Chapter 5

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The Fox god already knew about his lover's death, huh.

But he is not that hurt as expected.

Is it because of his human?

Hinata Hyuuga, huh.

Both of them don't seem to bond well. But their souls are subconsciously already tied with each other. Her Soul is connected to him, and his soul is connected to her.

Naruto is undeniably selfish. He is the perfect epetomy of Greed, Lust, and Gluttony in combination.

Only Kaguya Otsutsuki back then was able to control and tame him.

I agree that he is super strong. An uncontrollable beast that even both his parents can't control.

And now, he is not completely weak. He's just reincarnated into a dog but he is still a god —that's the same with Susanoo.

How will he rediscover his prowess?  Will pain help him gain his throne?Will it hurt him if I kill Hinata Hyuuga? What will be his reaction once I do so?

His heart is stuck with Kaguya in the past, while his Soul is tied with Hinata's in the present.

Hm, I kinda want to measure who is really more important to him. What will happen if I take his human? What is way more important? His heart? Or his soul?


"Are you sure you're gonna be fine?" Sasuke worriedly asked as he walk beside me. Currently, we're at the corridor and it's aleady 4PM. Im going home, but Sasuke won't get me off the hook alone because he is worried.

We just met, but we clicked in an instant. Its like we don't have to put an effort to connect, we're already connected.

During breaks the whole day, he gave me company, he is so comfortable to be with.

"Im fine." I beamed.


We concurrently gaze forward only to see Kiba running towards us. He closed our gap as he crash me into a tight hug. After pulling away, he then went to check on me as though i've been through a serious immediate danger.

"You okay? I heard that Gaara —accidentaly— almost hit you with a ball. He said he's sorry and he'll make it up to you. Gosh! He have a strong kick! I bet he made a hole inside his mom's Uterus back when he was a fetus!" He continue blabbering while checking me, and after confirming that im okay, he let out a sigh.

"Im fine!"

"I can see that." His gaze turn towards Sasuke. "And you're the guy who saved her. Name?"

"Sasuke." Sasuke replied without emotions.

"Ah, I see." Kiba smiled goofily. "Im Kiba Inuzuka!" He offered his hand, but Sasuke bluntly shove it off.

"Im gonna send her home." I felt his big hand above my head, its like he is patting me.

"It's fine. I will send Hina, myself. We've been busy in our life for too long. I wanna have a chat with her." Kiba remarked with his goofy smile.

"No. Let me send her home." Sasuke said, or more like demanded. I also felt Kiba's grip on my shoulder slightly tighten.

"We're fine." Kiba faked smiled.


"I can walk home . . . alone!" I acclaimed faking my enthusiasm. "Guys. I have my feets," I slightly raised my legs one by one. "See? Its still complete. I can see the way. I can walk home. I'll be fine!" I forced a smile shifting my gaze at them.

"O . . . okay." Kiba let go of me, and so is Sasuke. "But are you really okay? I wanna see Bolt too, tho."

"Kiba kun, you're exhausted now. Just vissit him next time, he is fine. You, you take a rest." I ordered.

"And you!" I gazed at Sasuke. "You go home too. Im fine, I swear. Im not injured, so you don't have to worry. Worry about yourself more because it's you who blocked the ball with bare hand."

"Im fine." He tutted.

"Look." I pointed his hand that is covered with bandage. "Its you're hand that is injured, not mine." He kept on insisting that his hand is fine but when we checked it on the x-ray, it's badly injured and his bones are mislocated.

"Now both of you . . . disappear!!!" I said as though its a magic trick.

Gladly, both of them complied. The three of us took separate paths as we go to our own homes. I was just getting the key inside the keyhole, but on the other side I could already hear Bolt barking.

He is not the type of dog who barks. He is quiet and he likes wagging his tail, so I wonder what's with him today.

When I opened the door and went inside, I didn't get the chance to close it back as Bolt immediately crash me with licks in my legs.

He kept on wailing like he missed me so much, but im only away for hours.

Really? What's the matter with this dog?

In this kind of situation, I know what I have to do. That is to kick or shove Bolt away. But this time, something is bugging me. Something is telling me not to push him away.

Because somehow I feel that he needed it.

He needed me.

"What's with you today?" I patted him slightly— which is a big big big mistake!!!

One of my rules is not to touch or show any fondness or affection to this puppy.

But im too late.

Even if I deny it . . . this puppy is slowly becoming important to me.


I slightly shoved him for me to take my shoes of and change to my slippers. But I didn't had an escape because he is tailing after me to whenever I go. Even upstairs!

I could see him having difficulty in climbing upstairs as he follow me but he didn't gave up.

We only got separated when I entered my bedroom because he usually don't go inside.

And at dinner I had to put his bowl beside my table because he won't eat if im not beside him!!!

We ate dinner together, for the first time.

After eating, I closed and checked all the doors for security, then went to my room to study.

I left the door agaped because Bolt would cry if I close it. I studied for our tomorrow's quiz until slowly, I felt my eyelids dropping.


Jeez! She fell asleep on her study table!

This is probably not the first time she fell asleep like this. I don't know, because I usually don't watch her like this.

"Tsk. What will I do with you Hina?" I shooked my head as I enter her room.

Wait . . .


Did I just heard my voice?

My human voice???

I excitingly look at my arms and my body, only to see that im at my normal body again!


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