Chapter 8

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Im getting late!

Shoving any further thoughts of why is Bolt under my Shirt, or why is he lying beside me, I immediately ran towards the bathroom and do my stuffs.

When I got out, Bolt is already awake and is already down, looking at the bathroom's door-- Probably waiting for me.

I pay no attention to him as I immediately fixed my stuffs and put it in my bag. Wait... didn't I fell asleep at the swivel chair last night? Did I moved while sleeping or what?


I immediately went downstairs, heat water and prepare my oatmeal. I then put foods in Bolt's bowl, as he kept on following me. But he's still not eating. He is still tailing me.

Our paths just split when I closed the door and immediately drive my bike.

But... My dream still linger my mind. Everything in the past replayed as though they just happened yesterday. And everything feels so real. The pain feels so real...

And I can still remember what happened after my dog died.

When uncle Hizashi found me, he immediately brought me back to their house. Neji nii-san and Hanabi was so worried about me that time.

I was happy when I saw the both of them, but my smile widen when I saw my father.

"Father!" I immediately ran and hugged him, but . . . he shoved me away as though he don't know me. He gaze at uncle Hizashi and gave him a questioning look.

I gazed at uncle Hizashi, and he looked at me with worries. Slowly, she pulled me from my father and kneel before me, I could sense that he is reluctant and that he wanted to tell me something.

"Hinata... Y-your father... he apparently forgot about you... he have an amnesia."

I was devastated that time, my father kept on denying that he have us and kept on saying that we are our uncle Hizashi's children, not his.

I tried to convince him many times that im his daughter, and I tried to remind him, but he just got worse and hated me because of it. He can't and wouldn't accept us.

Even with our birth certificates as proofs, he still didn't believed us.

He got married with his ex— whom he said the only girl he love ever since and they left for the states. He payed my uncle Hizashi to change our certificates, to change the father. Uncle Hizashi can't object and did so, we became Uncle Hizashi's daughter by law, and our ties with him was cut.

That made Hanabi's condition got worse and uncle Hizashi had to consult it to a phsyciatrist and do a teraphy atleast once a week.

Slowly, Uncle Hizashi is also having fatigue in taking care of us and about the costudy stuffs, so I decided to move and atleast do my living. He would give me allowance and update me about Hanabi's improving condition, so I'm very thankful to him.

"Hinataaa!!!" Kiba waved. He is standing in the school gate, with his uniform on and bag hanging on his shoulder.

I smiled. "Kiba."

"How are you?"


He took my bag with me as he swing his shoulder guiding me inside the school.

While walking I could tell that people are gazing at us with murmurs— specially the girls.

Kiba is popular. A lot of girls like him and everyday he would see a confession letter in his locker. He is intimate with me sometimes that people would mistaken us as lovers. It actually came to the point where I received threats from his fans, and I was also told to distance my self from him.

After learning about such disturbance. Kiba announced that we were just bestfriends and he would be mad if any of his fans or admirers touch me. Since then, they left me in my peacefull pace.

Although sometimes I would feel their glares at me.

"How's Bolt?"

"He's been good."

"He is not causing you trouble, right?"

"He's been a trouble since day one, Kiba." I mockingly leered at him.


We both frozed after hearing that voice along with the adamant presence. We both turned around only to see Sasuke Uchiha.

"Hey Sasuke!" Kiba waved at him, but Sasuke didn't greet back. Instead, he just walk beside me and waited for us to walk beside him.

"How's your sleep?" Kiba asked him. He didn't replied and just continue walking. Kiba's hand around my shoulders so he would sometimes poke Sasuke's shoulders, but he still wouldn't react.

Later on, we had arrived in Sasuke's classroom, and only few steps is already our classroom. We're about to say goodbye but Sasuke asked something.

"Are you lovers?"

"Eh? Heck no!" me and Kiba concurrently said as we pulled away from each other.

Sasuke crossed his arms as he gaze at me, then he looked at Kiba.

"Tch. You don't look good together." And with that, he went inside the classroom.

"What's with him?" Kiba scratched the back of his hand as he look at me. I couldn't answer him so I just shrugged."Hey Hina, do you think he likes you?" he then leaned towards me with a playful smile.

My brows met by the question.

That's impossible. We just met. And he is very very far from my league. He is handsome and popular, and if ever I get my self involve with him more, im sure I'd receive death threats from the girls in the school.

"Quit it Kiba." I walked passed him and went straight towards our Classroom. But I was about to come in when someone familiar blocked my way.

This someone, have Hyuuga eyes.

"Are you perhaps Lady Hinata Hyuuga?" his eyes bore into mine. I just nodded.

"Oh... So may I request you a private talk with my master in the principal's office?"

"Eh? Hinata who is he? Is he bothering you?" I heard Kiba's voice behind me. He was about to step forward but I stopped him.

"N-no Kiba. I- I'm fine..." then I gazed back at the guy with the same eyes as mine. "May I know who you're working to?"

"Im working under your uncle, Hiashi Hyuuga."


For some reason, I suddenly don't feel well.

Hinata, I hope this uneasiness is not related to you...

I will do my best to write 2000 words in the next chapter 🥲

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