Chapter 34: Shinomiya Kei's Soliloquy

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They say that boredom is the most dangerous thing in our world.

Most crimes wouldn't happen if people had other things to do, and less bullying would happen if bullies, the scum, had other things to do.

Most people try to defeat their boredom by getting new hobbies, reading books, or maybe watching TV.

Some people force themselves to like a hobby they picked because they were so bored.

Maybe you really don't like walks or jogs, you hate them, but you were so bored doing anything else that you said this will help me keep myself entertained.

I like this, I'm sure I do.

It's the one thing I have that keeps me entertained.

I have to like it, right?

I truly believe this statement as someone who was bullied throughout most of my school life.
It always seemed that the bullies had nothing else to do.

Rather than me getting mad at them, it just made me pity them more than ever.
I'm sorry that you have nothing else to do, is what I said to them multiple times.
It just made them more angry.

I chose this school, the Advanced Nurturing High-school, because I thought it would cure my boredom.

And it did just that.

I've never had fun like this before, every single moment is exhilarating.

The backstabbing and the crying, even those things are just so fun to see.

But, after the second part of the first special exam, I think I found something even more fun.

Katagiri Yuuichi, and Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

I think I'll have those two cure even more of my boredom.
Next Chapter: Relaxing on the Ship

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