Jungle Beast Hunter

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Kagami was still slumped against the wall, her eyes locked onto the large diamond ring that sat on her finger; a constant reminder that she belonged to Niragi. She wasn't entirely sure just how long she had been sitting against the wall, but it was long enough for the leftover militant members to have gotten rid of the man's body, cleaned up the blood and to have left. Night had already fallen and Kagami worried that if she didn't move, Niragi would be looking for her. Sighing deeply, Kagami decided it was time to get up, she had to go and meet Kuina and Chishiya on the pool deck. Kagami tried her best to stay focused as she moved up the staircase and back towards the pool deck. Reaching the pool deck, she noticed Kuina waving at her from within the dancing crowd. It seemed as though she had been waiting for her.

"Kagami, over here!" She yelled out causing Kagami to pick up the pace. She was standing outside of the entrance to the foyer.

"Where's Chishiya?" Kagami questioned. Before Kuina could answer the siren to signify the start of the games sounded and the crowd erupted into cheers as everyone began to make their way into the foyer.

Kagami and Kuina followed the crowd into the foyer stopping in front of the table as pieces of paper that signified what group you would be in for the games were handed out. Seeing as how Kagami's visa ended today, she needed to play. As did Kuina it seemed who also stepped up to collect a piece of paper. As Kuina was handed hers, Kagami waited patiently, her arms crossed over her chest. As soon as the man responsible for handing out the pieces of paper saw her, his face became white and he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to her. Kagami frowned as the pieces of paper were supposed to be random and this caused the man to smile nervously,

"Ah, Niragi said he wants to play the games with you so I made sure that you both got the same group." He said with a level of anxiety that made Kagami feel sorry for him. She was certain that Niragi would have threatened him. Rather than making the man's life harder than it had to be, she smiled and simply thanked him before following Kuina. Kuina stretched out her hand towards Kagami and as Kagami grabbed it, Kuina noticed the ring on her finger.

"Where did you get that?" Kuina exclaimed as she took hold of Kagami's hand to have a closer look. Kagami smiled ever so softly,

"Niragi decided to replace the ring I 'lost'" She sighed, causing Kuina to smile at her sadly before wrapped an arm around Kagami's shoulder and walking into the foyer together.

"At least he has good taste." Kuina joked, causing Kagami to chuckle as her eyes moved upward to the balcony to look at Hatter and the other higher up executives. As the cheers died down, Hatter began to address the crowd and Kuina quickly grabbed onto Kagami's hand to pull her through the crowd,

"Comrades, tonight brings us a new challenge." He announced, "and my soldiers never back down from one and this challenge is a war against fear. Individually all of you have the courage to play, to battle and to win and when you stand united as one nothing can stand in your way. Together, we will get the cards we need to return us to our own world. I know that you will get them!" As Hatter's cliche words came to an end the crowd erupted into cheers. It was a typical Hatter speech filled with false hope and promises. He only wanted the cards and didn't care who needed to die in order to get them. In many ways, Kagami was unsure as to who was worse: Hatter or Aguni.

The crowd started to disperse and head towards the multiple different games while Kuina and Kagami finally reached Chishiya. The short blonde was leaning against one of the stone pillars, his hood was pulled over his head and his hands in his pockets. He seemed to be watching something with a serious expression.

"What's wrong?" Kuina asked lightly as the two of them stopped next to him and tried to find what he was looking at. Chishiya didn't look at them as he spoke,

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