Chapter 11

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"Susanoo Otsutsuki, the god of shadows." Sasuke said introducing who the figure was.

"He.. is a god?"

"The god of Shadows." He comfirmed.

"I wasn't really familiar with him, can you tell me stories about him?"

We both sat in the stair as he handed me riceballs that he has been keeping on his bag all along. The shrine wasn't that crowded, but there's few people who go there and worship the god.

"He is the God of shadows. The god that grants wish of revenge. Guidance. Intelligence. And strength. He is one of the strongest god before. He is also handsome."

"He is said to weild infinite power. He may die but he can be reborn. He is a god, and forever be a god. His power will never end."

"Hm.." I slightly nodded. Sasuke seemed a little bit interested with this god. "Where he is now?" I asked. He said that Susanoo will forever be a god. If he is a god, where is he? Is he here? in the paradise? In the heavens? In the cities?

"Well he.. probably now I think and hope that he is with the person he value the most. The person that matters to him the most." He tutted as he gaze at me.

"When he was young, he was named a genius, he hold a power and intelligence that exceed a god. He easily learn things and almost no one could defeat him, he was respected by others not as a member of the strong Otsutsuki clan, but as a poweful, smart god. He is strong, but he have one weakness. The Goddess of moon, his sister, Kaguya."

"His younger sister, Kaguya was born with a weak body, it's probably because her mother is a half human, it affected her and because of it she wasn't given the ability to resurrect like other gods. She is able to live forever without ageing, but she wasn't granted the ability to be born again as a god, if ever she dies. If she dies, she will forever disappear."

"Susanoo knew this fact, and so he treasured his sister very much. She was their youngest, and the only girl. Even though their father cheated on his mother with Kaguya's mother, he couldn't hate her. He just love her kindness and beauty, very much."

"Kaguya is the goddess of guidance, perseverance, kindness, and love. She have frail body but surprisingly she weild a strong power that could par Susanoo."

"Kaguya is precious to him and he only want the best for her. Unfortunately she fell inlove with his rival and died while meddling in their fight. Susanoo also died at the clash but he resurrected, after knowing what happened to his sister, he mourned and almost cursed the whole world for what happened. Imagine losing the most important person to you? I could feel his pain."

"And now. The only thing I could wish is for him to see his sister again. For him to be given a chance to see his sister live, and this time take good care of her." He said as he look up at the sky. Then he smiled and gaze at me. "My wish.. will be granted. It's already granted."

"Did Kaguya resurrect?" I asked out of curiosity.


Okay.. that's kinda confusing.

"HAhahahha, I know you're confused right now. But one day you'll get what I meant." He patted my shoulder. He then stood up, and offer his hand, which I gladly take as he pull me to stand up.

"On the other hand.. I also want to thank Naruto for loving her so much that he sacrifised himself just to change her prophecy. " He added.

"Who's Naruto?" is he his friend? he mention him as thought they knew each other and they've been friends.

"Hmm.. He is Susanoo's rival, Kaguya's lover."


"Do you think Susanoo is angry with Naruto?"

"Probably? I mean If they didn't fought Kaguya wouldn't die. Naruto is a selfish god. He is self centered. He is immature. He is naughty. He is stupid. The god of stupidity. He is Greedy. He only wants power."

"But he is goddamn inlove with Kaguya. So inlove that he changed her whole prophecy even if it takes his life as a god."

"What do you mean?" I was half thrilled and nervous.

"He.. he just trade his life as a god just to see her reincarnate, he lost some of his memories, his powers, and previlidge just to let Kaguya live one more life, even not as a God, but as a Human."

"He.. he really did a lot for her.. he... he really did love her. Do you think they'll meet in this lifetime?"

"Hmm... In my opinion.. I think they already did. And I think.. Even if Naruto forget about the deal he made with the god of reincarnation.. Even if Kaguya is not a god anymore. Even if they meet again in different form and bodies, even if they don't recognize each other, even if they forget about each other, their heart will reconnect."

After the long story about the gods, we peacefully went back to school and focus on our studies.

But deep inside me.

Deep inside me is thinking about what happened between Naruto and Kaguya.

Naruto.. even is he forget about Kaguya. Even is he meet her in a different form. Even if it take his life.. He.. he will always love her.

And in every lifetime. Before, now, and even in the future.. he will only love one person. One god. One Kaguya.

I kinda envy Kaguya.

How I wish I have someone to love me like that too.

It's kinda funny, but I wish I'm Kaguya.

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