Chapter 14

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I was in complete shock as I stare at Susanoo's human face. He is looking back at me with a blank face, but despite that, his eyes weren't hollow at all.

It's still the same scary eyes I saw when we first met centuries ago.

"W-what's happening here?" why is he here? Hinata? where is she?

Damn! did he hurt her?!

"Relax . . . she's still alive." He uttered at he comfortably lean his back as he cross both his forearm. He looks leaner, smaller, and delicate in his human form. But despite that, I still can't deny the fact that he looks intimidating in his dark hair and ruby red eyes. He might be in his human form but I know, with just a gaze, he could kill.

I stared at him for a minute— he does the same— but it was cut off when I heard Hina's voice from the kitchen.

"Sorry for taking so long." She was smiling as she got out from the kitchen. As soon as she appeared, Susanoo immediately stood up and helped her with a tray she's been holding.

"It's fine, Hinata." Susanoo smiled as he gaze at her. His smile . . . it seems real.


"Ahh . . . Bolt is awake." Hina's gaze darted to me, she slowly then took tracks towards where I am as she seemingly check on me. After seeing that I'm okay, she went to my side and sat there. Susanoo also went back to where he was sitting earlier, which is now besides Hina.

"Thank you for bringing him here. I was so scared of the thought of losing him."

"No problem Hina. I just happened to see his resemblance with Kiba's wallpaper. He told me you're taking care of his puppy, and I'm happy that I came across him."

Hinata and him had more conversation as they talk about small things like their interests and their schools. I learned that these two were schoolmates and they also became close.

I don't know if Susanoo is plotting something or he is genuinely happy to be friends with my master, because as what I see he looks like he is really interested in her.

In his eyes, I could see the longing. It's like he had known her for a long time.

Hours had passed and Susanoo finally decided to go home. Hinata sent him to the front door and after that, she finally ate dinner. She did her usual routines, she went to her bedroom, draw some things, and fell asleep, at her study table, again.

I sighed as I slowly lift her up, and gently put her to her bed.

It's late when I realized, that I turned into my human form again! I immediately grabbed a shirt from her drawer and keep her tools in her study table.

I sat at her swivel chair as I stare at her sleeping face.

In her round beautiful face, there's serenity.

I was the god of war. The god of greed. The god of stupidity. But it changed when I met the goddest of love, Kaguya.

She gave me peace, serenity and showed me that I can live without war and troubles.

We were happy. Those were the happiest days of my life.

Despite being a sinful god, I was still gifted with a pure and kind person like Kaguya Otsutsuki. 

After she died, I thought that I would never feel at peace again, but here, lying beside me, Hinata Hyuuga, tha gorl who gave me warm. The girl who made me feel the same peace I felt before.

Her presence, makes me happy, it makes me at peace, it makes me complete.

She's that one piece of puzzle I never wanted to lose.

My hands traveled to her soft hair as I stroke its soft strands. I kissed her in the forehead before I dozed off to sleep.

I woke up the next day, surprisingly, I'm still in my human form. It's earlier than I usually wake up, Hinata is still asleep so I decided to walk towards the kitchen and cook her meal.

I'm a god, I learnt fast, observing her cook for these past months made me quite knowledgeable about this human 'act' called 'cooking'.

I cooked her sunny side up, with fried rice with Shikamaru's guide— since he sneaked out to chat with me. The lazy cat said this kind of meal is not a Japanese meal, Hinata cooks this kind of meal because her mom was raised in America and she grew up with this kind of cooking— which is passed down to Hinata.

That information is based in SHikamaru's observation though, since Hinata's cousin and uncle sometimes visit her here and talk about her mother reminiscing their beautiful memories.

It's almost time for Hinata to wake up but I'm still not in my cat form. I went upstairs to check on her, my eyes widened as I saw that she's not in her bed already. I guess she's already in the bathroom.

Panicked, I looked for a room to hide. But I just didn't know where! the other rooms were locked!

I almost screamed when I heard the bathroom door open. I was so panicked that I went down stairs to supposedly hide in the bathroom but everything just got black when my stupid feet got tangled together and I fell down stairs.

The impact of my fall made a huge sound that seemingly echoes the whole house. I was bruised and in pain when I force to walk and go to the bathroom in the kitchen, but everything just frozed when I heard footsteps behind me.

For moments, I frozed, but when I turned around, my eyes widened when I saw her, in her uniform, looking at me with the same expression.

I expected her to yell, or collapse but no . . . she just stared at me, she never took her gaze off me as she seemingly tries to memorize every inch of me.

I was afraid to know what her reaction would be.

This time is different from the last time.

This time I know, she would probably hate me— accuse me as a pervert since I'm wearing her shirt— and throw me away.

I'm afraid.

I was about to open my mouth, explain everything that would come out my mouth but I was cut of as she spoke first.

"You're Naruto, aren't you?"

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