Chapter 15

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"Y-yeah! y-you are right! I am the g-great Uzumaki Naruto, the fox God!" I said with half confidence with the hope that she won't read through me. Hopefully she won't!

Confusion drew her face as she intently stared at me.

"Y-you are lucky that I chose you of all the people!" I said as thought I'm an almighty god. "I just got back from my century of rest and decided not to take on my shrine immediately. I wanted to get more rest so I'm choosing you to keep me. Heh!" I said, even kept my chin up to make it seem believable but Hinata just pouted as she stared at me more. It's like she's judging my character!

"So I have to keep you?" she asked, confused.

"Y-yes!" I cockily smiled. Hah! I got her!

But my smile fainted when she started walking towards me as her pretty eyes seemingly scan me from head to toe. It's like she is scanning something meticulously.

"Are you sure that you're telling the truth?"

"I am!" my voice cracked as she got closer.

"Hmm." She gazed at my tails behind me, then back to my eyes. She placed her index finger at her jaw as her brows raised. "Then why are you wearing my T-shirt, mister?"

Before I could even talk she then pressed the bruise on my forearm that made me scream like a lady.

"If you're a God why can't you heal yourself?" another question came out from her mouth.

"Oh well . . . I'm not a full God yet. I just woke up from a deep slumber you know!"

"Oh really?"

"Believe me!" I raised my hand.

"Hmm . . . then perhaps you know about Kaguya Otsutsuki?"


How did she know about it? me and Kaguya never revealed our relationship to the other beings aside from our families and the other Gods. So it's impossible for a human like her to know and associate me with her because in the myth, me and Kaguya are like each other's yin and yang. We were supposedly not destined to meet because she's the Goddess of love, I'm the God of wrath, war and chaos.

We were supposedly not destined to fall inlove because of our huge differences.

"I k-know her-- a little." I lied, because I know Kaguya Otsutsuki from head to toe. I knew her from her soul to her physic, of course, I wandered around her body before, with my tongue. Hah! Kidding! (Ps: He's not joking)

Disappointment draw the face of Hinata as she stares at me. It took her minutes before she could say anything.

"You're not Naruto. Leave." She said, firmly pointing the door.


"What did you just said?"

"You. Are. Not. Naruto. Leave."

Is it just me? or did her voice just echoed?

"B-but I am Naruto! look! I have a tail!" I pointed my fox tail but she didn't budge, instead she pulled me to the door.

"Oh come on! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" I whined as I let my self gets pushed by her to the door, I was half explaining and walking towards the door where she keeps pushing me to.

"Oh come onnnn. I'm Naruto Uzumaki the fox god! I am known for my naughtiness and my cunning tricks! I'm the God of trouble and chaos they say and I can turn my tails into nine!" I said holding my tail. "Believe me!"

"What else?" She stopped pushing me and asked as thought she's waiting for something.

"And ah . . . I'm strong . . . and handsome . . .?" I meekly said as I faked smiled at her, but instead of believing me she just pushed me again, harder this time.

"Wahhhhhh why won't you believe me Hinata!!!" I whined as I slightly firmed myself so she'd have a hard time pushing me, we're only two meters away from the front door.

"Why won't you tell me the truth?"

"About what?" I cried even more. I don't want her to push me away like this. "

"About your relationship with Kaguya?"

I frozed. I stared at her in shock before I could respond with a question.

"How did you know that?" I asked-- confused.

But before she could answer, she realized something and stared back at me with disbelief in her eyes.

"Wait . . . how did you know my name?"


I gazed at the man with disbelief. He knew my name!

He is at my house!

He is wearing my T-shirt!

And he is the same guy I saw in my dream!

Damn, those muscles look better in real life.

"I . . . I'm a God! of course!" he stuttered. How can a God be too transparent? is he even the Naruto Uzumaki that Sasuke told me about?

I mean I expected him to be more cold, hostile, and yeah, hot, since his Rival Susanoo looks like it but above the three, only the latter reached my expectations. Like . . . how can a century year old God be a sweety pie infront of a Human being like me?

"I don't believe you. Leave." I said with a stoic voice but he showed me his puppy eyes and kneeled infront of me.

"Wahhhh please don't kick me out!! I promise I will do household chores, I will wash the dishes, Iearn to cook you dinner, I will clean the house, I will wash your clothes, I will prepare your meals and take good care of you! please just let me stay here."


"Why don't you go back to your shrine. You won't have to do chores there. You're a God, remember?"

Oh I just realized, he probably can't go back there because he lost his privilege as a God in exchange for Kaguya's life.

Is that also the reason why he can't heal himself?

"Wahhhhh I want to stay here Hinaaa." His arms wrapped itself around my waist as he burried his face on my belly. Somehow, I felt a weird sensation from his touch.

How can a God be this clingy to a stranger?

Is he like this to everybody?

"Then tell me why you denied your relationship with Kaguya?" I said.

Kaguya is probably a sensitive topic for him since she died and he haven't probably found her in this life. Because if he already did, I'd doubt that he'd waste his time begging me to keep him.

His eyes rosed to meet mines. I could see the loneliness in his cerulean eyes. He must be really longing for the woman he loves.

"Our relationship was confidential, so I thought that no human could know about it."

Is that so?

Then why does Sasuke knew?

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