Chapter 16

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"So . . . you're not going to school?" he asked with disbelief.

I just raised my brows at him before my eyes went back to my tablet. I'm currently drawing something, for my comics.

Oh I usually draw at my room but since I have a 'Guest', I just sat at the living room, infront of him— who is sitting comfortably at my sofa, drinking a juice that I bought last time and watching on my television. Ha! the guts!

"Do you want some?" he offered me popcorns— which is also mine, actually. I didn't gazed at him, I just continue doing my thing.

He makes my nerve throb. He could be a Nervethrob, not a heartthrob. Kidding.

He became quiet for like . . . minutes, all I could hear is the sound of the television.

I would eventually glance at him— who was occupied watching television— and my mind would unconsciously describe him in a sinful way.

I would mentally slap myself whenever I would do so.

But . . . who wouldn't gaze at this man from head to toe?

His hands are all veiny and sexy! his chest, his chest is wide, featuring masculinity, it could be a beautiful place to rest.

His jaw is like a statue carved to perfection, it'd a perfect shape that is like a sharp lustrous blade, it's like when I touch it, I would bleed, but I'd just smile and savour the pain.

His face has its perfect ratio. Very symmetrical and the proportions are very very very . . . oh so sexy.

I mean, look at that thick bushy brows! that cerulean eyes! that nose! that lips! that goddamn lips!

Oh god!

I bit my lips, shaking my head as I looked down again.

That man is a big big big sin.

I sighed, I gathered all my strengths as I stood up and march towards the staircase.

"Hey, where you going?"

I frozed as he spoke.

Did I ever mentioned how deep and intoxicating his voice is? I could listen to him talk all day.

"To my room." I said, not throwing a glance at him.

"Oh. Okay!"

I was about to take another step when he uttered another word again.

"I'll take a walk later. I don't know when I'll return. But I'll return. Please welcome me again when I return."

"Y-yeah! whatever!" he'll probably look for his fellow Gods or Kaguya. Who knows.

"I'll return." He assured.

"Who cares?" I turned around with crumpled face as I looked at him, but my expression just fell apart when I saw him smile as his eyes looks at me cordially.

He smiles at me as though he is assuring me that he'll return.

Why would I care if he returns or not, anyways?

"Wait for me, okay?" he smiled once again.

"I'll try."

"Will you promise to welcome me in your home the next time I return?"

"I'll try."

"Will you promise not to be mean to me?"

"I'll try."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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