Chapter 12

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"I'm home!" I immediately jumped from the couch and ran towards the main door as I heard my Master yelled. I saw her taking her shoes off and putting some slippers. She glanced at me for seconds then walked towards the kitchen.

I just followed her, and As we went there she took some dog foods from the cabinet and put some to my bowl. My tail just wiggle as I continue following her, she was kinda weird today like she's been busy thinking something else. Like something is occupying her mind. She even almost stepped on my tail!

"Jeez. I ran out of foods." I heard her murmur as she look at her refrigerator. From peeking at her refrigerator she flashed her way towards the door, removed her slippers and wore a pair of sandals. "I'll go buy some foods." She awkardly said when she noticed that I was looking at her, then she slowly opened the door, went out and close it.

I just sighed.

She haven't even changed her clothes and she's out again.

I went back to the couch and lie there for a moment.

Minutes had passed, she's still not home. The convenient store wasn't that far but Hina still haven't arrived. I waited for more than 20 minutes but she's still not home. I'm starting to worry.

"Where's your master?" I heard Shikamaru's voice from the kitchen, he has been sneaking into Hina's home for sometime now.

"She ran out of food for herself, perhaps she went out to buy some. But she's still not home."

"The convenience store is at the corner."

"Yeah. But she's still not home!" I yelled, getting a little bit frustrated now. Half of me is worried, and the other half is frustrated by the fact that I can't even do anything for her! "What are the odds that I'll find her if I go out now?"

"You'll get lost. You're a puppy, remember, if you go out walking, you'd probably get hit by a truck or caught by some animal control or you'll lose your way. So no. Remember what your godfather said? don't be reckless."

"I.. okay." I just felt like rolling down the floor and throwing tantrums. Few minutes and she's still not home, so I took a deep breath and stood up.

"I already warned you!" Shikamaru said as I sneak through the window.

I was careful when I walked in the road, I looked left and right to see if there's any vehicle passing by. I honestly don't know where the convenience store is, but I made sure to make some mark so I can go back home incase I won't find the convenience store.

I was walking for a while nowvbut I still haven't found any convenient store. I took the trails I left and went back to my way home.

I could already see my Master's house when I felt a familiar aura nearby. I tensed as the memory of the past rushed in my mind. Those bloods, tears, and fights.

I turned to my surrounding to look for him, but I couldn't see him. Seconds later and his presence felt nearer and nearer but I still can't see him. It was okay, I was okay, I'm not afraid, but as I remember Hina, fear rushed into my mind.

What if he hurt her?! I can't protect her with this body!

I ran with all my might to her house . . . wishing that she's already there, safe and sound. I was so scared. Terrified, like tears could fall from my eyes.

I don't want to lose her! not her!

She's the only one I have now. I could do anything! anything! just to let her off Susanoo's hook. I will beg, kneel infront of Susanoo Just to save her from death on his hand. Just to see her smile.

"So you don't want to lose her, huh." I heard a whisper from somewhere I don't know. I stopped taking my tracks and looked around, again.

That . . . that was his voice!

Susanoo's voice!

"Susanoo!" I yelled but all I could hear is a scowl of a puppy. "Show yourself! don't get her involved here! please!" I felt like crying. I . . . could really feel his presence near and what's worse is I could also feel Hinata's!

Like . . . they're at the same place!

"You don't want to lose her?" another question rang my ear. But still, I couldn't see him anywhere.

Please don't fuck with me Susanoo, I'm serious now.

"I . . . I'm sorry for the death of your sister. I'm sorry if I'm the reason why she died! I . . . I'm sorry for hurting and loving her despite having you guys disagree with our affair. But I . . . I really loved your sister! I loved her with all my heart and her death affected me so much!"

"Hinata . . . she's the only one I have now. Please don't get her involved! I will do anything you tell me! just spare her!"

And everything turned to black in an instant. I gaze around and I couldn't see a thing. It's pure dark.


My eyes widen as I heard my own voice. I touched my body and felt my bare body parts.

I'm back to my form before! My tail is also back! and my fox ears!

"So you don't want to lose her.." I heard his voice again, this time he is not asking. He is sure about what he's saying.

"But who will you choose Naruto? Hinata Hyuuga or my sister Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

I fell silent.

Who should I choose? They are both important to me! Kaguya is part of my past, and Hinata is my present, the future, perhaps!

"I . . . who should I choose?" I murmured. "I don't know."

"Uzumaki Naruto.." I gazed as the surrounding lit up. My eyes widen as I saw him again. For centuries, I saw him again . . . Susanoo Otsutsuki. On his form that still haven't changed.

His muscular body, his long hair, and black yukata. He got taller.

"Uzumaki Naruto." He called again. "You can't love two women in your life."

I know.

A/N: do you understand the plot? 🥲🥲

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