Chapter 10

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I woke up and I already turned to my puppy self. I don't want to be separated from Hina but I understand that she have to go to school.

It was just early in the morning when I feel kinda odd. I don't know hoe to explain it and I was just uncomfortable the whole time.

Surprisingly, I returned to my human form again! I wore Hina's Extra large shirt, then went to the living room to watch series.

It was just around 10 AM when Hinata got home. She doesn't look quite well, and her face is much gloom than before. It's like she picked a fight on someone or something like that.

What got me more confused is that she looked shocked when she stared at me.

I was about to check if she's okay but when I realized it... I just smiled and said. "I... Hina... Welcome home!"

But she fainted!

I panicked as I carried her towards the sofa, but when I check on her she doesn't look hurt.

"She's just stressed." A voice barged in, I gazed at the kitchen where I saw Shikamaru walking towards me. "She usually collapse like this before you came. And when I checked on her, it's because she is stressed."

"She is always alone. She even work part-time online as an author. She studies and get good grades. And... it seems like she is also having hard time on their home. I would check on her sometimes, and I couldn't bring her to the hospital so I had to take care of her... alone."

"As a... cat?" he is taking care of her as a cat?

"As a cat. Yes. It's hard. But Naruto, I'm quite smart to find ways. And all I have to do is to check her vital signs and wait until she wakes up. Gladly she didn't catch me. This is the 12th time she collapsed."

"She... is she okay? Will she be okay?" I asked as I gazed at her. I touched her hair and played with her ear. "Let's bring her to the hospital!"

"She'll be fine. Naruto. She's stressed but she is a strong girl... and besides, you're here also. Oh, perhaps she also collapsed because she was shocked? As I can see you're already on this human form when she arrived and..."

"She saw me.. I even greeted her. I forgot that I'm already a human. What should I do?"

"Let it be. When she wakes up, just don't get into her sight with that form and she'll think that you're just a hallucination. With that, there will be no trouble."

"Sigh.. I don't know what to do without you. Shikamaru."

"Thank me." He mockingly leered at me.

I gazed at Hinata again. She is soundly sleeping as though she's super tired. I wonder what happened.

She is sleeping on her side as I sat on the same sofa on her belly area.

I held her hands with both mine as I played with her soft and delicate fingers. I poked her cheeks and traced her jawline. Then I played with her ears as slowly I got tempted to bite it, so I did.

I slowly lean towards her then lick and gently bite the edges of her ear. I could notice her slightly flinched by what I have done.

"Tsk. I know you're a fox. But don't be an animal like this infront of me." I heard Shikamaru said. "Do it when I'm gone, baka Naruto." He then rolled his eyes as he walk back towards the kitchen where the backdoor can be found. "Now that you're here. You can take care of her. I'm done." And with that, he left.

I gazed back at Hinata. "Hina..." I smiled as I kissed her hair. And sniff her scent. "I wish I could protect you."

"But here I am being useless." I frowned as I pulled back. "One day.. if ever I get my powers back, I wish it's not too late for me to aid you..." I whispered.

I sniff her hair, then it went to her cheeks, then down to her neck. Again, I'm tempted to bite it, but this time I refrained my self and just kissed her neck instead.

I felt little weaker and I guess I'm turning back to my animal form, so I kissed her hair for the last time, and gave her hands a little squeez.

"One day, I will proudly show myself to you, Hina... one day."


"Hinata!!" Kiba greeted me as he saw me on the gate. "How do you feel? Are you okay now?" as usual, we walked together.

"Y-yeah.." I called him about what happened yesterday, he got panicked and told me he'd come but he had a practice. He also told Sasuke but he couldn't come also since he had a special metting with his father. Well I guess he's some big shot.

Me and Kiba went together towards our classroom, but the moment we came in, we already separated ways as his fangirls greeted him. Whatever.

I frowned as I say down my desk and get my notebook to read, just to kill some time.

It took me minutes reading the same line  on the note but I still can't digest it. My brows furrowed as I went closer to my notes and read it in the volume that I could hear it but it still wont get into my mind.

Oh hell yeah... It's probably because of the guy I saw yesterday before I fainted.

He... he is so handsome. He have whiskers. His ocean blue eyes seemingly glimmer along with the light of the sun coming inside through the window. His body is like a sculpture of a greek god made just to be perfect. His voice... It's unfamiliar but something inside me is saying that I had heard it before. His hair is blond and silky, it's so long ang beautiful making him look more godly!

Jeez.. I'm weird!

How could I have such a handsome hallucination! His physique is proof that a guy like him doesn't exist. He looks like a god!

And I even dreamt of being touched by him! I dreamed of being kissed by him. He spoke to me as though I'm his most precious possesion. He talk to me so sweetly and it's like he is pleading me. It's like he'd kneel before me!

I'm going crazy!

The whole morning I was out of thought. I was just thinking about that handsome guy and I swear I'd go crazy if I see him in my dreams again!

In the afternoon I ate lunch with both Sasuke and Kiba, but Kiba had a schedule so he had to leave early. I was left with Sasuke when he asked me to go visit a place important to him. I didn't decline.

"The first time I saw your eyes, I had an illusion that it turned red." I watch as he drive his car. I'm currently at the passenger seat beside him. There is only the two of us since he asked his butler and other staff to leave him alone for today.

"Oh really?" he glanced at me, then back to the road. "Well.. the first time I saw you, I immediately knew you're the one I've been looking for in this whole lifetime." He smiled. "We're here!" He announced. I glanced outside as I saw a shrine.

"A shrine?" my brows furrowed as i saw the entrance.

"A shrine." He tutted.

He guide me as we took the old rock stair towards the shrine, when we got on top, the beautiful shrine came to view.

I had interest in gods. But this shrine is not familiar to me, I haven't seen a sight of this beautiful shrine online.

"Who.. who is the--"

"The god?" he gazed at me with a smile. He took a step forward as he seemingly introduce the statue of the beautiful guy. He had long hair, He is beautiful, he almost looked like that guy in my hallucinations in terms of physique, but he is different because he doesn't have a whisker and he is giving off a gloomy atmosphere. For seconds I thought that Sasuke and the statue looks the same.

"Hinata. Let me introduce you.." he gave me smile again. "Susanoo Otsutsuki, the God Of Shadow."

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