's warmth. My body felt warm but my surroundings are dark. I kept on gazing around, only to see nothing.

But slowly . . . a figure is showing itself.

A guy with long blonde hair who is wearing a yukata was facing his back at me. He is talking in a low voice that I couldn't almost hear, so I stepped and ran closer towards him to hear him clearly.

"I don't know the pain you experienced. And I'm not in the place to judge you. But I'll be here . . . I'll wait for you to be ready and share your pains. I will wait for you, even in our very next life, Hina."

He was about to turn around when—

"A dream . . ." I concluded as I gaze at the ceiling. Im dreaming about the past again.

But who is that guy? That guy with long blonde hair who is talking. He said he'll wait for me. He called my name. His baritone voice is so assuring. Just who is he?

I lift my head up as I wipe some tears that had fell when I was asleep. Im used to this. Waking up, crying.

Wait . . .

Just wait . . .

How did I get here in the bed?

And . . .

why is Bolt beside me?!!! with my extra large T-shirt as a blanket?!!!!

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